5 Tips That Will Surprise Your Man

There are many reasons you may want to surprise your man. Perhaps things have gotten a bit boring in the bedroom. Maybe he’s been super sweet the past few days, or you just feel like it. No matter what the reason is surprising your man will be fun for both of you.

There are different ways to surprise your man. However, because this is tinydirtysecrets.com the surprises I mention are made to inspire sexy fun for both of you.

Who doesn’t like surprises? I’m sure your man won’t have it any other way. Has your man been having a tough time at work? Has he been stressed about his responsibilities at home? Just to reiterate the reason chose to surprise your man doesn’t matter. This random act of kindness will have him on cloud nine in no time.

Now let’s get to the nitty-gritty.

5 Amazing Tips That Will Surprise Your Man!

1. Wake him up with a blow job

Let’s say your man has been too busy for sex lately. Is that any reason for him to be backed up? No! He’s out there taking care of business. Show him your appreciation by waking him up early with your lips around his dick.

Ladies, it’s that simple. No need to get gussied up ( your head will be under sheets anyhow). All you have to do is wake up a few minutes before him and sneak under the sheets. I’m sure he will already be at attention so half the battle is done.

2. Send him a sexy text or picture

This is a great trick that will surprise your man. Also lets him know he’s on your mind and that you desire him.

Go ahead and text him something sexual and a little dirty. Don’t be bashful, he’s already yours. Feel like getting gussied up? put on his favorite lingerie and send him a pic. If you are feeling really daring or want to get him extra horny, send him a nude pic. This is a way to turn that surprise up a notch.

3. Invite him to meet for a nooner

Men love sex. So meeting him for a nooner is definitely a great way to surprise your man. Make sure you know his schedule ahead of time so you can plan ahead.

You can meet for a nooner anywhere. Be creative, meet at his job, your home, or a hotel. It’s your choice where you both can enjoy the nooner. Wherever you decide just make it sexy and fun.

4. Greet him at door in lingerie

Don’t feel like surprising him outside the home? Then surprise your man at the door as soon as he gets home. Make him happy to be home again. He will greet you with a big smile and a bulge in his pants.

If nosy neighbors or small children discourage you from greeting him at the door, wait for him in the bedroom. Lure him to the bedroom as soon as he gets home. Tell him in a sultry voice how much you have anticipated his return.

5. Give him a voucher for a sexy rendezvous

Perhaps your husband is more of a freak than you are and has been asking for certain sexual favors from you. This is an opportunity for you to surprise him.

The voucher should allow him time for the two of you to indulge in his favorite sexual activities. Don’t be afraid and be open-minded. You may enjoy it a lot more than you thought.

An extra tip that will surprise your man, just because I love dressing up.

6. Dress up like his favorite vixen and role-play

You may already know, I enjoy dressing up. It’s been my experience that dressing up like a sexy vixen is a sure way to surprise your man. I have had nothing but positive results whenever I dress up for my husband.

What I enjoy about dressing up for him is that it’s so easy to do. I don’t even have to spend any money or go anywhere. All I do is put on a sexy outfit and get in character.

These tips may not be new to some of you. However, I thought you could use a little reminder. Your man is not the only one who is busy. As women, your lives are full of responsibilities as well.

Thought I’d remind you to have fun as well. Surprising your man is not simply about him. It’s about you as well. Women deserve sexy fun-filled lives as well.

Have fun surprising your man!

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and now have a few extra tips that will surprise your man. Please leave a comment letting me know whether or not you will be putting any of these tips into practice.

I look forward to reading your thoughts.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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