7 Sexy Activities That Will Spice Up Your Life

Is your daily routine making life feel dull? Adult responsibilities and routines have a way of stealing the joys of life away from us. In my opinion, being an adult can truly suck at times. Life is meant to be sexy and fun. This is why I am sharing these 7 sexy activities with you.

What’s the worse hood? Adulthood! Ha, Ha! This is one of the truest and funniest statements I have heard online somewhere, and I totally agree. I promise that the sexy activities I am sharing here will turn adulthood into “fun-hood”. I dare you to just try one.

Life is meant to be Sexy and Fun

I’m quite sure this statement brought up a few questions for you. Like what does it even mean to be sexy and fun? Who has time to be sexy and fun as an adult? or What can I do that will make me feel sexy and fun as a responsible adult?

You better go play the lottery because it must be your lucky day! Since sexy and fun are my middle names I am going to share with you some of my solutions to these questions. So, I hope you are ready to say goodbye to the old dull and boring you and hello to the new improved sexy, and fun adult.

Let’s address each question separately.

What does it even mean to be sexy and fun?

This may have different meanings to different people but since I am writing, I am going to share what it means to me.

Sexy is a state of mind. It’s also a feeling and aura that comes from within you. You have to decide that you are sexy no matter what may be going on in your life. For instance, I have worn sexy underwear every day since my early twenties. This very unimportant decision allows me to know I am sexy no matter what I have going on outside.

Fun is an experience and a feeling. To be fun is being able to enjoy yourself. Having fun implies that you are having a good time. Fun is being able to laugh with others and at yourself.

For some fun maybe more of a sexual nature. Many people equate having fun with flirting or engaging in some sort of sexual activity. Either way, fun includes enjoyment. happiness, amusement, and lighthearted pleasure (aka, intercourse).

Who has the time to be sexy and fun?

Ummmm, I do! If I can do it, you can do it. It doesn’t take much time to engage in sexy activities that will have you feeling sexy and fun in no time.

You know all the time you spend sulking while being bored in front of the tv. Or the time spent scrolling through social media on your phone. Just exchange the time you spend on routine stuff or being bored for sexy activities that will make you feel sexy and fun again.

What can I do that will make me feel sexy and fun as a responsible adult?

Be Adventurous

sexy activities
Yes! I said to be adventurous! But not like this.

I could probably stop writing here because this two-word sentence, be adventurous, encompasses this entire post. In order to take advantage of any of the sexy activities listed below, you will have to be willing to be adventurous.

In this post, I am not referring to being adventurous in the bungy jumping sense but being adventurous in an open-minded sense. Although, some of you may enjoy dangerous adventures and others may consider the following activities to be dangerous as well.

The activities listed in this post will include sexy activities to be enjoyed alone as well as activities to be enjoyed with someone else. That someone else can be a partner, friend, coworker, or anyone of your choice.

Sexy Activities That Will Spice Up Your Life

Role Playing

This is an activity that is most sexy and fun when a partner is involved. However, if you have a vivid imagination I am quite sure you will enjoy role-playing alone as well.

If you are not familiar with role-playing, it’s when you and a partner pretend to be someone or something else. All you have to do is dress up or not, get into character and let the sexy and fun excitement begin.

Role-playing does not have to be of a sexual nature. As with most of the activities I will share in this post, this activity can be sexy and fun without the actual act of sex being involved.

Sexy And Fun Conversation

Anytime you are sitting around bored is a great opportunity to spark up a sexy and fun conversation with someone. This conversation does not have to be of sexual nature it all depends on the relationship you have with that someone.

When all else fails, sext
A sexy and fun conversation doesn’t have to be face-to-face. It can be held by text also.

Flirt with someone whether it be your partner, a friend, or even a stranger. Flirting allows for innocent and not-so-innocent conversation. If you are married and bored at home, smile while looking at your spouse and bring up sexy and fun memory the two of you share. If you are single call up a friend or acquaintance and share how you were just thinking about their pretty smile or how kind they are. Just share something positive with someone as a way to open the door to sexy and fun conversation.

Read Or Write Erotica

Here are two sexy activities that most of you may enjoy on your own. However, may be even more fun when there is another person involved.

You can go online or to the bookstore and find a great book that is both sexy and fun to read. If you chose to read it alone then just curl up in your favorite chair or in bed and get to reading. If you want to share this experience with another, take turns reading to each other.

