Why You Are Never Too Old To Be Sexy

Too old to be sexy? Ha Ha! Says who?

Am I getting too old to be sexy?

Telework attire

If you are anything like me this is a question you may be asking yourself a lot lately. For certain, I have been asking myself this question a whole lot more within the past 2 years.  A small part of me believes this feeling may be directly related to being stuck in the house for the past 2 years due to the pandemic.

Wearing tights and a t-shirt, hair up in some sort of bun, no make-up, and not even thinking about being sexy. The other part of me realizes that my age may actually have more to do with me feeling this way. I will be 52 before the end of this year in case you are wondering.

As a kid, I thought anyone 50 and older was old and I certainly fit in that category as I am past 50 at this point. In spite of how these past 2 years may have us feeling, I am here to tell you that you are never too old to be sexy.

Do you find yourself looking in the mirror and not liking the reflection staring back at you?

Mirror Mirror

I must admit that I have been guilty of this lately. It is quite unfortunate when you think back to the time when you enjoyed looking at yourself in a mirror. Back when you looked at every car window or every store window as you walked by just to check yourself out. I have been missing those days lately. 

Barely going out because of COVID is tough enough. It can feel even tougher when you finally do go out and aren’t too fond of the reflection that is looking back at you.

Wouldn’t it have been just great to survive this pandemic and walk outside looking exactly the way you did prior to COVID? Sad to say, time did not stand still just because there was a pandemic. Although we may not have aged more than 2 years during this time for some of us it may feel like we aged a decade.

Have you been counting every gray hair or wrinkle that seems to appear overnight?

I have, well not literally, since there are way too many to count at this point.  However, you know what I mean though. I remember a day when I was able to pluck out the gray hairs as they came in.  It was like one gray hair a month back then. Unfortunately, I am not able to use the tweezers to rejuvenate myself anymore as the gray hairs are growing way too fast.

Just a reminder: you are never too old to be sexy!

Let’s explore the words old and sexy a little

What does it mean to be old?

If you are reading this you understand that in this blog I am using the essential meaning of the word old as defined by Merriam-Webster as having lived for many yearsnot young.

Before I go any further in this post I want to express that by no means do I have an issue with aging. I realize that in this day and age we are living longer, fuller lives. Therefore, to many 51 is by no means old. However, as I previously stated in this post, as a child, age 50 was the end of the road for me.

I never thought I would not enjoy life after 50 and certainly not be sexy at that age. There was no real-life example of anyone being sexy after the age of 50 as I was growing up. As a matter of fact, I never saw my parents behave relatively sexy at all. Sex and any form of sexuality were frowned upon in my home.

Because of this, I told myself I’d stop having sex once I hit 50. One, because age 50 is old and old people don’t have sex. Two, I grew up believing sex after this age was disgusting. I really thought that hitting age 50 would be the end of my sexuality because I’d be too old to be sexy. Yet, here I am almost 52, and still sexually active. Some might even say I am still sexy.

Who determines when we are too old?

So what does it mean to be old after all? Simply put by the dictionary, having lived many years. The question is who determines what number translates to many years? Seems like something that each one of us determines individually. Since I accept the dictionary’s definition of old and I believe I have lived many years and I am no longer young, I often refer to myself as old.

Age is just a number.

What number are you?

Many will say age is just a number and I know that to be true because our age is kept track of by using numbers. I do not necessarily like that saying. In my opinion, that saying minimizes what it is to actually have lived many years. My age is something I am very proud of. I am also proud of the years that I have lived along with the scars I have accumulated that show my accomplishments throughout the years.

What does it mean to be sexy?

Sexy can mean so many different things to different people. However, the one thing that all those meanings will have in common is that the word sexy originates from the word sex. So, when someone is called sexy it means they have some form of sex appeal.

To be sexy you do not have to be young or attractive. Being sexy is just a state that usually comes from within. You have to feel yourself be sexy before anyone else will notice it.

Sexiness is not in what you wear but in how you wear it. It’s not what you say but how you say it. To be sexy means to be confident in yourself. Being happy and content in your own skin. Be assertive and know what works best for you. Not only dress the part but be the part.

Since being sexy has nothing to do with age, you are never too old to be sexy!

Being sexy is a state of mind

Yes being sexy at any age is simply a state of mind. It’s true that we will not feel our sexiest every single day of the year. We are all humans, with different feelings, needs, and emotions that may affect our ability to feel sexy at any given moment.

However, since being sexy is a state of mind you can always Jedi mind trick yourself into feeling sexy because you are sexy. The keywords here are to be or being instead of to feel or feeling. It is really important for you to understand the difference between to be and to feel.

I have been really careful not to write feel sexy or feeling sexy because what I have been writing about is more than a feeling. It is a state of mind. I cannot say that enough. If you are sexy you do not have to concern yourself with feeling sexy. I hope that makes sense.

Let me break it down a little more.

You are always going to feel like what you are. It is why I keep saying you are never too old to be sexy as opposed to saying you are never too old to feel sexy. The most important thing I want you to take away from this post is that you be sexy. That you are in that state of mind. Once you are in that state of mind all the feelings will come along with it. You will feel sexy because you are sexy! There is no other way around it. Just be sexy, because you are never too old to be sexy.

Let’s bring sexy back!

Never too old to be sexy!

Isn’t it about time to get rid of all the funky pandemic feelings and get out of our everyday tights and shorts and slip into that piece of clothing that allows us to feel our sexiest? Although being sexy is definitely a state of mind and you can feel sexy in whatever attire you are in, there is no sexier feeling than the one you get when you slip on that tight-fitting dress or straighten that million-dollar tie.

We can all agree that there is one outfit in our closet that brings out the sexiest beast within us. When we get into those clothes, we become absolutely aware that we are never too old to be sexy. Something tells me that there is an article of clothing in your drawer that you have been dying to wear.

Take that garter belt and those stockings out and feel how sexy they are against your skin. Grab those form-fitting slacks and that button-up with the cufflinks and remember bringing sexy back is never outdated.

2021 is almost gone along with a lot of the restrictions. I say it’s definitely time to be the sexiest selves we can be. Are you with me?

I challenge every one of you reading this to bring sexy back for 2022!
Let’s Get Intimate!

Once again I would like to thank you for taking the time to stop by my site and read this blog. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments about this post or any other on this site. I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments. Also, please add your email address. Hope you stop by again and don’t forget to be sexy!

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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