5 Tips That Will Help You Feel Better

This blog is all about living in our sexiness. However, I realize it can be difficult to feel sexy when you don’t feel good about yourself. Don’t fret your sexiness coach, Mari Posa is here with a few tips that will help you feel better about yourself.

The goal is to nurture your mind, body, and soul so you may emerge from your cocoon and become a beautiful sexy butterfly.

I can’t say it enough, we all have a grown and sexy individual living inside us. Unfortunately, that tingling sensation full of sexiness gets crushed deep down inside our being because life can truly suck sometimes. Yes, life is unfair, and can be a son of a bitch most times but I know all my sexy soldiers out there are strong.

You are strong enough to crush this thing called life. I know you have it in you.

I have a question for you

Will you choose to be sexy, happy, and fun, or will you continue to sulk and allow life to pass you by?

help you feel better
Is your glass half empty or half full?

The choice is yours!

I am here to help you emerge into that beautiful sexy butterfly that you have hidden deep down inside. Simply apply these tips that will automatically have you feeling good about yourself.

5 tips that will help you feel better about yourself.

1. Love Yourself

If I’ve said this once, I’ve said it a thousand times. Self-love is the most important tip I can give you in his entire blog. There is only one of you and you are so beautiful and unique. Treat yourself like you treat everyone else in your life. Go out of your way for yourself. Take time to be alone and know how perfectly flawed you are. Everything about you is so special. Learn to love every single inch of yourself.

2. Forgive Yourself

A great part of loving yourself is learning how to forgive yourself. Often times we walk around with a lot of guilt and unnecessary burden which causes shoulder and back pain. It’s the weight of unforgiveness. There may be something in your past that you may have not forgiven yourself about. Learn to take time out to meditate on forgiveness towards yourself. Write all the things you may have done in the past that you don’t agree with as well as things you may not like about yourself. Once you have done that forgive yourself and crumble the paper up and throw it away. Choose to no longer be mad at yourself. Remember there is only one of you so treat yourself well.

3. Admire Yourself

Now that you have forgiven yourself look in the mirror and admire yourself. Look at how well-designed you are. Notice how you exude sexiness. There is no one badder than you. You are one sexy Bitch! Own it. Fuck all else! You love yourself, you have forgiven yourself, and you are bad as fuck. If you need more motivation write down all the great things about yourself. Write every single thing you love about yourself. No matter how great or how small. Every single unique aspect of you makes you sexy. Write it down and affirm it.

4. Workout

A great workout gets the sexy juices flowing. It will help you feel better about yourself in no time. You do not have to get into a vigorous workout session. Just get up and go for a walk or pop in a workout tape. The choice is yours. Go with whatever your sexy heart desires. Just get that adrenaline pumping and get yourself in a better mood. Workouts are great for your psychological well-being as well as your physical.

5. Listen To Music/Dance

Here’s a two-for-one and one of my favorite pass times in the world. Music will get your nourish your soul. It can instantly change your mood if you allow it to. Put yourself in tune with the beat. It doesn’t matter what your choice of music is, there will be a positive effect if you listen with your heart and an open mind.

Help you feel better
Let the rhythm take control

Once the music starts pumping your feet will start thumping. Get your ass off that chair and let the rhythm take control. I don’t care if you have two left feet. Don’t forget that you are sexy and unique and so are your dance skills. When I am down, I pump my favorite tunes and just dance around the kitchen. Once I start feeling myself, I dance in front of a mirror or even record myself to have some laughs later.

Any of these tips will help you feel better about yourself.

Thanks again for stopping by and reading my blog. As previously mentioned the goal here is to help us all embrace our sexiness. No matter what age, you are never too old to be sexy and definitely never too old to be happy. Start today!

Embrace your sexiness.

Don’t forget to leave a comment to let me know how you enjoyed this post. Feel free to comment with suggestions for topics that you would like to have covered.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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