How To Make Her Want More Of You…Again

Has your wife or girlfriend closed the shop on you? Do you find that you have been servicing yourself a lot more lately? If you answered yes or simply just want to learn more about how to make her want more of you again, this post is for you. I realize it’s tough for all you fellas out there that are trying to remain faithful while there is little to no action at home.

Please don’t think I have forgotten about you all. Keep in mind I am a woman, therefore I will write to my sisters first although this blog is for all the grown and sexy people out there. I have just as much information for you men out there and will give it to you from the female perspective.

Who better at telling you what will make a woman want more of you again than a woman? Don’t worry, I will try not to sound like a nag. HaHa!

Unloosen that tie and get her to want more of you.
You may wanna loosen that tie for this one.

All jokes aside, I realize that many men have a wife or girlfriend that has gone frigid on them. Perhaps, she was never as passionate as you are and you thought that she would become more interested in sex after you married her. Maybe, you just want to make sure that you are doing everything you can to ensure that your wife or girlfriend doesn’t stop wanting you.

No matter your situation, today I want to provide you with a few solutions that will make her want more of you again.

Women enjoy sex as much as the next guy. However, it is very important for you to remember we are emotional creatures. Sex for women usually begins well before the physical act of intercourse. Women enjoy being wooed in many different ways. I want to help you with the key to unlocking that chastity belt that may have been created. Keep reading to learn which way your woman enjoys being wooed.

How to make her want more of you…Again and Again

Take care of Yourself

No matter what your personal situation is, I cannot go into what to do for her without first addressing what you should do for yourself.

Make certain that you are always your best self. Show yourself some love by taking care of your health. Whether you know it or not, your wife or girlfriend wants you around for a long time. Being healthy is a huge way to show her that you plan on being around for a long time.

Go to the gym or workout at home

Women are visual as well. Many women enjoy eye candy just as much as men do. Whether you realize it or not your woman is peeking at a fit, sexy man somewhere, on the internet, in movies, or even at work. Women know what a physically fit man looks like and we enjoy looking.

They also want a man that can take care of them physically. Your wife or girlfriend wants to know that she is secure with you. Become more physically fit and remind her how strong you can be.

Be her knight in shining armor

As I previously stated women want to be taken care of, no matter how independent they are. You should always be ready, willing, and able to swoop in and rescue her. This may sound cliche or you may be thinking my woman doesn’t need rescuing. She is strong and very independent. As a strong and independent woman, I can tell you that you are wrong.

Be her Spartan

I secretly and not so secretly, love when my husband is my knight in shining armor. It’s actually a turn-on to see him come to my rescue, no matter how small the gesture is.

Make sure you take advantage of any situation and become her knight in shining armor. Take care of the kids for a night, do the grocery shopping, or do the laundry. It doesn’t matter how minimal the task, she will appreciate it because you are swooping in and handling something for her.

Be her Prince Charming

Almost every woman has fantasized about a prince charming falling in love with her. Be that prince charming for her. Treat her like the royalty she is. However corny this may sound most women enjoy a little fantasy. This goes hand in hand with being her knight in shining armor.

Choose a day or night and make it very special for you. Only you know what her individual fantasy life is. Make her fantasy come true for that period of time, whatever that may be.


All men know women love surprises, even when she claims she doesn’t. How you chose to surprise her doesn’t matter. Just do it. Take her on that vacation she’s been desiring or that restaurant she loves. The surprise can be big or small, she will love it.

To make it even more interesting surprise her sexually. This will help make her want more of you. Try out that position she has mentioned before or sexual fantasy that she is interested in. Invest in the kama sutra book and surprise her with something you may have learned.

Listen to her

I know, you probably hear this all the time, and I said I wouldn’t nag. However, this is very important. As a man, you may have a tendency to want to fix things. Therefore, when your woman is speaking to you oftentimes you start to come up with a solution, instead of just listening. The issue with that is, most times, women aren’t seeking a solution we just want to be heard.

Many times, women want the man in their life to act like a girlfriend and just lend an ear and provide emotional support. Women are very capable of coming up with their own solutions. Keep in mind, that if we seek a solution from you, we will let you know.

At this point, you are probably beginning to wonder how most of these techniques will make her want more of you. Keep reading and it will all come together.

I get it, you want more sex from her not more gushy talk about emotions and feelings. If you recall, I mentioned that women are emotional. Just as the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, the way to a woman’s pussy is through her heart (emotions & feelings). This is why I had to prepare you with all the heartfelt emotional crap before jumping into the sexy techniques that will help make her want more of you…again.

Now for the good stuff. What you actually came here for.
Make her desperate to taste you

How to make her want to Fuck You Again! YES!!!

Sexy ways to score with your wife or girlfriend.

Treat her like you just met her

Remember when you first met your wife or girlfriend. How you would do just about anything to get close to her. Bring that guy back. Let go of all the negativity in your life. Every man enjoys a good challenge. Treat that invisible chastity belt as that challenge.

Go back to whatever you did to conquer her in the first place and up the ante. The good thing about this bet is that you have already won. The girl is already yours and you have already planted the flag. All you are doing now is reviving what already exists.

Send her sexy texts throughout the day

Unlocking that chastity belt begins long before you have your woman in bed. As I stated, your woman wants to be wooed in every sense of the word. Don’t expect her to be turned on the minute that you jump in her bed and start fondling her. Women require mental and emotional stimulation. The longer you stimulater her senses, the more turned on she will be.

Text her sweet nothings while you are at work. If this is new to the two of you, begin with subtle, sweet texts. Let her know you are thinking of her while you are working. Send her GIFs about love. Remind her how special she is to you.

