How To Enjoy More Quickies When You Want More Sex

Is your sex life full of missed opportunities because you’re living on the go? Are the phrases “maybe later” and “there’s not enough time” a norm in your bedroom? Perhaps you should enjoy more quickies. Unfortunately, as we get older and more established household responsibilities and work duties move up our totem pole of life while sex is pushed down. This often leads to inner turmoil or feelings of sexual unfulfillment.

I have some good news for you if you dare to be a little adventurous. You can always enjoy more quickies. Did I just say that? Yes, I surely did. Many mature individuals put sex on the back burner because we don’t always have the time. We often forget that sex doesn’t have to be perfect or long for it to be satisfying. Usually, we just need to scratch an itch.

Enjoy more quickies
Any time, Any place

Go Ahead, Enjoy More Quickies!!!!

One of the greatest advantages to being married is having sex at your disposal. Many people behave as though having a quickie after being married is a bad thing. However, because life is full of responsibilities that may take precedence over physical pleasure we have less time for sex and it often is put on the back burner.

Imagine yourself having sex at your disposal and engaging in a quickie wherever and whenever you can. Everyone enjoys a long lovemaking session unfortunately that is not always possible with families and busy schedules.

When we have a partner, sex is always at our disposal. We just choose to ignore it and push it down the totem pole of life. Stop doing that. Allow sex to become a priority again. Begin by having more quickies.

Enjoy different types of quickies

You may be thinking well isn’t a quickie just sex? Yes, it is. But we can make it much more exciting and fun by being a bit adventurous and incorporating the different types of sex to be enjoyed. All of which you may have already been partaking in from time to time. Keep in mind the main goal is to begin to enjoy more sex.

  • Oral Sex
  • Phone Sex
  • Video Sex
  • Sexting
  • Mutual Masturbation

When should you enjoy more quickies?

You are probably wondering how can I take advantage of all these different types of sex when I don’t have time. Don’t worry I have that covered too. Remember, the goal is to make sex a priority in your life again. Sometimes this has to be by any means necessary.

It may even mean you have to be willing to be a little naughty. Which I am sure is not an issue since you are here seeking tiny dirty secrets. Think back to when you were younger. Remember when you had to fit sex in at the craziest times because it was the only slot available? That can still apply now, even as a mature adult.

Now that we have that established let’s jump into when you can enjoy more quickies.

While driving

If you are one of those individuals that live out of the car, this should be right up your alley. Next time you and your partner are traveling together, let your hands wander and do some exploring. You can take advantage of this whether you are the passenger or the driver. Take turns pleasing each other, one on the way to and the other on the way back.

Enjoying a fun sexual experience while driving will not only scratch the itch but can also up your level of excitement by being adventurous. Don’t forget to be cautious while being adventurous while driving. Safety first. Also, you may not be the only vehicle on the road. However, if you are a bit of an exhibitionist, like me, this may make it even more exciting

For the Ladies

If you are feeling extremely adventurous give your man a blow job while he’s driving. Men love this, even when they say they don’t. This will turn the heat up a few degrees.


If your lady gives you a blow job while driving, please remember to pay her back, preferably on the same day. She went out of her way to please you and deserves to be pleased.

While watching t.v.

It’s easy to veg out in front of the television after a long day at work. I am guilty of this. However, what we fail to realize is that this is a perfect time to enjoy more quickies. Next time you find yourself vegging on the sofa, reach out and touch your spouse. It could be a touch on the tight or a soft kiss. How you get their attention doesn’t matter. What matters is that you get their attention and make them aware that you want to have a quick sex romp instead of channel surfing.

What’s great about this is you don’t even have to leave the sofa. Just scratch that itch real quick. If you have kids that you wouldn’t want to witness, use a cover. Once it gets really hot move to a bathroom. Keep in mind this is about reaching orgasm as easily as possible without disrupting the rest of your day. This is why I am not suggesting you move to the bedroom. After you cum you can go right back to vegging out.

During lunch break

This works out best for couples who work together, can meet up during lunch, or whose spouse can visit during lunch. If you fit into any of these categories you can enjoy more quickies. I am so guilty of this. Years ago when I worked with my husband who was my boyfriend back then we often took advantage of lunch breaks. Quickies have often been my go-to type of sex.

There is still hope if your situation doesn’t fall into these categories. You just have to be a little more creative. Since in this aspect quickies do not have to include penetration there is still hope for you to quickly scratch that itch.

In this case, you and your partner can indulge in phone sex, video sex, or sexting. Just find yourself a cozy, private area and go to town. The goal is o enjoy more quickies.

In the shower

What better place to enjoy more quickies than the shower? It’s private, you are already naked, you’re wet. This is the perfect opportunity. Yet many couples fail to take advantage of it. I say to you “not anymore”. If you want to enjoy more quickies the shower is the place to start.

Don’t have a shower? The tub is just as good to enjoy more quickies.

Honestly, while on any outing

Anytime you are out with your partner is an opportunity to indulge in any form of sex. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of every situation possible. The way I see it, sex is to be enjoyed at any time and any place. Be discreet and enjoy more quickies whenever you can.

Out on a hike

Just find a secluded spot and no one will be the wiser. This was one of my favorite outings to enjoy more quickies. I would wear a skirt for easy access.

At a movie theater

Remember when you were younger, the movie theater was the place to go to get handsy with your date? You are never too old to get handsy at the movie theater. Keep in mind that in this instance a quicker does not have to involve intercourse. The goal here would be to get the sexual juices flowing.

Anywhere with some privacy

When your goal is to have more sex in your life take advantage of any place where you have privacy during an outing. Most places you will visit have a bathroom or somewhere private you can visit with your spouse. Always keeping in mind to be very discreet to enjoy more quickies without negative results.

To sum it all up

We all desire more sex in our lives. Also, sex is very crucial to keep the relationship fresh. Often times we ignore this because our lives are so busy and full of other responsibilities. For this reason, I want you to consider enjoying more quickies in order to have more sex.

Want more than quickies? Here are some sexy activities that will spice up your life if you want to be a little more creative.

Let’s Get Intimate

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About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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