Is Lola Falling In Love Or Is It Lust?

Lola’s Sexy Adventures Part II

Lola wakes up Tuesday morning asking herself if she was dreaming. She can’t help but feel smitten with Blake. Am I falling in love? He is too good to be true she thinks to herself. Where did he come from? Guess I just have to thank the gods for sending him my way. Lola giggles as she gets out of bed and says to herself out loud, I can’t wait to hear from him again.

She hops in the shower and the thought of last night with Blake has her aroused.

Exploring herself in the shower

Wow, she says to herself, we didn’t even actually fuck, but it felt so damn good. Lola briefly thinks about touching herself as she usually does in the shower. She pats her pussy, looks down at it, and says not today kitty. Lola then starts imagining Blake’s lips and tongue in between her legs as she finishes her shower.

Lola checks her phone on her way out to work. Hmmm, she thinks to herself. Nothing from Blake, no call, no text, nada. Suddenly, she feels a bit slighted. She starts her car and calls her friend Lisa.

Hey Lisa, how are you? I’m good, Lisa responds, what’s up? I just wanted to tell you about my date last night, Lola responds. That’s right, Lisa chuckles, you went out with Mr. Perfect last night. How did that go? she asks. Girl, let me tell you, Lola begins to say, Blake, that’s Mr. Perfect’s real name, is just so, oh my God, I can’t even find the words to describe him, Lola says. Lisa can hear the excitement in her voice.

Sounds like Blake, put that thing on you Lola.

Yes! he certainly did, but guess what, we didn’t even fuck. That’s what is so crazy about it. He is a super great man, very charming, intelligent, and great with his tongue. There it is, Lisa replies. Blake didn’t fuck you but he obviously made you cum. I can tell by the way you are acting that you have a thing for him already. Lola, you just met him, Lisa exclaims.

I know Lisa, Lola responds, but he is so different. I felt things for him after a few hours that I have never felt with anyone, even after knowing them for a long time. His behavior and the things he said to me were just amazing and made me feel like I was on cloud nine.

What could he have said and done that was so different from anyone else Lola?

Lisa asks. Blake was just a perfect gentleman with me even as he was making me cum. He told me how a woman like me should be worshiped and his behavior backed it up. Come on Lola, don’t be naive, Lisa responded. Blake is a man just like any other. They will say anything to have a chance to get some. All I am going to say is be careful Lola. You know you have a tendency of letting yourself get emotionally attached quickly.

Anyhow, none of this matters

Lola responds with a hint of disappointment in her voice. This is why I called you. I want to make sure that I don’t call him this morning. It seems I may not have made as big an impression on him because I haven’t even heard from him. Last night he was all between my legs acting like he couldn’t get enough of me and then crickets. I swear sometimes men make me sick. Gotta go, I’m pulling into my parking spot. Bye, talk to you later, Lola ends her conversation. Bye, don’t forget to call me if you feel tempted to call Blake, Lisa chimes back as she hangs up.

Lola stops at The Brew of the Day Coffee Shop

To get her daily dose of caffeine with the hope of bumping into Blake again. She is secretly hoping that he will surprise her at the coffee shop. Lola looks all around the shop in disappointment. Blake is nowhere to be found. What is wrong with me, she thinks to herself as she shakes her head. I better come to my senses. I cannot be falling in love with this man, he is practically a stranger. Let me just get my coffee and get out of here, she thinks to herself as she is handed her coffee.

It’s going to be a great day, regardless

Lola thinks to herself as she takes the elevator to her floor. At least I had a great orgasm last night that involved another person. I really need to see it for what it is, nothing more, nothing less. Although I was actually hoping there was dick in my near future, she laughs to herself as the elevator chimes at her floor.

Lola opens her office door

She takes one step into her office and can’t help but laugh when to her surprise she sees four bouquets of red roses in her office. Lola feels a warm rush come up her feet as her pussy begins to tingle. She walks toward her desk puts her coffee and purse down and sits down. Damn you, Blake, she says out loud to herself. You are really good. How the fuck did you get these in my office? she thinks. Just when I was about to write you off, you pull this. I love it. Lola always talks to herself as though she is conversing with someone else.

Suddenly Lola’s phone rings

Lola looks at her phone and begins to chuckle as she answers it. Hey, there Mr. Blue Eyes she says. Good morning princess, Blake responds. How is my Cinderella this morning? A little surprised to say the least, Lola says giggling. What’s so funny Lola? I’m just not that good with surprises, Blake and I must say this is one pleasant surprise. What are you talking about Lola? Are you going to tell me you are not responsible for these roses in my office? Lola asks. Only if they help in relaying to you how special you are. They definitely are, I really do feel special right now Blake.

How special does this make you feel, Lola?

