4 Reasons to Engage in The Art of Role-Playing

Have you ever engaged in the art of role play?  I don’t mean role play like when you are preparing for an interview and you ask your friend to play the part of the interviewer.  I mean the intimate art of role-playing.  Have you ever pretended to be someone or something you are not for the sake of exploring or simply pleasing your sexual partner?  I have countless times. 

If you are not into role play you might be asking yourself, what is so great about role-playing?  Why would you refer to it as an art?  Keep reading if you would like to hear my take on it.   Please understand, I am by no means a professional, however, I dare to say I am a self-proclaimed role-play expert.  Ha Ha! 

What I am going to provide below is a list of my top 4 reasons why anyone should engage in the art of role-playing.  These are the very same reasons that allow my spouse to say YES! when it comes to sexual role play with me.

4 Reasons to Engage in The Art of Role-Playing

Reading is fundamental.
  • Change of pace
  • Fun and excitement
  • We are constantly role-playing anyway
  • A chance to play out your fantasies

Each one of these reasons is dear to my heart when it comes to the art of role-playing. Allow me to elaborate below on each one of my 4 reasons to engage in the art of role-play

Examples of role play:

Businessman & Stripper

Boss & Secretary

Dominatrix & Sub

Rock Star & Groupie

Strangers who meet at a club


Housewife & Pool Boy

Change of Pace

Sometimes all you and your partner require is a change of pace.  Something that will possibly wake up your sex life.  A change of pace may allow you to be a little more creative and free to explore each other. 

The art of role-playing may provide an opportunity for more sexual adventure. This will surely bring more excitement back into the bedroom, just as it has in my situation, time and time again.

Sex with the same partner day in and day out may become monotonous and boring.  After several years together or just several sexual encounters, you can begin to predict what your partner will say or do during sex.  Once this occurs, you can almost kiss your lavish sex life goodbye.  Honestly, this can just suck and get you down in the dumps. You may start wondering what is wrong with you? Why is my sex life so boring?  We are sexual creatures after all so, who wants a barely existent sex life.  Not me, that’s for sure. 

Fun and Excitement

Who doesn’t enjoy fun and excitement in their life? I know I do.  Everywhere I turn I see people seeking out some sort of fun and excitement.  The bedroom should be no exception.  Many relationships end because one or both partners becomes bored with the relationship.  They get tired of the monotony and lack of fun in the bedroom and just call it quits. 

It’s disappointing how as adults we often accept our sex lives to go from fun and exciting, when we first become involved, into boring and monotonous once we have been together for a certain period of time.  Engaging in the art of role-playing can change this.  It can be exciting when one or both partners pretends to be someone or something they are not.  It is also liberating to share this experience with your partner. 

We are constantly role playing, anyway

Whether you agree with me or not we are constantly playing a role in our everyday life.  At work, we play the role of the boss or subordinate.  At home, we play the role of the responsible parent.  With friends, we play the role of a compassionate friend, always ready to help. We fulfill a role in every aspect of our life-changing that role according to the situation we are in.

Why not do this in the bedroom? We don’t always have to be the same people sexually.  The options are endless.  We can take on any role we choose during our sexual encounters.  We can play the boss and subordinate, the illicit affair, or even play the role of a responsible parent in bed with our lover.  You never know what will turn you and your partner on.  Therefore, what role-play scenario you choose to play out is up to you. 

What I am saying is, just how you play roles during all other aspects of your life, be open to explore and play different roles during sex. The ability to take on different roles is a part of who we are and how we survive. 

Sometimes it’s fun to get down and dirty with each other.

A chance to play out your fantasies

So, you always wanted to be a movie star, an athlete, a high school teacher? No matter what your dream or fantasy is, role-play allows you to bring that fantasy into your bedroom.  Just set the scene up and boom, you are Robert Redford, your wife is Demi Moore and you just paid one million dollars to have sex with her for the night. 

If you lay the scenario out correctly, she will have to do everything you want her to do.  Perhaps, you are Madame Ex, your husband is your sub, and his sole purpose during this encounter is to please you or he will get punished. How exciting is that?  I am quite sure that just the mere thought of this will get the juices flowing.

As I stated the possibilities are endless.  All you have to do is use your imagination and you and your partner are whoever you want to be having sex wherever you chose to.  The thrill of it all is that you can pretend to have sex with different people without experiencing the guilt of an affair. 

The art of role-playing

If you are not convinced by now, I will break it down for you. In my opinion sexual role-play is an art because it takes these 3 skills: creativity, passion, and desire.  Each of these is not only a skill of artistic nature but a skill that allows us to feel alive. Let me explain my thoughts in more detail.   


We are all creative beings in every sense of the word.  Therefore, your creativity should not cease when it comes to sex.  Sexual role-play allows us to bring that creativity into the bed.  Once you experience how invigorating it could be, I don’t believe you would turn back.  Just imagine exploring your partner through the eyes of someone else or exploring your partner as they were someone else. I believe we have all thought about it at least once.  Why not give it a try with their consent? There are no limits as to how creative you can be when engaging in the art of role-playing. All that is required is your imagination and creativity.


For some reason, passion seems to fade away with monotony, go figure.  Too much of the same thing may bore us to the point that we don’t have a taste for it anymore. Like when you love cheeseburgers so much, you go to McDonald’s every day until one day you get sick of cheeseburgers. Unfortunately, this can happen with sex also.  Our passion for sex may start to dwindle when we know what to expect. 

If you always have sex on Tuesday, in the same bed, in the same position, and for the same length of time, you may easily get bored of it and decide to skip it some Tuesdays.  Next thing you know, you have replaced sex with a book, or TV, or anything else. Pretending your partner is someone else through role-play might allow for the passion you once felt for your partner to return. Viola! Sex is awesome again and your sense of passion is through the roof. All simply by engaging in the art of role-playing.


The same can happen with desire. It fades away after a while just like passion. Once you start viewing that person you are with (the one who once was such a sexual god or goddess) simply as the ball and chain your desire for them may die down.  Remember when you would crave your partner just from the mere thought of them? Doesn’t happen much anymore since you started viewing them as that person that nags you about the dishes or the garbage. 

When you engage in the art of role-play you get to view your partner in a different light. Your partner is no longer the ball and chain or nag instead, you get to see them are that person you have fantasized about.  Instead, your partner can be your biggest desire, the one you dream about while you hear your partner in the background nagging you. 

Let’s get intimate

Personally, I have practiced the art of role-playing quite some bit in my sex life and I must say that I have not yet been disappointed with it. It allowed me to turn an otherwise dull relationship into one full of sexual desire and passion.  I have engaged in sexual role play both with and without my spouses’ consent.  I am much more of a pleaser, therefore; in my case, it is usually much more exciting to bring a surprise fantasy to my partner.

I do this sometimes by simply walking into the room he is in dressed in sexy lingerie pretending to be an escort or stripper his wife hired for him.   In other instances, I take the persona of his favorite actress and allow him the opportunity to have sex with his favorite star.  Whichever way I choose to engage in the art of role play with him seems to be positive. He is happy, the sex is a lot more passionate, and we both enjoy it very much.  For this reason, I suggest engaging in the art of role-playing for anyone who is seeking to improve their sex life with minimal effort. 

I would love to hear from you. What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts on the art of role play? Has sexual role play been a part of your sex life? Please leave your thoughts on sexual role play in the comments.  Also, remember to add your email address.  I would love to have you be a part of my community.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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