Is Lola Starting To Believe Blake Is The One?

Coffee & Good Book

Blake looks at Lola as he unfastens her seatbelt. I can’t wait to get you out of these clothes and into a bikini, he says to her. What? I didn’t bring a bikini, Lola responded. Do not worry my sweet baby girl. Today will be full of surprises. Lola looks at him and smiles as she gets out of her seat. She realizes she is starting to believe he is the one.

Lola cannot believe her eyes as she steps off the plane.

The warm tropical air hits Lola’s skin as the bright sun beams down on her. Where are we? she asks Blake. You, my dear Lola, have just flown air by Blake to Blake’s fantasy island. Technically, it’s not my island per se but I have a private beach here, Blake humbly corrects himself.

I love the beach, Lola shouts as she dances a little jig full of excitement. Get your ass in the car then, Blake demands. We will be at my place in about 15 minutes.

Lola happily obliges and jumps in Blake’s car. I really love how dominant and commanding he is, she thinks to herself. I had not realized how much I need this in my life. Blake gets in the car beside her, puts his hand inside her thigh, and looks at her with a devilish smile while he tickles her clit. He leans into her ear and whispers, I can’t wait to get you to my house. Lola lets out a giggle as she replies, me either.

They arrive at Blake’s beach house.

Blake’s driver lets Lola out of the car. Oh My God! this place is so beautiful. Is this really your place? I just can’t believe my eyes. It’s so amazing. Lola comments as she walks trying to take it all in. Yes, it’s all mine, Blake replies as he takes her hand and leads her into the house.

Welcome to my humble abode, Blake says as Lola enters his beach house. The inside is almost as beautiful as the outside, Lola responds. Take a look around and make yourself at home Lola. I have to make a few calls. If you need anything or have any questions, please ask Sophia. She takes care of this place for me so she knows where everything is, better than I do.

How did I get here, Lola wonders to herself as she takes off her shoes and walks out to the sand. This is too much like a fairy tale. Lola’s mind begins to spin in circles like it often does when she overthinks. Stop it she whispers to herself. Enjoy this, you deserve it she quietly thinks. Don’t be afraid. You are walking on a private beach that belongs to the man of your dreams and he brought you here. He just might be the one for you. Lola smiles one of the biggest smiles since she was a kid as she feels the warm water on her bare feet.

Lola loves the beach

So you like the beach huh?

Lola hears Blake call out to her from a few feet away. Oh, I love the beach! Lola responds gleefully. May I take you away from the water for a minute Ms. Lola? Blake asks. Why certainly Mr. Blake. I just want to show you something, he says as he leads her back into the house and to his bedroom. I thought we’d freshen up before we get something to eat.

We kinda made a little mess on the plane and I just want to make sure you feel fresh and maybe put on some panties. But I didn’t bring anything with me, Blake. Don’t you worry about a thing, my sweet baby girl. We take care of everything here at Blake’s fantasy island. Just remember this is where your dreams will come true, Ms. Lola. All she can do is smile and she thinks to herself, damn, maybe he is the one.

Lola is again surprised when she walks into Blake’s bedroom.

The first thing she sees is a huge king-size bed full of red rose pedals right by a huge glass door that leads to a deck that overlooks the beach. To the right, she sees a jacuzzi tub full of bubbles with rose pedals floating on the bubbles. To the left, there is a walk-in closet, full of women’s clothing.

You have a lovely bedroom Blake, Lola comments, as she continues to look around. You bring that many women here that you keep a closet full of women’s clothing? Or are you just into some real kinky shit? Lola asks. Neither Blake replies sternly. That’s all for you. I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of buying you a few things. A few things? Blake. That’s an entire closet full. Lola lets out a big laugh and asks. Did you just kidnap me? Maybe, Blake replies. I mean, would you let me kidnap you? At least for a few days, weeks, months, maybe?

Our bubble bath is getting cold, Lola.

