Its No Secret How Much I Love You

Can’t you see that everything I do is for you, Tatiana asked Miguel as he questions why she wants to lose more weight. Who is it for he asked. Is it for yourself for me or for who exactly Miguel continues to interrogate her?

It’s for myself and for you of course. Did you forget how you constantly mentioned I should lose weight in the past, Tatiana asked him. Yes, I remember mentioning that to you. Now can we please move on from this conversation, Miguel responds.
I love you Tatiana says to Miguel

Tatiana then walks away thinking to herself, he truly doesn’t realize that everything I do is for him.

This thought gets her to reminisce about their life together.

Tatiana thinks back to the first time she met Miguel. She was a new employee, still in training when Miguel introduced himself to her. She was just 29 yrs old and married, he was a little older. Tatiana looked at his hands and noticed Miguel’s wedding ring. So he’s married also she thought to herself as he went on and on familiarizing her with the office culture.

Let me show you how to use the office’s instant messaging system.

It was obvious to Tatiana that Miguel wanted to keep in touch with her while they worked. She received an instant message from him no more than 5 minutes after he left her desk.

This thought put a smile on Tatiana’s face.

She came to realize how a simple instant message was the beginning of the wildest ride of her life.

How can I get him to understand that everything I do is for him she thought as she continued to reminisce about their past.
Miguel and Tatiana quickly became very close friends with Tatiana confiding in him about everything. They spent every working day in constant contact with each other. It was no wonder their friendship became romantic within months.

It was a whirlwind affair with Tatiana falling head over heels for Miguel. Soon all she could do was think about him. She wanted to spend every possible moment with him. They quickly began doing things after work and on weekends.
Tatiana knew she was madly in love with Miguel and would do whatever it took to keep him in her life. Most importantly, she wanted him to be hers, all hers.

everything i do
The moon knows how much I love you

However, Miguel was not ready to leave his family for Tatiana but did not want to leave her alone either. He wanted her for himself on the side.

It’s no secret how much I love you when everything I do is for you

She whispers to herself as she questions why she accepted breadcrumbs from Miguel during that period. Tatiana tried to walk away many times but just couldn’t seem to let go. She consistently found herself repeating I love you to Miguel trying to remind him of her feelings for him.

She rode the roller coaster with Miguel for a few years until they both decided to divorce their current spouses.
Finally single, Tatiana explored and dated other men. However, always found herself drawn back to Miguel. No one she dated made her feel nearly what she felt for Miguel. Tatiana knows she could never deny the passionate ties she has to Miguel.
4 years after their divorces they finally tied the knot. Tatiana has devoted herself to making Miguel happy ever since. All she has ever wanted is for him to be as crazy about her as she is about him.

Sometimes it’s difficult to prove your love.

If you are anything like Tatiana you love hard. The unfortunate truth about loving hard is that it’s not always received the way it’s intended. The receiver may be blind to your passion. Sometimes that intense love can be mistaken for obsession. However, the worse is when the love you are giving is taken for granted.

Thank you for stopping by and reading this tale of two hearts. This tale of Tatiana and Miguel is based on a real love story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. I hope you have enjoyed it. There are plenty more tales like this to come. I keep them all in my secret vault.

Have you ever been in a situation such as Tatiana’s? Ever feel like your love is so deep that no one understands? Leave a comment and share about the passionate love you have experienced in your life. Don’t forget to include how you enjoyed this tale.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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