In A Costume Even Though It’s Not Halloween

Perhaps it may be a little late to be writing about Halloween but it’s never too late to be in a costume. Why would I be in a costume you ask? Because I am role-playing silly. It’s what some of us grown and sexy folks do for fun all year round.

Guess what my sexy soldiers, it’s never too late for you to get started and enjoy the art of role-playing.

Yes, I said it. I’m dressing up and role-playing. As long as my sexiness is available for me to enjoy I will dress up in a costume and have fun. Whether I’m alone or with my partner, role-playing is a sensual and exciting hobby for me. Dare I call it a fetish? Perhaps, but let that be our little secret.

Let me break down why being in a costume can be so fun and extremely liberating.

I can be whoever I want to be

Often, we place too much emphasis on who we aren’t or what we haven’t accomplished. Dressing up in a costume or role-playing allows you to live out that dream that hasn’t come to fruition. So what if I am not the CEO of a Fortune 500 company in real life? That doesn’t stop me from role-playing one.

I can even be the singer I have always admired. All I do is put on a wig and a tight skirt and I can be that rock star. So what I can’t sing? It’s my time to shine and I will shine.

in a costume

I can be whoever my partner wants me to be

Although dressing up in a costume is all about how I feel, it’s just as fun when I dress up for my husband. My husband is instantly excited when he sees me walk into the bedroom dressed up like his favorite movie star. All I do is introduce myself and get ready for a night filled with intense passion. 

It has worked for me many times.  I make sure I stay in character throughout the entire session and my husband couldn’t be happier.

In a costume even though it’s not Halloween

It allows me to stretch the limits of my imagination

When sex for us is in a rut role-playing or dressing up in a costume allows us to be open-minded.  There is really something extremely freeing when I become someone else.  I no longer have the hindrance of all my responsibilities.  Whoever I decide to be for that moment is not me.  All the bullshit I have been dealing with is left behind by just being someone else for that moment.  Sometimes I become just a younger version of myself.   

The great thing about dressing up is it allows the opportunity to be creative even when it doesn’t involve sex.  So, go ahead, dress up and take on that persona that you always wanted to when you are home all alone.  I promise I won’t tell anyone.

It’s just fun

Need I say more?  Getting dressed up and pretending to be someone else is just fun and I am all about fun.  In my closet, you will find many articles of clothing and shoes that I will most likely not wear anywhere.  I keep them and pull them out from time to time when I am bored and want to have fun. If I am feeling really adventurous, I will go outside dressed up in a costume.

Thank you again for stopping by  I hope you have enjoyed this post and that you are enjoying life, being sexy, and having fun. 

Life is too short not to indulge in everything that makes you happy. 

Happy Role-Playing, I mean Halloween!!!!

Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts about this post or any other post on the site. 

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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