Is There Such A Thing As Intimacy Without Sex?

Intimacy without sex

Let’s talk about it. Can there be real intimacy without sex? Yes, and in this blog, I will address a few ways to practice intimacy without sex. First, I would like to share what intimacy is, what sex is, and the difference between the two.

Many of you may already know the difference between the two but indulge me a little. I will get to the good stuff and share how I practice intimacy without sex sooner than later.

In short and in my own words, intimacy is closeness or any act that allows you to feel close to someone without actually engaging in sex While sex on the other hand involves some sort of penetration, usually referred to as sexual intercourse. All of us grown and sexy folks also recognize other forms of sex such as masturbation and oral sex.

As you know my tagline is “Let’s Get Intimate” and of course, I am not having sex with any of you. However, the purpose of this blog is for me to share my innermost thoughts allowing me to be as intimate as possible with all of you. Therefore, the difference between intimacy and sex is that you do not have to physically touch each other in order to experience intimacy.

How to practice intimacy without sex.

You know what they say, “safe sex is no sex”. I’m just teasing, this is not a pitch for abstinence. I know you all are grown and sexy individuals who already know about safe sex.

Intimacy can be practiced alone or can be a part of a sexual encounter. Now for all my favorite ways to practice intimacy without sex.

Talk to each other

intimacy without sex
Take time to become reacquainted with each other

My partner and all my close friends know that I am a communicator at heart. I can talk all day and about almost anything, However, all verbal communication is not intimate. There are many situations in our lives where we encounter strangers and exchange pleasantries. At times we may have a pretty long discussion while waiting for the bus or in line waiting to purchase tickets. This is not the type of talk I am referring to.

I am referring to the late-night talks I have with my spouse. During these talks, we discuss things that are near our hearts. It’s during these conversations that we find out how in tune we are or aren’t with each other. These intimate talks allow us to get closer mentally and emotionally.

Give each other a massage

There are times when your partner may be too tired for a romp in the bed. However, that does not mean you cannot enjoy each other. If you want to feel one another without having sex you can do this with a massage.

By giving each other massages you can practice intimacy without sex. Get some scented warm oil and go to work. If you are feeling extra giving just be on the massaging end. Enjoy the intimate feeling of caressing your partner’s body without the expectation of sex.

Have a kissing session

Who remembers when they first met someone they really liked and it was too early to have sex? What did you do? You kissed each other passionately. Making out, as many refer to the passionate kissing sessions is definitely a way to feel intimacy without sex.

So go ahead grab your partner and plans some sexy kisses on him. Maybe even grope him a little bit. Just keep in mind that all that kissing and groping may lead to actual sex. That’s ok, I’m sure your partner will not mind once you get him wound up.

Holding hands

Intimacy without sex
Interlocked fingers are a sign of intimacy

Sometimes when I want to feel a bit of intimacy with my husband while in public I will just reach out and hold his hand. This allows me to feel connected to him even in those moments when it’s best to not be even remotely sexual.

Try it. It’s one of the simplest ways to feel that intimacy without sex. If you haven’t held hands in a while your partner may be a bit confused at first. However, I am sure they will get reacquainted with your touch very soon. Next thing you know they will be reaching out to grab your hand next time you are in public.

Public displays of affection (PDA)

Public displays of affection are good when holding hands is not enough for you to feel that intimacy with your partner. If you are a very open person and are not afraid to show affection in public this is a sure way to feel close to your partner.

Next time you are at that museum or park, or just going for a walk grab your partner and give them a hug. You might even go as far as to spank or grab their ass. Put your arm around them and walk together. Any of these will allow you to feel a connection with your partner while in public.

Be romantic

While being romantic may mean different things to each of you it is still a definite way to practice intimacy without sex. Being romantic to me is when my husband has flowers delivered to me. It’s also when I decide to bring him breakfast in bed. It can be the smallest act that brings the largest sense of intimacy because it’s well thought out and from the heart.

No one knows your partner better than you. So go with what you know.

Go on a road trip

One of my favorite things to do with my husband is a road trip. It doesn’t have to be a long-distance road trip. Just long enough for us to experience each other’s company alone. There doesn’t have to be a destination in mind, just an open road.

There doesn’t even have to be any conversation (although I love to talk). I feel close by just being alone in the care with him. The fact that I don’t enjoy driving and he willingly takes me on a road trip as a passenger makes me feel extremely grateful and connected.

Dance with each other

intimacy without sex
Just Dance

Dancing is a magical form of expression. A lot can be said through dancing. It’s actually my favorite form of expression. I love to dance, possibly more than I love to talk. Whenever given the chance I dance even when I am all alone. Given the opportunity, I dance with or for my husband.

Take the time to dance with your partner. It doesn’t matter what type of music you dance to. Just be in sync. Look into their eyes. Flirt with them silently as your bodies sway to the music. Dancing can become a secret language of seduction between the two of you.

Intimacy is possible without sex!

Hope you enjoyed this post and thank you for stopping by. Please leave a comment as I would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on this topic or any other grown and sexy topic that is dear to your heart. I want to continue to get intimate with each and every one of you. So ” Let’s Get Intimate”.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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