Lola Is Lavishly Whisked Off Her Feet By Blake

Blake wakes up extra early. He is extremely excited about the plans he has for Lola today. He calls his personal assistant, Beth, and asks if the jet is ready. Yes, sir, Beth replies.

Blake continues, what about the flowers? Check. Beth replies. Breakfast? Check. The Limo? Mr. Scott, don’t worry it is all under control. I know how important this is to you. I promise I have checked on everything you requested myself. Lola will certainly be enchanted and fall head over heels for you after today. That’s if she already hasn’t, Beth responds with a chuckle.

Thank you, Beth, I trust you know how important Lola is to me. I cannot afford to mess this up. I may not have another chance like this one.

Blake is excited.

Blake hangs up the phone and realizes that just the thought of Lola has him pitching a tent under the sheets. He reaches down under the sheets and feels his dick hard as a rock. Damn Lola what have you done to me, Blake thinks to himself as the slowly strokes his dick. I know you can’t wait to slide into that sweet juicy pussy, Blake says while stroking a little faster. I can still taste her sweetness, he thinks while edging himself. This feels good, he thinks but it will feel better when her lips are around you, Blake comments to his dick.

Blake lets go of his dick and hops out of bed quickly. I better stay focused, he thinks to himself as he sends Lola a quick text “ be ready by 9”.

This is about Lola, not me. Do not ruin this for me, Blake says to his dick as he jumps in the shower.

Lola picks up her phone to see a text from Blake. Oh shit! She says nervously as she jumps up from her bed, it’s 8. I only have an hour to get ready. Where are we going? she texts back, wondering what she should wear.

It’s a surprise.

so wear whatever you want that’s comfortable. Blake responds.

Great, she thinks to herself as she jumps in the shower.

At exactly 9 Lola hears her phone ring.

Hello, Lola says as she picks up the phone.

Hello, Ms. Lola, it’s Johnny downstairs, your ride is here.

Thanks, Johnny. Tell him I will be right down, Lola responds a little frazzled as she isn’t quite ready yet.

Something comfortable.

Lola smiles to herself and throws on a very sexy summer dress, as she thinks to herself, he said something comfortable.

She is surprised when she makes it outside and sees a driver holding a car door open for her and Blake is nowhere to be found. So she gives the driver a look of confusion.

The driver notices and says to her, Ms. Lola, I’m Bradley and Mr. Scott sent me here to pick you up. He is waiting for you on his jet.

What? Lola responds, still a bit confused. Don’t be afraid, Bradley replies. I promised Mr. Scott to bring you to him safe and sound. I am a very good driver. Want to see my license? he says as he shows her his driver’s license.

Thank you, Bradley That is very sweet and you didn’t have to do that. I am just a little confused because Blake, I mean Mr. Scott never mentioned sending a driver for me.

Blake is waiting on his private jet
Blake's lavish lifestyle

Lola is excited and impressed by Blake. She realizes he has held no punches so she wonders if he could be a playboy used to having his way with women.

I better be extra careful with this one, she thinks to herself as he greets her with a soft kiss on the cheek.

Kiss on the cheek? she says holding back her laughter. I thought we were past that.

Oh, Lola, Blake responds. If you only know how far passed that we are. I just want to make sure you know I am a gentleman. Regardless of how passed that we are, I will always greet you like the lady you are, he says as he walks her to her seat.

Blake takes the seat next to her, reaches over and whispers in her ear, buckle up this can get bumpy, and then licks her face before letting out a chuckle.

Lola feels her pussy get warm and tingly and realizes she forgot to put on any panties. She then looks at Blake next to her and gives him a devilish smile.

Blake puts his hand on Lola’s thigh.

Oh my God, she thinks to herself. Soon he will notice she has no panties and might think she did it on purpose. Lola takes a deep breath as she begins to feel Blake’s hand move up her thigh just as she has this thought.

She straightens up in her seat and Blake asks her, is everything ok? Certainly Blake, I just don’t enjoy flying, Lola lies.

Blake lets out a laugh as he responds, I thought it was because you don’t have any panties on.