In all honesty, I have not felt this special to someone in quite some time, Blake. Thank you so much for such a sweet gesture. Do you feel special enough to take the day off with me tomorrow? I thought you were in a conference or whatever all week? Lola asks. Don’t you worry about what I have going on darling. I have this all under control. I need to spend as much time with you as possible while I am here. Don’t want to risk you forgetting me. Just wouldn’t forgive myself if I let that happen.

falling in love
Roses are a girl’s best friend?

Lola still can’t believe this is actually happening

She can’t help but think, this is too good to be true. However, she is loving the attention. Yes, I will take the day off tomorrow with you Blake. It will be my pleasure, she responds. Blake and Lola exchange pleasantries while continuing to become better acquainted. The sound of his voice is turning Lola on. Were you surprised to hear from me this morning Lola? Actually, I was a bit disappointed thinking I’d never hear from you again, she responds. And how do you feel now? Blake asks.

I’m feeling really good right now, Blake.

How are you feeling? Lola asks. I’m feeling great, he responds, but this is not about me, it’s about you Ms. Lola. So, I have one more question, Blake goes on. How does that pussy feel right now? What do you mean? she replies giggling. You know exactly what I mean. I am still on a high from last night. The taste of your sweet pussy is still in my mouth, Lola. I requested the sheets not be changed in my room this morning because I want to keep your scent on the sheets for another day. Just to be clear, I was so turned on after you left that I went in the shower and jerked off before bed.

Lola’s pussy is tingling and her thongs are getting wet just from the sound of Blake’s voice.

So Lola, are you going to answer my question? Oh yeah, your question, Lola lets out a nervous laugh. Don’t get shy on me now, Blake chimes in. There is nothing shy about me. I am a lady and ladies never kiss and tell, Lola replies with a devilish laugh now. Ok, ok, my pussy is feeling extremely sexy at this very moment. She has actually been this way since last night. Truthfully, I haven’t slept so well in quite some time, Lola responds.

What do you think we should do about how your pussy is feeling Lola?

I don’t know I am at work. What is your suggestion, Blake? There is a surprise for you inside the bouquet that is on your desk. Go get it, Blake says to Lola. A surprise? So they delivered more than just flowers? Yes, Lola. Please, go look for it now. I need to make sure you find it before we hang up. Ok, let me take a look. I will let you know when I find it.

Lola finds a small pink vibrator hidden in the flowers.

She grabs the vibrator and lets out a loud laugh. What the fuck is this, Blake? she says playfully. Come on Lola, you’re a big girl, I know you know what that is. Ohhh! Lola lets out a scream as the vibrator buzzed in her hand. What happened she says, I didn’t turn it on. Where’s the switch? I think it’s broken, Lola exclaims. Meanwhile, Blake is laughing on the other end. It’s remote Lola. Just because I am not there with you doesn’t mean I can’t be there with you, if you get what I mean. I think you may be a little too much for me, Blake. You know I have work to do.

I just want to ensure you have a good start to your day

Why thank you, Blake. That is very sweet of you. Can I tell you a secret? Lola whispers. Of course baby, he responds. I am extremely turned on right now, Blake. Is your office door closed? he asks. No, it’s not. Why? I want you to close it and make sure it’s locked. Oh my, Lola responds. Whatever for? Just do it, you will find out once the door is locked.

What are you wearing Lola? I have on a button-down blouse and a skirt. Perfect, whispers. Lola can’t help but notice Blake’s voice went from charming to seductive. What now Mr. Blue Eyes? she asks.

Coffee break
Nothing like a cup of Joe and phone sex to start the day right.

Are you wet?

Lola, I want you to pull your skirt up, reach in your thong and express to me how wet you are. Lola realizes at this moment, that this is what she finds so appealing about Blake. He takes charge. It’s what he did last night while at his hotel. She silently asks herself could I be falling in love with him or is it lust? while reaching her right hand inside her thong.

How does your pussy feel right now? Blake asks. I want you to tell me and make me feel like I am right there with you. Lola’s breathing starts to get shallow as her fingers feel around her swollen clit and wet pussy. What this man is doing to me feels too damn good, she’s thinking to herself while searching for the right words that describe what her sexy, wet pussy is feeling right now.

My pussy feels warm, wet, and hungry.

Those are the best descriptive words I could find right this moment Blake, Lola says in a low seductive voice. How wet is your pussy right now Lola? Take a picture and send it to me, Blake requests. Lola sends him a picture that shows her pussy juice dripping down her upper thigh. Baby, how I would so enjoy licking that pussy juice right off your leg at this moment, Blake says to her. Your pussy is so ready, Lola. I must tell you I have never seen a juicer pussy than yours.

Your voice along with that picture you sent has my dick at full, attention. I am not wearing any underwear today Lola, and my big hard dick is now extended down on my left thigh. Blake, I really would love to feel that hard dick of yours between my thighs right now. That’s what I planned for Lola, Blake responds with a chuckle.

