How To Make Adulthood More Exciting And Sexier

exciting and sexier

Have you been wondering how to make your life more exciting and sexier lately? Adulthood can easily become the most boring neighborhood to live in.  It’s full of work and responsibility.  However, we will all have to live in that hood whether we want to or not. So why not make sure you enjoy it while you are there?

Sex and intimacy are essential to adulthood and play a vital role in maintaining a healthy connection with your partner.  Sexual exploration and fun usually end up taking a backseat to the demands of everyday life.  However, it doesn’t have to be that way.  It is possible to embark on a journey of pleasurable experiences that will rekindle the flames of passion and make adulthood more exciting and sexier for you. In order to do this it’s important to actively invest in your sex life.

The exciting news is I’m here to help you move from boring sexless adulthood into an exciting and sexier hood full of erotic passion.

I challenge you to explore and follow these practical tips and suggestions that will help you have more sexy fun as an adult.

Open and Honest Communication

As exciting and sexier adults we should prioritize open and honest conversation.  This will help lay the foundation for satisfying sexually charged experiences. Work on creating a safe space where you and your partner can discuss your desires, fantasies, and boundaries. This open dialogue helps build trust and understanding, allowing you to explore new avenues of pleasure together. Don’t hold anything back. If you desire your adulthood to be full of sex and passion then you have to be willing to talk about it.

Educate Yourself

exciting and sexier

Do some research. Start by taking the time to educate yourself about sex and intimacy. Don’t be afraid to read books, attend workshops, or explore online resources. You are never too old to learn new sexy tricks. Work to gain knowledge and dispel myths.  Soon after you will have the confidence to try out the new techniques you have discovered.  These new techniques or ideas will help you feel sexy, allow you to have more fun, and spice up your intimate experiences. Share what you have learned with your partner. Introduce them to this more exciting and sexier individual you have become.

Embrace Variety

“Variety is the spice of life”  Experimentation is key to keeping the excitement alive. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Explore different positions, locations, and activities to break away from routine. Incorporate new elements such as lingerie, adult toys, or role-playing scenarios to add some adventure and playfulness to your encounters.

Create a Sensual and Sexy Environment

Set the stage for seduction by creating a sensual environment. Enhance the ambiance with soft lighting, scented candles, and relaxing music. Invest in comfortable bedding and consider adding luxurious touches like silk sheets or feather ticklers to heighten sensory experiences. Don’t forget to incorporate the more exciting and sexier items such as whips, chains, and restraints. It is your environment after all so choose accordingly to what excites you and your partner.

Make Time for Intimacy and Sex

While spontaneous sex can be thrilling, it is not always possible.  Busy schedules may demand more intentional planning for fun. There is nothing wrong with keeping a sex calendar. There you can keep track of the dedicated time you set aside for intimacy and sex  The calendar will help ensure it remains a priority. Plan date nights, rendezvous, or weekend getaways that revolve around having sexy fun while reconnecting with your partner.

Don’t Forget Foreplay

(This could’ve been the first tip) Often times sex in adulthood becomes more like a chore.  We just do it for the sake of doing it, forgetting that a fun and exciting sexual encounter is more than just penetration.  Remember, foreplay enhances the sexual experience for you and your partner making it more exciting and sexier. It is an important component of feeling pleasure that can change the entire dynamic of the experience. Foreplay is a give-and-take.  Explore each other’s bodies through sensual touching, massages, and oral stimulation. Experiment with different techniques you may have come across during your research.    Pay attention to your partner’s responses and preferences.

Explore Fantasy and Role-Playing

I am a fan of living out your fantasies through role-playing. Be who you want to be whenever you want to.  Skies the limit.   Engaging in fantasy and role-playing with your partner can unleash your imagination and create a whole new world of excitement. This is how we fulfilled our dreams as kids.  You are never too old to fantasize.   Make time to discuss and explore each other’s fantasies.  Make sure you take turns to fulfill each other’s desires. Create narratives together or surprise your partner to make it exciting and sexier for them.  Don’t forget to dress up in outfits to assume the different roles, this is certain to transport you and your partner into a world of seduction and pleasure.

Engage in Sensory Play

Erotic sex

Try stimulating the senses with Sensory play.  This may help involves to intensify pleasure and arouse more excitement. Experiment with different textures, temperatures, and sensations. Introduce feather ticklers, ice cubes, or silk scarves.  Some like to experiment with sexy foods during foreplay. Imagine the excitement felt while licking honey off your partner’s inner thigh.  Don’t be afraid to explore new dimensions of pleasure and heighten arousal.  You and your partner will figure out what works best for the two of you. Always keep your ultimate goal of more fun and excitement in mind.

Prioritize Self-Care

Don’t skimp on taking care of yourself outside the bedroom.  How you care for yourself directly impacts your sexual experiences. You want to maintain good physical health and mental health. Practice self-care activities like exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest. You want to feel good as well as have plenty of energy for all the sexual escapades you will be partaking in. Stay hydrated. You will have to replenish all the water you are losing due to all the sweating from the vigorous sexual exercises you are now partaking in. Taking care of yourself will also boost your confidence.  Sex is always much better when you are feeling yourself.

Keep Your Sense of Humor

Because I love to laugh I often begin my sexscapades with some silly action. Whether it be singing into the mic when I am going down on him or using a silly voice while roleplaying, I’m having fun. Sex should be fun so don’t take it too seriously.  A good laugh can be incredibly liberating.  Use it to help ease any pressure or tension lingering around intimacy. Especially, if your sex life has been in a lull lately.   Embrace the lighter side of sex.  Your partner is not grading you.  They are as happy as you are to be getting some sex play.  Leave embarrassment and shyness at the door.  So what if in the midst of all the excitement you tried to slip yourself in the back door or you came too early?  It’s ok, you will have another chance.  Just enjoy the moment dor what it is a beautiful sexual moment shared by two sexy individuals.  Remember to live, love, laugh.   

If you want to get out of the boring adulthood stage and move into a sexy hood it’s essential to prioritize and invest in your sexual well-being.

Do this by making the decision to prioritize sex in your life.

I will say it again life is meant to be fun and sexy no matter what age you are.   You can have more fun at any age by being open-minded, exploring different avenues of pleasure, and most importantly, enjoying the journey of discovery with your partner. I promise these tips and your willingness to experiment will put you well on your way to becoming a more exciting and sexier adult.

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my post. I hope you have enjoyed it. Please leave a comment letting me know how much you enjoyed the post and if you would like to see more of the same. I would love to hear your comments and learn about your experiences, secrets, and desires.

Until next time. Stay Sexy.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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