Tiny Dirty Secrets

Tiny Dirty Secrets

What’s in your boudoir?

Welcome To Tiny Dirty Secrets!

Hola! Good to see ya, and welcome to my boudoir, Hahaha! Just kidding.  Welcome to my blog, Tiny Dirty Secrets!

 I am so excited that you decided to stop by my blog!  Let me introduce myself; I currently write under  the pen name Mari Posa, the Spanish word for butterfly.  I chose this name since I am starting a new chapter in my life and feel like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.  Needless to say, this new chapter has been full of ups and downs.  Silly me thought it would be much easier since I  have been around a few blocks already.  I quickly learned that this chapter would be just as whacky as all the former chapters. So I am here to write about my journey.  Hopefully, share a few laughs and lessons learned. I am by no means a professional.  Just merely an expert through experience. With this said, please do not take the experiences and information I share as professional advice. 

On another note, a pen name also allows me to blog incognito and gives me room to be much more creative.  Oh my, I already revealed one of my tiny dirty secrets, and you don’t even know me yet. Oops.  I plan to share secrets, some tiny and some huge.  Most importantly, fun secrets.  Let’s get to know each other, or as I like to put it, “let’s get intimate”

The Home Where You Find Secrets, Tips, and Tricks For The Grown & Sexy

My desire for this blog is to grow as a community where we can have open and honest discussions  with each other.  Always striving to understand ourselves better.  A space where we can share our experiences as we navigate through midlife.  I want to learn as much as I share.  Hoping that you all learn with me. My goal is always to provide refreshing content to help us all grow as individuals.  Sharing my secret and not-so-secret experiences with all of you will help me rediscover who I am. I look forward to being free to share my experiences and feelings with the world.  I will be writing from the heart and my own experiences, as well as the experience of those close to me.   

This site, Tiny Dirty Secrets, is meant for the grown and sexy. Therefore, I will be writing about and discussing mature topics.  Topics that have been meaningful to me for most of my adult life.  Experiences that I seldom share with anyone in my real life because I do not want to be judged.  You, my friends, will get the raw, unfiltered me. 

Also, topics that are light, fun, and thrilling.

 No topic will be off-limits here at Tiny Dirty Secrets.  I hope to be as intimate and transparent as possible with all of you and for you to be intimate with me. I am inviting you to join me on this journey to rediscovery as we navigate all the many tiny dirty secrets within us and around us.  I aim to make it a fun and exciting journey for all of us!



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