Blake walks up behind her and begins to massage her shoulders. That feels so good Blake, Lola sighs. I haven’t had a good massage in forever. You do seem a little tense, Blake says. You gotta relax he continues as he leans in to kiss her neck and right shoulder while he lowers her dress strap. Lola shakes a little as she feels a shiver down her spine. This man has put a damn spell on me, she thinks to herself. No matter how much I try, I can’t seem to fight off the desire for him to take me and make me his.

She can feel Blakes’s hard dick against her spine as he moves closer and drops her dress to the floor. Lola feels Blakes’s hands caressing her naked body. She closes her eyes as she enjoys his soft yet firm hands caressing her. Blake outlines her body from her ass up to her neck and then back down. Lola can feel her pussy getting hot and tingling. She wants him so bad. As her breathing gets deeper, she hears Blake say gets in the tub Lola. She slowly slips into the jacuzzi and positions herself where she can see Blake.

Blake stands naked before her.

Lola can’t take her eyes off him. He is the perfect man she thinks to herself as she licks her lips. Tall, handsome, and chiseled she mouths to him. Pinch me because ai must be dreaming, she says out loud. She takes another look at him, beginning at his feet. His calves are extremely muscular, his thighs almost like tree trunks. Her gaze goes to his crotch area. Lola can’t help but notice his semi-hard dick. It’s not just long, it’s also thick. Lola longs to feel that huge dick between her thighs, sliding its way inside her tight pussy.

That is gonna hurt she thinks to herself right before moving her eyes to his abs. You work out a lot huh? Lola asks as she admires his chest and abs. Yes, I like to work out. Blake replies. Why do you ask? I can tell that is all, Lola says. Do you like what you see? Has all my effort paid off? Blake asks as he strikes a few silly poses for her. Lola laughs out loud. Get in the tub with me you big lug, she says.

Blake's perfect body

Lola is in awe of Blake’s perfect body.

She continues to stare at him as he steps into the tub and sits in front of her. Lola smiles as she realizes that she is seeing Blake in the buff for the first time and she loves what she sees. Blake gets close and leans over her to grab a sponge. Lola can’t help but let out a deep sigh, thinking Blake is the one. She suddenly realizes how horny she is now that she has this perfect man so close to her.

You are so sexy, Blake whispers to her as he sponges her body. I want to make you mine, Lola. Will you be mine? Lola can’t help herself anymore and she puts her arms around his neck and begins to kiss him. Blake pulls her closer and passionately returns her kiss. She can feel his warm, wet tongue become entangled with hers while his hard dick brushes against her skin.

I think it’s time to get out of the tub Lola. She shakes her head in agreement as she bites her bottom lip. Blake steps out of the tub and Lola steps out behind him.  He grabs a towel and dries her off and then himself.  He pulls her close to him and begins to kiss her passionately.  Lola wraps her arms around him and returns his passionate kisses.  She can feel her heart beating rapidly in sync with his. Lola has never felt passion for someone with so much intensity as she is feeling right now.

Blake moves from kissing her lips to her neck.

She can feel his desire in every kiss he plants on her.  He gently moves from her neck to her shoulders, going from kisses to licks.  Lola likes how his wet tongue feels against her skin, so warm and moist.  That feels so good Blake, Lola moans, as he continues to kiss down her chest making his way to her breasts.

Lola presses her fingers against his back while he takes her right breast in his mouth and begins to twirl his tongue over her nipple.   Yes, Lola sighs, that feels so damn good. Blake continues to suck on her nipple while massaging her left breast with his hand. I want to eat you all up; Blake says as he slowly releases her nipple and begins to softly kiss down her stomach.

Lola’s breathing gets faster, and she can’t help but moan out loud as his tongue circles her belly button.  Her heart rhythmically pounded with his as her pussy goes from being moist to dripping wet. She feels her sweet juices start to move down her thigh as her clit swells up from desire.  

