About Me

About me


All About Me

Who Am I?

What can I say about me? I am a 50-something married Latina raised in the Northeastern part of the USA.  Therefore, please forgive me if I seem a little sharp around the edges at times.   I have grown children and even grandchildren.  However, I am still very youthful and in tune with my sexuality.  Although, I was raised to believe that being a woman and open about my sexuality is a no-no.  Because of this, I learned to keep many things hidden especially, anything regarding my thoughts about my sexuality.  In spite of my strict upbringing,  I have always been open-minded and non-judgmental.

Here I will remind myself and the world that I am more than just a daughter, sister, mother, or wife.  I am ME! An individual with my own opinion and own likes.  As I take this journey to rediscovery in midlife I want to put myself first for a change.  I want to write about the things that I enjoy.  Those quirky things that make me laugh.  The best thing about it is that I want to share it with all of you. 

 Why Blog?

Why not? In all sincerity, I have been yearning to write for as far as I can remember.  As a matter of fact, I have started writing a book at least two times so far.  Unfortunately, because I rather write about myself and my experiences I have never finished as I realized that I have lots of tiny dirty secrets that I don’t want my family and close friends to be exposed to.  So, I decided to blog, anonymously.  This way no one gets hurt and I am happy because I get to share my experiences with you and the world.  Hopefully, you will share your experiences with me as well. 

 I also have had lots of idle time lately since having an empty nest. With not much else to do, I have found myself thinking about sharing my stories with the world.  A blog just seems like the most sensible thing to do to help others and keep me busy along the way. 

What will you see in my posts?

Lots of things about me. You will find me sharing experiences, stories, revelations, and desires whether good or bad, big or small, dirty or clean.  My posts will expose who I am to you and to the world openly and honestly.  One of my biggest desire is that my posts help you open up to yourself and to the world as well. We all have things hidden deep inside, secrets, that we are afraid to share with anyone.  We keep desires within ourselves that make us feel dirty because we cannot trust sharing them with anyone.  I want to change that by creating a place where you come and realize that you are not the only one feeling this way. Let me say that again.  You are not the only one. 

I plan to share with you some of my innermost thoughts and move you to question why.  Why is she sharing this with me and why have I not shared this part of me with anyone else?  Why am I so afraid of who I really am or who I want to be deep inside?  Why do I hide the things that make me feel good?   I want to dive deep into your soul with the words on this blog and make a connection and remind you that every one of us lives our lives with secrets.

I also want you to address the why-nots.  Why not get that sexy piece of lingerie for myself although I live alone?  Why not have that additional piece of cake or that additional partner? Why not indulge in all that makes you feel satisfied? In my opinion, we need to address the why-nots just as much as the whys.  Many have the tendency to try and discourage us by asking why.  My response to that always is why not?


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