How To Make Them Crazy About You

Are you currently trying to make someone crazy about you? Then look no further, you are on the right page.  Today I am going to share with you what you can do to make them crazy about you. It does not matter if you see them every day or if they are at a distance if you are already married to them or just met them. 

Does it work?

The information I will share with you has worked for me time and time again.  I am currently married, and I still use it in my marriage.  However, it is the same strategy that worked for me when I was single. (I may have tweaked a thing here or there and you can do the same). I have made all sorts of men crazy over me just by simply applying what you will be reading here today.

Before I go any further let’s discuss what I am referring to when I say, “crazy about you”.  I am not referring to someone stalking you, becoming possessive in a negative manner, or controlling in any sense.  I am simply referring to having someone adore you and want to pamper you because they love you so much.

What I want for you after reading this is to be able to get the attention and affection you desire from that special someone, even if you just met them. 

If you think about it, it’s not really that difficult at all.  We usually make it seem difficult because of our own fears.  Often the fear we feel pushes the person away and we don’t get to experience the love and affection we desire from them.

Once this happens, we panic and that causes us to behave erratically, which makes us appear unhinged. Since appearing unhinged is the last thing, I want for you or myself, I have come up with this “how to make them crazy about you” list for my Thirsty Thursday post.

How to make them crazy about you.

They will chase you

Be Yourself

I know this seems simple enough and you have probably heard it over and over again.  However, it is very important to just be yourself.

This person has already chosen you to hang around with, fall in love with, or even marry.  So why are you trying to be someone else?  If they wanted someone else, they wouldn’t be with you.  Please remember that.

Being yourself is not always as simple as it sounds.  Sometimes we fall in love with someone and think that we can make them crazy about us by being a carbon copy of them. For example, if he loves football, then I love football.  That may work for a little bit, but you will come to a point where they either get bored of you or you lose your own identity.

So, let’s never be a carbon copy of anyone and instead just be ourselves with all our beautiful tiny quirks. Be positive about your idiosyncrasies.  They make you stand out and be unique.  That uniqueness is what will drive them crazy.  Never be afraid to parade yourself around them as that unique individual that only you can be.

Be Mysterious

This can be a bit confusing or even difficult to some because it may seem like an oxymoron to be yourself yet be mysterious.  However, being mysterious does not mean you have to behave like someone else.

Keep them guessing

In this case, being mysterious means having that allure of mystery.  Have a bit of suspense or enigmatic quality to yourself.  In other words, keep a little bit of yourself hidden from them.  This is why I always keep my tiny dirty secrets.  In my opinion, it keeps things fresh when they don’t know exactly what is going on in their head at all times.

Change your schedule sometimes or miss their call from time to time.  When they ask you, what is going on be a little vague with your response.  Keep them wondering what you may be up to without them.  Just be one step ahead of them at all times.  If they happen to miss a scheduled date with you, don’t let it phase you even if it does bother you, do not let them see you sweat.

Don’t talk about yourself all the time, even while making sure that you are true to yourself.  Let them ask you about you and when you respond don’t go into too much detail in your response.  I personally have a don’t ask don’t tell policy.  I am always myself however if you do not ask the right question you may not get the answer you are truly seeking. 

Be Sexy or Have Sex Appeal

Now, I know this one should be easy for all of you since we are all sexy in our own way.  However, I listed it here just in case you want some more pointers on how to be sexy. 

This can be a fun way to make them crazy about you.  I also think it is important to be sexy for yourself first and foremost.  We have to love ourselves before anyone can love us.  Being sexy or having sex appeal comes from within and begins with how we feel about ourselves.

So how can one be sexy or have sex appeal you ask?  It’s all in how you carry yourself.  As I stated it comes from inside so first, you must feel good about yourself.  You must like who you see in the mirror.  You may want to start by defining what is sexy to you.  Is it six-pack abs or simply being healthy and fit?  Is it intelligent or well-cultured? 