Blake’s face gets closer to her pussy as he drops down on one knee. She feels his hot breath against her pussy.  What would you like me to do down here Lola? Blake asks as he breaths harder and brushes his lips against her pussy. 

I want you to lick my pussy.

Lola moans as she slightly spreads her to accommodate him. Are you sure that’s what you want? Blake asks with his mouth so close to her pussy that he can feel her swollen clit against his lips. Yes! Lola exclaims as she puts her hands in his hair and pulls his face in between her legs.

Blake begins to desperately lick and suck her pussy and clit as though he hasn’t eaten for ages.  It’s like he can’t make up his mind.  Do I want to lick her pussy or suck her clit, he thinks as she starts to grind her pussy against his face.

He stops for a moment, looks up at her, and says, I can’t believe you taste even better than the first time.  Lola looks down at him with desire in her eyes grabs his hair again, pulls him closer, and moans, eat this pussy Blake as she puts on leg over his shoulder in order to let him eat more of her pussy.

Blake’s dick is rock hard as he reaches down and pumps it while he fucks Lola with his tongue. Lola, I want you so bad, Blake moans as continues to pump his hard dick. I want you too Blake, Lola responds as he goes back to eating her pussy.  I don’t know how much longer I can wait. If you keep eating my pussy like this, I know I am going to cum, Lola says.  Blake can hear the desire and desperation in her voice.

I want you
I want you

Blake picks Lola up with her legs over his shoulders and lays her on his bed.

He turns her over and begins to massage her back. Thought, I’d give you a quick break.  I don’t want you to cum just yet Blake says to her with a chuckle.  There is still so much of you that I want to explore.

I am all yours baby, Lola responds as she relaxes to the caress of his strong hands.  You are pretty good at this, she remarks.  I just want to make sure you feel good Lola.  That is my goal for today, that you feel good in my hands.  I really want you to come back Lola so I have to treat you good.

Blake soon begins to kiss Lola’s back.

Is that part of your massage, Lola jokes.  This is called the Lola special.  No one gets this kind of treatment from me, just so you know, Blake responds.  You are one of a kind, Lola, he says as he glides his tongue down her spine. Lola begins to tingle again and can’t help but arch her back. You are quite special yourself Blake.

Blake continues to lick down her spine until he gets to the top of her ass.  Have I told you how much I love your ass? He asks.  No, you have not, Lola replies as she pokes her ass out for him to feel it.  I love it so much I want to spank it, he says as he slaps her ass.  Mmmmm, Lola moans, do it again, she says playfully.

You know what else I want to do to your ass? Blake asks.   What else? Lola replies.  I want to eat it, He exclaims.  Now you are talking Mr. Blake. 

Blake pulls Lola up on all fours, spreads her ass cheeks, and starts rimming her asshole. Lola can’t help but arch her back as she moans full of pleasure.  Blake is so turned on by Lola’s moans that he starts to devour her ass, licking, biting, and shoving his tongue in her ass.

Blake reaches around to feel Lola’s pussy as he eats her ass. 

He feels how drenched her pussy is and remarks, oh my, someone is hot and ready.  Yes, I am, Lola replies, as she lets out a moan.  I want you Blake, no more waiting.  Put that huge hard dick in my pussy, I need it in my pussy now.

Blake turns Lola over and begins to kiss her passionately while his hands wander all over her body.  He is so excited that he doesn’t know where his lips should go first.  So, he goes from her lips to her neck, to her breasts, and back to her lips.  All while Lola squirms under him from excitement.  She can feel his hard dick on the outside of her pussy.  Lola is so ready to swallow that huge dick. 

Lola closes her eyes and opens her legs giving him permission to enter her soaked pussy.  Blake gently begins to slide his hard dick into her wet pussy knowing it’s their first time so he must be gentle. He listens to her moans as her legs spread more to give him more room.  That’s my sweet baby girl, Blake whispers in her ear as he pushes his dick deep in her pussy.  Lola begins to move her hips in order to take his dick deeper.   

