How To Be A Delicious Treat On Thanksgiving

Will you be working your magic on Thanksgiving to turn that turkey into a delicious treat? Are you having family and friends over? If you are anything like me you don’t want the turkey to be the only treat getting eaten on Thanksgiving.

Yes, I know Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to come together. However, this doesn’t mean you must keep your sexiness and desires in the closet until the guests leave.

I can tell you I have spent many years in the kitchen slaving over a stove to ensure that my guests receive the best Thanksgiving experience. There is no holding back when I’m creating the best home-cooked Thanksgiving meal for everyone to enjoy.

My focus has always been on the guests.

I start cooking the day before. Then I get up in the wee hours of Thanksgiving morning to finish cooking just so that everyone can stuff their faces

No lie though seeing the look of satisfaction on everyone’s face after they all have eaten that delicious treat I cooked for them makes it all worthwhile. I love to see family and friends happy.

This year I’m going to try something a little different. Before focusing on the guests I will focus on myself.

I will be a delicious treat.

Want to be a delicious treat also?

If you want this Thanksgiving to be a little sexier and more fun for you as the host just follow along. I have a few tips to help you be a delicious treat on Thanksgiving.

How to be a delicious treat on Thanksgiving

Start the day off with an orgasm

If you are like me you are most likely starting your day extremely early. You can still fit a sexy romp in there. It doesn’t have to be long. Quickies are great at getting you off and relaxing you when you don’t have much time. Remember you are about to go on a cooking marathon, you deserve to unwind before you start.

I’m talking about having an orgasm here. You can do it with a partner or you can do it alone. It can be oral, manual, in the bed, or in the shower. The logistics really don’t matter. The focus should be to cum. Relax yourself and your partner if you chose to.

Make yourself feel good before you focus on your guests. Once you orgasm you will have that sexy glow and you will be feeling like a delicious treat all day.

Put on some sexy lingerie or skip the underwear completely

Feeling sexy underneath always helps you feel sexy overall. This is the one tip I have put into practice since my mid-twenties. There is just something about having sexy lingerie or underwear on. Even if no one else knows, you know. Each and every time you go to the bathroom you will look at yourself and go damn, that’s sexy.

If you are a little more daring or want to entice your partner a little bit skip the underwear altogether. Make sure your partner knows. Keep them chasing that delicious treat all day.

Dress sexy

Whatever you wear, wear it sexy. What I mean by this is you don’t have to dress in anything too expensive or outrageous. I know there will be family and friends over. Just be sure that your dress falls a certain way or that your pants fill out all the right places. The goal is to feel good about yourself while enticing your partner.

Groom yourself/wear makeup

This is all about looking the part. If you want to be a delicious treat you have to look like one. Wax, shave, exfoliate, and do whatever it takes to get you feeling sexy about yourself. The goal is to take great care of yourself so that you will feel great while feeding everyone. Getting extra attention from your partner is the cherry on top.

Yes, you already look good without all the extras. However, you want to take it up a notch. Think of the meal you are cooking. You are not going to serve just a turkey that you took out of the freezer and popped in the oven. No, you are going to smother it with condiments and adorn the table with all these delicious side dishes. Why should you differ? Take care of yourself like you are taking care of that Thanksgiving meal you are preparing.

Don’t forget to smell good

Yum. There are going to be so many savory smells in the air as you cook Thanksgiving dinner. Make sure you are one of them. Spray yourself with your favorite perfume or cologne.

You’re relaxed, groomed, looking like a million bucks, and now you smell like a million bucks. Sexiness will be all in the air. I don’t know how long your partner will be able to stand how sexy you are.

Now that you look and smell the part, here are simple tips to keep those sexy juices flowing.

Cook together

Cooking with your partner is very sexy. It will allow you to share the responsibility of the meal as well as feel closer. Even if it’s just a few dishes. This way the two of you are sharing time and space with each other before all the guests begin to show up.

Often times we are so concerned with the duty at tasks that we forget to give attention to those closest to us.

Be a little suggestive while cooking

Whether your partner is helping you with the meal or not you can turn up the heat a bit with some subtle and not-so-subtle actions.

Raise your skirt a little to show a glimpse of your ass. Brush yourself against them as you walk by. Put on your favorite sexy song and dance seductively while you chop vegetables. Be creative with what comes naturally and works for the two of you. Remember to have fun with it. The goal is to remind them you are a delicious treat they can taste at any time.

Now you can sneak off during dinner

You have finished cooking and your guests are here. Everyone is enjoying themselves. Now is a good time for you to sneak off and have your partner enjoy that delicious treat you prepared for them.

Wouldn’t it be splendid to have your dessert while everyone else is having dinner?

I think so…

Thank you for stopping by.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this post along with some others. Please leave a comment with your thoughts on being a treat on Thanksgiving. I would love to hear from you. Let me know how you plan on making this Thanksgiving sexy, fun, and more desirable for you and your partner.

Till next time. It’s almost Sagittarius season.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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