Decide what being sexy is to you and take that to the next level.  If it is health and fitness or looking a certain way, then work on that.  Take your ass to the gym or work out at home until you get the look you desire and start feeling sexy.  If it’s knowledge, then start reading and researching your ass off until you are happy with that sexy brain.

The word I have left out until now is CONFIDENCE.  There is nothing with more sex appeal than confidence.  So, do whatever you have to do to build confidence in yourself and feel sexy or gain sex appeal, and pretty soon you will make them crazy about you.

Be Caring

You are probably thinking duh, I am caring that is why they are with me.  I added this because I didn’t want to say Do Not Be Selfish since I want to focus on what to do instead of what not to do.  With this being said, please be caring towards them.  This is important in making them crazy about you.

You do not want to appear selfish or uncaring because that will push them away.  It is good to be a giver and not a taker.  It is very difficult to be crazy about a taker however, very easy to be crazy about a giver.  Therefore, learn to be of service to others, not just the person you want to make crazy about you.

They will notice your behavior towards them as well as others and this will either help make them crazy about you or push them away.  For example, if you are out to dinner be kind to the waiting staff as well as other people around you.  Your love interest or partner will take notice of this and can easily be discouraged by your negative behavior. 

You could’ve been sweet to them all day, having them eating out the palm of your hand until they see you be so nasty towards the waitress.  Next thing you know, his attitude towards you has changed a bit.  This happens to people every day.  I don’t want it to happen to you so please learn to be caring and giving toward others.

Be Intimate

Intimacy is very important when trying to make them crazy about you.  I don’t mean intimacy in sex only.  I mean intimacy as in closeness, togetherness, and friendship. Intimacy is important for any relationship to grow.

Even while being mysterious you can make them feel the closeness you share with them.  Share something special with them.  Perhaps, if there is an event in your life that is sacred to you, share that event with them.  Also, don’t forget to be open enough to allow them to share their special events with you as well.

Allow them to feel at home with you.  Make yourself a staple in their lives by being there for them.  Always be willing to listen when they need you.  Be supportive when they are going through tough times.  You want to become the first person they think of when they have any news, good or bad.  Be a sounding board for them by listening to their ideas and providing constructive criticism.  Never make fun of their ideas.

Do make sure to share good times, fun, and laughter.  Sharing laughs is a way of sharing intimacy because it shows friendship.  Never act like you are too sexy or mysterious to have a good time.  Sexy people have fun too.

Be Sexual

The other face of intimacy is sexual.  Yes, I believe it is important to be sexual in order to help make them crazy about you.  Being sexual doesn’t mean you have to have intercourse, however; intercourse is a very big part of being sexual. 

How to make them crazy by being sexual can be as easy as playing little games with them.  For example, you tell them you aren’t wearing any panties while out to dinner.  You may whisper something sexy in their ear like damn you look so good or I just want to take a bite out of you.  Of course, this all will depend on how comfortable you are with this person.

As for myself, I have shown up at my man’s home wearing a trench coat and heels with nothing else under.  Yes, that may sound right out of the movie, but it works.  Needless to say, that man was crazy about me then and is still crazy about me now.

Let’s get intimate!

Also, when it comes to being sexual, be daring as well.  Surprise her by trying out something she previously mentioned or surprise him by wearing that lingerie you know he likes.  It really is the simple things that count.

Fun things work sexually as well for instance make them a sexy lip-syncing video of yourself singing a song that has a hidden meaning. Make sure you look sexy as hell in the video too.   

It really is this simple.

How to make them crazy about you is actually simple.  As long as you learn to apply the information I have shared with you in this blog you will be successful. Remember the most important step is to be yourself, love yourself, and be good to yourself.  This is the easiest way to make yourself irresistible to anyone.

Hope you have enjoyed and learned something you can put to use in your everyday life.  Please leave your thoughts, and comments and join the community by adding your email address.  Thank you!

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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