You feel so good Blake, Lola moans as their movements become more in sync.  Go deeper, Lola moans.  I want all of you inside me Blake, she says with such desire in her voice. Blake begins to thrust his dick deeper in her pussy making sure she feels every wall in her tight pussy while she feels every vein on his dick.

Lola wraps her legs around Blake’s waist desperate to get closer to him. 

Feeling like she just can’t get enough of his dick at this moment Lola begins to thrust her hips faster as she feels his dick slide in and out of her wet pussy.  You want more of this big dick, don’t you Lola, Blake says to her as he begins to pump his dick in her pussy harder and faster in order to keep up with her passionate desire. 

Yes, Blake! I want you to fuck the shit out of me!  I’ve been waiting for this dick too long now, fuck me like you mean it, Blake, Lola demands. Seems like this was all Blake needed to hear to unleash the beast within.

Blake slides his dick out, gets on his knees grabs Lola’s legs, and lifts her ass off the bed to get her in a position more convenient for him to fuck her.  He grabs her by the waist and slides his dick back in her pussy.

Blake unleashes his desire on Lola.

Lola begins to groan as Blake pounds her pussy.  That feels so good Blake, she moans as she makes sure to keep up with his intensity.  Whose pussy is this? Blake asks while thrusting his dick deep inside Lola.  It’s your pussy, Lola responds.

And who is my baby girl, he asks.  I’m your baby girl, Lola responds.  Blake continues to desperately pound Lola’s pussy while holding on to her waist and moving her back and forth on his dick.

Are you ready to cum for me, Lola?

Blake asks her as continues to try and satisfy the insatiable desire he has for her.  You keep fucking me like this and I will cum for you in no time, Lola responds while trying to catch her breath. There is no stopping this train now Lola.  It’s in full motion, Blake says between grunts.

Just let me know when you are ready to cum, Lola.  Stop talking so much and keep fucking me, Lola replies.  I will do better without all the chatter. Blake begins to pump his dick in her pussy faster.

Lola moans that’s it, baby.  Keep pounding me with that big hard dick just like that.  These words drive Blake wild.  He continues to fuck Lola like it’s the last time he will see her.  Blake can feel that Lola is ready to explode.  He feels her swollen clit rubbing against his hard dick as he goes in and out of her pussy.

I’m ready to cum Blake!

Lola lets out a big moan as she thrusts her hips against Blake.  She knows she is ready to explode.  This orgasm is going to be the best orgasm she’s had in her life, she thinks to herself.

Her hips start moving frantically because she is so desperate for Blake right now.   She feels like his dick can’t get deep enough.

Blake cannot control himself either.  Watching, listening, and feeling her reactions to him is bringing him over the top too.  He feels like he is about to explode with her.

He feels Lola’s excitement build up more and more.  She is so ready to cum for me, he thinks to himself.  I better not lose momentum.

Lola lets out a loud moan as she thrusts against Blake.  I’m cumming! she shouts.  Blake slows down and pushes his dick in as deep as he can as he feels her body begin to shake.  He grabs her pulls her close and whispers, I’m cumming too.

Blake lets out a moan and begins to laugh.  Oh my God, that was so fucking good he says to Lola, looking in her eyes.  He gives her a kiss and says I can stay here forever.  Lola looks at him, while thinking to herself, he is the one, and says me too.  

Who else believes that Blake is the one for Lola?

Thanks again for stopping by. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter in Lola’s Sexy Adventures. I totally believe that Blake is the one for Lola. However, I would love to hear your opinion. Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know if you enjoyed Lola and Blake’s sexcapade. If this is your first time visiting I will suggest you go and read Parts I, II, and III of Lola’s Sexy Adventures.

Should I continue to write about Lola and Blake or should I put it to rest here? I urge you to share your stance on this relationship in the comments or by email.

Live in your secrets...Play in mine
Hope you are having fun playing in my secrets.

Till next time

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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