Whatever are you talking about Blake, Lola says with a giggle. Well, now that you mention it, I kinda forgot them this morning. Sure you did, Blake replies as he takes her hand and places it on his rock-hard dick.

Lola, he says as he grabs her chin with his hand while leaning in to kiss her. I noticed you didn’t have any panties the moment you stepped out of the car. Blake places his lips gently over hers and spreads her lips with his tongue.

Lola takes his tongue in her mouth and begins to twirl her tongue around his as she is passionately kissed by Blake.

Blake begins to explore Lola’s pussy with his fingers.

So are you a member of the mile-high club Blake? Lola asks. No, I am not, he responds. But I can be, he whispers slyly as he begins to massage her wet pussy lips with his fingers.

Lola begins to breathe hard as she feels her pussy get wetter and hotter while her clitoris swells up. I still believe you purposely forgot to put on panties, Blake says to her. Either way, Ms. Lola, I like it. So far you have not ceased to amaze me.

How much longer till we get wherever we are going, Lola pants? Don’t you concern your pretty little head. We will get there when we get there Lola. Right now I am enjoying the flight too much, Blake says with a smile. I might just tell the pilot to keep circling around until you cum for me.

You ever cum over international waters? Blakes asks. Wait, what? Lola moans in confusion. What did I just say to you about your pretty little head? Leave the flight and destination to the pilot. You just need to enjoy traveling by air by Blake, he says with a smile.

Have you ever cum over international waters?

Blake repeats his question. No, I have not. Lola replies. We are going to change that. Air by Blake always promises the most exquisite experience to its customers, Clake responds while tickling her pussy with his fingers.

How are you feeling Lola? Blake asks. On a scale of 1 to 10, how horny are you right now, my sweet Lola? Right now I’d say I am a 7, Lola responds. Well, Lola, I’ve been a 10 since I woke up this morning. Just knowing that I’d be spending the day with you got my dick straight up.

Now the question taking residence in my head right now is how can I get you to a 10 and maybe higher? Blake asks. Honestly, Blake, you are doing a great job. My, only suggestion would be a little less talking, Lola responds as she puts her finger over his lips.

I got you, Lola.

Blake takes heed and goes back to pressing his lips against hers while playing with her sweet pussy. His fingers desperately explored her pussy and her clitoris with one hand while he grabbed her hair with the other. Lola enjoyed being explored by Blake in this manner. She couldn’t help but notice how her body reacted so positively to his touch.

It’s like her pussy knew him already. How could this be she wondered? I only just met him a few days ago. Lola let go of these thoughts and proceeded to return his passionate kisses. She reached back down to grab his big hard dick. Lola noticed that Blake did not have on any underwear as well as she could feel every vein on his thick dick through his linen shorts.

Lola couldn’t help but begin to rub his dick right over his shorts. She heard a soft moan from Blake. Lola realized she enjoyed the sound of his moans and couldn’t wait to hear him cum for her. Blake began to breathe harder as Lola slipped her hand up the side of his shorts and grabbed his bare dick.

He laid back a little to let himself enjoy the feeling of her tiny, soft hand stroking his big hard dick. Blake couldn’t help but take a peek. This made him realize he liked the look of her tiny hand trying to hold on to the beast between his legs. He smiled, leaned towards Lola again, and reminded her, this is air by Blake. Ms. Lola. Please free your hands, lean back, and enjoy the rest of the flight.

Lola really enjoyed air by Blake.

Blake had unfastened Lola’s seatbelt to allow her to move freely while he continued to explore her body. He gently moved his hands from her pussy to explore her soft supple breasts over her dress. Lola’s sexy breasts were perky, a C cup, Blake thought to himself as he caressed them.

Perfect, he whispered to her as he massaged her hard nipples with the tips of his fingers. Lola could not help but let out sensual moans as she enjoyed being explored by Blake. At this point, she fully accepted that she was putty in his hands.

Blake lowered the top of her dress to expose her left breast. Just beautiful he whispered as he cupped her breast in his big hand. He leaned towards her breast, looked up at Lola, and asked, can I? as he extended his tongue toward her nipple.