Once you have her attention, you can turn up the heat. Start sending more seductive texts. Tell her how great sex with her always is. How you have been daydreaming about making love to her. Let her know how the thought of her has you excited during your while you are at work. You know your partner best so go with whatever turns her on.

Stimulate ALL her senses

Remember women require more than just physical stimulation. You should not expect your wife or girlfriend to be ready at the drop of a dime because you are.

This may sound contradictory but once you are in an established relationship, sex will take more work. Yes, I said it. I wish I didn’t have to but I have to be honest with you. There is so much going on in women’s lives that pushes sex to the back burner. I am talking about taking care of the home, kids, work, and so much more.

For this reason, it is important to stimulate all her senses in order to make her want more of you again. In all honesty, you should be happy to hear this

Let’s look at ways to stimulate all her senses

Be Creative and condition her senses to respond to you in a sensual manner

Sight. Your woman is looking at you all time therefore what she sees is very important. I know I touched on this already but I must reiterate that women enjoy eye candy and are stimulated visually also. Make her want more of you again by looking like an irresistible piece of meat.

Dress the part. if your woman likes men in suits, wear more suits. If she has mentioned how she likes men in uniform, get in that uniform. Give her what she likes and don’t be afraid to have fun with it. There is nothing wrong with role-playing the man of your woman’s dreams. Believe me, it will stimulate her and get her wet, whether she admits it or not.

It will not hurt your relationship to allow your woman to fantasize about who you might be.

You want her to want more of you?

Send her a random dick pic in the middle of the day with a quote like look who’s up for you. Don’t stop there stimulate her sight constantly. Text her random pics of other body parts. Make it youthful and fun. Make her see that naughty teenager in you again.

Smell. Boys, make sure you always smell good. Women love men that smell good. I don’t know you so I am not saying you have body odor nor that you should go out and buy expensive cologne. You know what your woman prefers so go out and drench yourself in your woman’s favorite scent.

Your woman should be able to know that you are in the area by your scent. Whatever that scent is, use it to condition your woman. Whenever she smells your scent, even when doing your laundry, her pussy should start to tingle and drip.

Hearing. Have you ever heard someone’s voice and your heart started pounding? We have all been there. Remember when you would call her and she got giddy once she heard your voice? That’s when she associated your voice with everything positive and sexy.

Talk to her with desire in your voice, like you did when you were trying to conquer her. Your goal should be to condition her with your voice. When she hears you she should hear the voice of her lover.

Ask her to set a sexy ring tone for you on her phone. Pick the tone that most resembles your sexuality. This way each time you call or text her heart will get happy and her pussy wet.

Be Creative and Fun with the last two senses

Taste. You are probably wondering how can you stimulate her taste buds? It’s easy, dude. Taste good. Make sure that the areas your wife or girlfriend will be tasting on you are fresh. Keep your mouth fresh whenever you are with her. That means brush your teeth more often, rinse your mouth out with a breath freshener, use a breath spray, mints, or gum.

Your mouth and tongue should be inviting to her. When she kisses you she should be like ooh la la and proceed to suck on your tongue cause it tastes so good.

Now let’s talk about your body parts. If you want her to enjoy licking you, I suggest that when you are trying to get freaky with her shower or bathe first. Most women don’t enjoy salty balls or any other body part for that matter.

If you want her to go down on you, to suck you good and suck you dry

Fruit can be your cum’s best friend

Then you should pay attention to what you eat. Gentlemen, your cum should taste good to your woman. She shouldn’t want to spit it out.

The best way to make your cum taste good is by eating the right foods.

If you are not a fruit man then you may want to try some herbs or spices such as cinnamon, wheatgrass, peppermint, spearmint, and parsley. All of these may help sweeten your cum for your lady.

Last but not least.

Touch. You are most likely familiar with how your woman prefers to be touched at this point in your relationship. However, if your desire is that she want more of you then it’s never too late to introduce or reintroduce her to your sensual touch. The good news is that you know all her secret places. You just have to explore them again.

Gently caress her sweet spots while sitting on the couch watching tv. Grab her ass while in line at the grocery store. PDA can be an ally. What started at the movie theater can definitely end with a sexy romp in the bed.

Learn or relearn how to touch her. Explore her entire body from head to toe and then back up. Reintroduce your fingertips, lips, tongue, and dick to her body.

Touch goes both ways so reintroduce her to your entire body. Be open and willing to let her explore you. Guide her if necessary but do not limit her.

When you have explored enough with your bodies, introduce other textures such as silk, feathers, or beads. Find out what she prefers and enjoy that. When you get tired of one texture move on to the next. The sky’s the limit guys.

I saved the most important secret to making her want more of you for last.

BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!

Be happy and be positive. Happiness is contagious. No one can resist the aura of a happy person. Happiness is sexy, fun, and energetic. This is everything that a woman wants in a man. It’s the secret path to make her want more of you. There is no real science to this.

Let’s Get Intimate…

Honestly speaking, love and sex, it is all a game. Learn to master and enjoy the game if you want her to want more of you. What I provided to you in this post is merely the tip (pun intended) of the iceberg. Dig deep into yourself and your partner with an open mind and I am sure you will figure her out. She will be eating out the palm of your hand in no time. Remember she chose you therefore half of the battle is won. Act like it, do not back down. Remind her of who you truly are, be that man she fell head over heels for.

Thanks again for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed this post, laughed, and learned a little. There is nothing new under the sun so I am sure you know all of this. However, I thought I would put it all together in one place to make it a little easier for you.

Please leave a comment and let me know if you enjoyed the read. I would love to hear about your experiences and whether or not any of these tips helped you in any way. Even if you just want to say you avoided all my tips. I won’t be upset, Honesty is key.

I will be waiting to hear from you.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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