How To Check In With Yourself In 5 Simple Ways


How are you today? I really want to know.

People like you and I, we are always looking out for our fellow man. Always showing concern for the well being of others. While it’s wonderful to check in with other, please do’t forget how important self-connection and self-care are to our own well being.

Remember: Self Check-In is the most important check in


We cannot help other without helping ourselves first. When we spend our time working on the needs of others we are surely to experience burnout. To be honest, I have been experiencing a bit of burnout myself lately. So I decided to take some time and check in with myself.

After spending a good amount of time checking in with myself I decided it’s time to share some playful ways to for you all to check in with yourselves.

My Top 5 Ways to “Check-In” with yourself

They are all easy and fun activities for you to self indulge in. After all it is all about numero uno.

1. The Bucket List Check-In

We have all heard the term “bucket list” before and most feel it’s a list of things you want to do right before you “kick the bucket”. I am suggesting you don’t wait to make such list. Take some time to think about this and create a list of activities or experiences you’ve always wanted to try. Don’t concern yourself with how big or small the activity is just jot it down on the list.

Once the list is created, set a goal to check off one item from your list each month. Every time you think of a new activity you want to try add it to your list. This way you have a forever bucket list.

2. The Nature Check-In


Spend some time outdoors and become one with nature. Nature has a way of relaxing us and helping us feel more grounded. There are so many fun things to do in nature. Go for a hike, have a solo picnic, watch the sunset, or simply take a walk in the park.

While out in nature take deep breaths, become one with your surroundings. Allow nature to wrap you up in its peacefulness.

3. The Spontaneous Adventure Check-In

This is definitely a more playful check in. This is your chance to be spontaneous! Pick a day to go on an unplanned adventure. Doesn’t matter what kind of adventure. If you want a physical adventure take a road trip to a nearby town or try a new restaurant. For a mental adventure take out a book or do some daydreaming and jump into that adventure. The choice is yours.

Personally, I prefer the adventures I can take in my mind and soul. Skies is the limit with those. Lately, I have been all over the world with my favorite person.

4. The Wellness Check-In

This is your reminder to prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Check-in with yourself to ensure that both your physical and mental health are being taken care of. We often neglect these when we spend our days checking-in on others. Don’t be afraid to be selfish while spending alone time.

Try out some different and new practices such as meditation, yoga, and my favorite, dance. All of these can be done in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Try dimming the lights with some soft music for yoga or a disco ball with some techno beats for your dance session. Let yourself go and enjoy yourself.

Last but certainly not least

5. Sexy Self Check-In

Take time to get in tune with your body once again. Too often we neglect our bodies because we are burned out with family life and work. We ingest the wrong things and say negative things to our bodies. I’m telling you it’s time to change that. Check in with that sexy body of yours.

Look in the mirror and admire your body. Touch yourself all over, even the areas you like the least. Tell yourself and your body that you will be good to yourself. Add this to your bucket list: I will treat my body like my temple. I will nourish it, caress it, and take care of it.


No one else will love your body if you don’t love it first. Continue to touch and explore your body until you find areas that you may have forgotten about. Allow your body to feel all that self love. If touching yourself leads to orgasm even better.

The overall goal is to be in tune with your own needs.

This will allow you to be better equipped to navigate life’s challenges with happiness in your heart and a smile on your face.

Please comment and share.

Thank you for stopping by once again. I hope you have enjoyed my 5 favorite ways to check-in with yourself. Please feel free to comment and share this post with friends and family. Let me know if you have enjoyed this and any of the other posts on this site.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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