Lola moaned while panting and arching her back. Blake took her nipple in his mouth and began to suck it desperately while caressing the other with his hand.

Lola feeling extremely horny and excited put one hand over his and assisted in caressing her breast while her other hand made its way down to her thighs. Mmmm Lola, Blake moaned as he took one hand and placed it between her legs again to feel her drenched warm pussy.

What number are you now Lola, he asked as he placed his wet fingers in her mouth. Lola sucked her pussy juice off his finger and moaned, tastes like I’d reached 10 thanks to air by Blake. Seems like my work here is almost done, Blake whispered as he began to finger fuck, Lola.

That feels so good Blake, Lola moaned. I want to feel you, she continued to moan as she reached for his dick. Not yet, he responded. I promised myself our first time will be special Lola. Must be the right time and right place. I refuse to take that from you. However, my overall goal is to make you feel good even if that means I just get to watch. By the way, it is just as pleasurable for me to watch and hear you cum for me.

Blake begins to kiss Lola passionately again.

Your lips taste almost as sweet as your pussy, Lola, Blake comments. Right now I don’t know where I would rather be placing my lips. Kiss me, Blake, Lola responded as she pulled his head towards her and began to kiss him passionately while running her fingers through his hair.

Lola pulls his hands back down to her pussy and whispers finish what you started Blake. I am sure you want me to give air by Blake a 5-star review. Blakes laughs with amusement as he puts his hand under her dress and between her thighs once again. He leans in close to her, kisses her neck, and whispers, I want you Lola in her ear. I desire you more than you could ever imagine. There has been plenty of seed spilled over you since we met. I have been longing to slip my hard dick between those sexy thighs and into your juicy pussy. I have just been waiting for the perfect moment.

Imagine my big hard dick sliding into your tight, juicy pussy. You felt my manhood, it’s your’s Lola don’t hold back right now. Give me what I need from you right now. I want you to release all your worries for me right now. Tighten that sweet pussy of yours around my fingers and cum for me baby.

Lola lets herself go for Blake.

Blake, Lola moans, this feels so good.

I have not stopped thinking about you since the moment we met, she whispers. You should know that is very unusual for me. I have not met a man that has enticed me as much as you have in just a few days. You are a very special man Blake and you have a way of making me feel so fucking good.

Blake continues to finger fuck Lola as she gyrates her hips back and forth while moaning and grunting. Is that the spot Lol? Blake asks. Yes, Lola moans, as she whispers don’t stop Blake, I’m almost there. Good girl Lola, Blake responds. Cum for daddy.

Lola moves her hips a little faster as Blake plays with her G-Spot. Yes, Blake! Lola moans loudly. Don’t stop! I am about to cum for you daddy. Lola tightens her thighs and lets out a soft whimper as she feels her cum start to flow down Blake’s hand and onto her thighs.

That’s my baby girl, Blake whispers as he kisses her softly. Lola smiles while trying to catch her breath and replies, I hope I didn’t ruin the seat. Good thing it’s leather. I will make sure the staff handles that. Thank you for flying air by Blake, he says with a laugh. Oh, and by the way, we are about to land so fasten your seatbelt young lady.

Is it Blake or his lavish lifestyle?

Lola realizes she hasn’t felt like this about anyone in a long time. Could she really be falling for Blake or is it his lavish lifestyle that is reeling her in? She is afraid to become prey to yet another playboy but at the same time, she does not want to lose a great opportunity. What if Blake is the man of her dreams?

It appears Lola has been whisked off her feet.

Keep following for Part IV of Lola’s Sexy Adventures and find out what happens next between Lola and Blake. Is Lola being lavishly whisked away by Blake? Will Lola let herself fall hopelessly in love with Blake or will he become just another name on the list of men she no longer trusts?

If this is your first time reading about Lola and Blake please take go and enjoy Part I & Part II of Lola’s Sexy Adventures. They are both great reads if you are into short stories for the grown and sexy. I also invite you to leave a comment and let me know if you have enjoyed this content. Reading about how much others enjoy my writing feeds my desire to want to continue.

Thanks for stopping by Tiny Dirty Secrets and hope you become a regular reader.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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