Take your thong off, Lola

Ok, it’s off, so now what Lola responds in a sexy, sultry voice. She suddenly feels the vibrator buzz again. I am about to make our wildest fantasy come true. And how do you plan on doing that? Lola asks. I am about to fuck you remotely, Blake says while making the vibrator buzz continuously.

Put the vibrator in your pussly Lola and tell me how it feels. Lola can’t help but let out a moan as she inserts the vibrator into her pussy. Good girl, Blakes says encouragingly. Those are the types of syllables I like to hear coming from my goddess. How does that feel princess, he asks while trying different settings on the vibrator. It feels really good, Lola moans while squirming in her seat. Let me know what setting feels the best, Lola. I want you to cum for me this morning. Fuck Blake, so far they all feel good. Just don’t stop.

Again, Lola can’t help but feel hypnotized by this man. What the fuck is happening and why does it feel so good, she is thinking to herself. Why am I allowing this man so much control over my body so soon?

Oh My God! Blake

Are you comfortable? Blake asks. Yes. Lola moved from her chair to the loveseat she has in her office to give herself more room to explore herself. Feel your breasts Lola and Imagine me caressing your supple breasts over your bra Lola. Now, I take one out and start sucking on it while my other hand is stroking your swollen clit. Lola closes her eyes and imagines Blake’s hands touching her soft skin. This vibrator feels so good in my pussy but I really wish it was your dick pounding my pussy right now Blake.

I know Lola. In due time, there is no rush, he responds. My pussy is just crying to feel your hard dick stroking it right now. This feels like torture Blake. No, Lola. This is not torture, it’s all part of me worshiping you, making you feel like the goddess you are. Do not forget that you deserve to feel good and if I am not there, the least I can do is help you feel good from a distance. Just enjoy it, Lola, you will be in my arms before you know it.

Lola closes her eyes while inserting the vibrator deeper into her pussy.

She starts moaning as she moves her hips back and forth, imagining that Blake is inside her. It seems they have finally found a flow to this remote dance they are engaged in. Lola’s clit is engorged and she feels she is ready to cum. Blake, I’m very close to cumming, Lola warns him. Not yet Lola.

I want you to know that I am stroking my dick for you Lola.

The thought of your juicy pussy, sexy body, and sensual voice has tempted me. So much so that I had to take part in this fantasy of ours. Lola, I can feel the tightness of your pussy chocking my big hard dick. Blake moans you feel so good, Lola. Tell me how much you desire my dick, Lola. Blake, I want your dick really bad. So bad that I am letting you fuck me with a remote vibrator. How bad do you want me, Blake? Lola, I want you more than you could ever imagine. I want your sweet pussy juice running down my chin and dripping down my dick to my balls. Damn Lola, I want it all! Blake exclaims as he begins to breathe harder as he strokes his dick faster.

Where do you want my cum, Lola?

I want you to cum in my pussy, Blake. Pump my pussy full of your cum, that’s what I want, Lola desperately moans. Would you suck my dick also Lola? Yes, Blake! I would so love sucking your dick right now. You have no idea how bad I wanted to suck your dick last night. I am quite sure when I see you again I won’t know what I want to do first, let you fuck me or suck your dick.

I am ready to cum Lola, he says as he strokes a little slower to await her response. Yes! she responds. I am right here with you Blake. I am ready to cum for you too daddy, she moans. Blake begins to stroke his dick faster and harder and Lola hears him grunting as his cum starts to shoot out. His grunting gets her even more excited and she tightens her thighs while pushing the vibrator deeper inside her pussy. Lola lets out a high-pitched moan as she becomes a bit breathless and drops back into her loveseat.

Thank you, Lola

She hears over the phone. You are by far the most wonderful woman I have met. Stop with the compliments Blake, you are going to get the pussy. Seriously, Lola, it is not about getting your pussy. I could’ve gotten that last night. I really like you and definitely want to see more of you. Good to hear because I like you too, a lot, and am also hoping to see more of you. Now I gotta get myself together so I can get to work. Who are you telling, Blake responds. I am sitting here with my dick in my hands wishing it was in your hands.

Are we still on for tomorrow? Blake asks. After today, definitely, Lolas responds with a big chuckle. I am definitely more curious about you now. I will send a car for you tomorrow morning around 8 am, Lola. You are so fancy, Lola says with a big smile while poking fun at Blake. I will be waiting with bells on. Thanks for being so sweet Mr. Blue Eyes. Thanks again Lola, see you tomorrow.

Is Lola falling in love with Blake or is it lust?

What do you all think? Is there a possibility of true love and romance or is it just a lonely woman lusting over a handsome man? Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments. Share with me your thoughts about Lola and Blake. Never know, your comments may sway the story in a different direction. I am anxious to see where the story goes and how Lola and Blake’s relationship evolves. Are you?

Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you are enjoying Lola’s Sexy Adventures.

Live in your secrets, play in mine
Till next time…

Don’t forget to come back for more adventures…

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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