This Is Not A Midlife Crisis, It’s A REDISCOVERY

Are you sick of hearing the term “midlife crisis”? I am. Just because I am not behaving how society believes a middle-aged woman should behave does not mean I am having a midlife crisis.

What is middle-aged anyway?

Ok, so according to the dictionary it’s a person between the ages of 45 and 65 and according to Wikipedia, middle age is the period beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. After considering these definitions I accept I am a middle-aged woman at the ripe age of 52.

Every middle-aged person is not having a Midlife Crisis.

There are many reasons why I behave the way I do although I am a middle-aged woman. I am who I a, no matter what age. There was a time in my life that I believed my life would be over at age 50. As a young woman, I would count the years I had left to enjoy the pleasure in life before I got too old.

I honestly believed that I would stop feeling sexy and enjoying my sexuality. Boy was I afraid that I would end up like all the older women around me. All the middle-aged women that surrounded me behaved like they were so ancient. It was absolutely terrifying.

To think that my breast would sag down to my knees. That I would have to wear grandma panties that stretched over 2 feet. This is what had me believing that I would end up like an “old hag” at age 50. I really believed that my life as I knew it, my sexual prowess would be obsolete by middle age.

Yes, I am over 50 and still enjoy feeling and looking sexy!

Things I do as a middle-aged woman
Sexuality is part of who I am.
  • I purchase and wear thongs every time I can.
  • Enjoy being sexually active as much as I can.
  • Shop in the juniors section often.
  • Ensure that physical, emotional, and mental health are top priorities in my life.
  • I dance regularly as a form of cardio, and yes, I do shake my ass, frequently.
  • Love to indulge in sexy lingerie.
  • Eat healthy while still enjoying good food.
  • Workout regularly.
  • Practice mindfulness to be happy and positive.
  • Continue to learn and educate myself on a daily basis.
  • Be exactly who the hell I want to be!
What I will not do as a middle-aged woman
  • Give a fuck about anyone else’s opinion.
  • Stop feeling and being sexy.
  • Let myself go because I am older.
  • Dress according to my number age.
  • Stop purchasing and wearing sexy lingerie.
  • No longer treat my body as my temple.
  • Stop rediscovering myself.
  • Accept having a midlife-crisis

What I am experiencing is a REDISCOVERY

I totally agree that perhaps I do not act like many people my age. I certainly do not look like most women my age. Maybe some may believe that I am too old to wear a thong every day. That I should behave more like a middle-aged woman. Not concern myself with what my body looks like on the outside.

That’s not me, baby.

Gone are the day when I believed my life would be over when I hit half a century. Have I been through a slump? Yes. Has there been a time in my life when I actually thought my life was over because I am officially over the hill? Hell yeah!

Guess what though, I dusted myself off and realized that’s not me baby. I am not going out like that. My grown and sexy kicked in and I started on a journey of rediscovery.

I took a good look at myself and realized that my life changed once my kids grew up and really didn’t need me anymore. This isn’t new as many of us go through this. However, it was new to me and I started to feel obsolete. The sad thing was that at the time I had no clue what to do or where to start.

Was I having a midlife crisis?

I tried many different things to find myself and learn what was going on with me. My first thought was to go back to school. Maybe if I learn something new I won’t feel as worthless or as bored. So I enrolled in a Master’s program.

Going back to school didn’t feel like enough so I switched careers and took a huge pay cut. Now I was still unsatisfied and had less money.

Well, it started my education again and changed my career but still lost. So I thought maybe it was my marriage. What did I do? I separated from my husband. Thought I was trapped in a marriage and needed to learn to be an individual again.

What I have described here may very well be considered symptoms of a midlife crisis by many of you. However, I do not like the feelings that come along with that term. Referring to my life-changing events as a midlife-crisis kind of gives it a negative feel. Like I am trying to hold on to the past while trying to relive my youth.

I was not trying to relive my youth. Instead, I was trying to figure out what was next for me. There was no fear of evolving. The question was what am I evolving into? I was on a journey to rediscover myself. What was this new chapter in my life going to be and what part was I going to play in it?

Was I going to be a bystander, too afraid of how society would classify me? I chose to learn who this middle-aged woman is. To renounce any midlife crisis and accept my rediscovery.

Let’s Get Intimate

If you are anything like me you may be feeling a little confused while beginning another phase of your life. Do not fear, just be true to yourself. Every single one of us who lives past a certain age will question what our next steps in life should be. However, it’s not a mystery that we can only live one day at a time. So do not concern yourself with how tomorrow will work out because you can only live for today.

Enjoy every second of your rediscovery because you will never get that second back.

Just my thoughts.

This post is a collection of my thoughts about midlife crisis. It’s all based on the experiences I have gone through as I navigate this second chapter of what is my life. Thank you for taking the time to read it and I hope some of it may resonate with you. Please share leave a comment and let me know how you have dealt with the rediscovery of yourself. Are you having fun figuring out who the next you is? I’d love to hear about it.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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