For those of you with very vivid imaginations, I suggest you delve into writing erotica. Get a pen and a pad or your laptop and let those sexy and fun creative juices flow. You can even combine the two, by writing the erotica and later reading it to or with someone else. OMG! How sexy and fun is that? Both of these sexy activities have proven to be fun for me many times.

Take Sexy And Fun Pictures

Have a smartphone or a nice camera, then learn how to use it. Get behind it and become a photographer. This can be enjoyed alone or with someone. Find an outfit that you love and makes you feel sexy and fun, put it on, and strike a pose. Take mirror selfies or use a timer. Taking sexy and fun pictures of yourself is not just exciting it also helps you learn to love yourself more.

Be sexy and creative
We all have a sexy and fun creative side

If you prefer taking sexy and fun pictures of someone, give your partner, friend, or whoever a call and have them model for you. Start snapping pictures of them and remind them how happy they make you feel and how much fun you are having with them at this moment. This will allow for more photo sessions in the future.

After you have taken the pictures you can share them with each other, put them on social media, or use an app to create cool art.

Give Or Receive A Massage

I suggest that you offer to give them a massage first. Keep in mind that it is better and sexier to give than to receive. However, we all know that kindness is usually reciprocated. Therefore, receiving a massage is just as sexy as giving one.

What I am suggesting here is that if you have a partner offer to give them a massage first. Make this massage sexy and fun by setting the ambiance. Light some scented candles, bring out the scented therapeutic oils and surprise your partner or person of choice with an invite to your personal massage parlor. If all works out the massage will be reciprocated and it’s a win-win situation. Again, here you have two sexy activities rolled into one.

If you do not have anyone in particular you may still enjoy a massage by either going to a massage parlor or having a massage therapist come to you. Remember, this is not about sex, it’s about enjoying a sexy and fun activity. What can be sexier than lying completely naked while someone rubs you down?

Buy Lingerie

I must admit this is one of my favorite sexy and fun activities I enjoy. When at home bored, go online and take a look at your favorite lingerie shop. It doesn’t matter which one it is. If you do not have one do a google search for lingerie. Whether you are a man or a woman something sexy will pop up for you.

Let me advise you, you might get addicted, or is that just me? Anyhow, you can try it either alone or with a partner. You may even realize that you prefer to buy lingerie for your partner or someone else. Whatever your preference just enjoy, even if it ends up you don’t buy anything. The search alone will prove to be sexy and fun.

Sexy And Fun Games

Sexy fun and games
Naked Pin The Tail anyone?

We all have played games before and they can end up being boring after a while, especially as adults. My solution to this is to turn these games into sexy activities and make them feel sexy and fun.

This suggestion includes so many different sexy activities however I did not want to separate all the different games that can be sexy and fun. I will just name my two favorite sexy activities and let your imagination go to work.

Strip Poker Take poker up a notch by making the stakes clothes instead of money. Every time a hand is lost you lose a piece of clothing. This sexy and fun game can be enjoyed by two or more players, depending on your lifestyle.

Naked Twister This game is typically fun all on its own but take away the clothes, and boom this just became a sexy and fun activity for adults. Again, you will require two or more adults for this sexy and fun activity.

As I stated these are just my two favorite sexy activities. However, if you have a creative imagination you can turn any game into a sexy and fun activity. The options are endless just make clothing the ante and someone is bound to end up naked for sure. Let’s admit you can’t get any sexier than naked.

Let’s Get Intimate

This is where I admit how much fun I am having writing this blog and this post in particular. Blogging is another one of the sexy and fun activities I enjoy. I am sharing this to show just how easy it is to feel sexy and fun no matter what activity you are engaged in.

It is too often that we allow ourselves to fall into a routine that puts us in a rut. We even forget who we are and the things that matter to us most. It is usually the small things that make us happy. The small events shared with great people that are special to us.

My message is, do not let yourself fall into a rut because you have been led to believe that is what adulthood is. Remember life is meant to be sexy and fun. So be adventurous and creative. Start by adding more sexy activities to your life.

Stay Tuned For More…

I hope you have enjoyed reading this post. Most of all, I hope this post helps you bring out your creative and adventurous side. There is more where this came from so stay tuned for the post where I will share even sexier activities to spice up your life.

Since this website is for the grown and sexy consider this post as an appetizer. I will be providing the meal in a future sexier post.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please leave comments with your thoughts surrounding this or any post on the website. Is there anything you would like to share or see in a post? Let me know in the comments.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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