This Is What Happened After Lola Bumps Into Blake

Lola’s Sexy Adventures

Lola heads towards the door and thinks to herself, looks like this is lining up to be just another manic Monday. Woah, oh, I wish it were Sunday. Lola sings The Bangles song to herself and smiles as she starts to walk out of the coffee shop.

Lola is a sexy mature Latina. A little rough around the edges sometimes, but always classy. There is something very mysterious about her that seems to draw all types of men to her.

She stands about 5’2″, with sexy brown eyes, and long flowing dark hair. Her body, although petite, is slamming. Lola knows this about herself and she carries herself accordingly.

Lola bumps into Blake

On her way out the door, Lola bumps into someone and spills her coffee. She can feel steam come out of her head as she starts to look up at the stranger. Standing before her is a tall gentleman with the most gorgeous set of blue eyes she has ever seen in her life. Maybe it’s not so bad after all, she whispers as the gentleman apologizes a few times. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, he says with an apologetic smile. No worries, this might just be the highlight of my day she responds with a giggle while thinking to herself, damn you look good.

Strangers in the coffee shop stop and look at these two. Even strangers can sense the sexual tension left in the air after Lola bumps into Blake.

Blake is a very handsome gentleman. He stands at about 6’4, athletic build, beautiful dark hair, and mesmerizing blue eyes. Most women find him attractive and would certainly throw their panties at him given the chance. Blake appears to be a bit younger than Lola but charming nonetheless.

Blake apologizes and tries to make amends

Lola bumps into Blake

He looks down at Lola and apologizes one more time. I am truly sorry young lady, please let me buy you another coffee. I don’t know about another coffee, but I will take your number, Lola responds with a suggestive smile. Did I just say that out loud? she says as she shrugs her shoulders at Blake. What I meant to say was I would love another coffee however, it appears that I am now running late.

Blake responds, Looks like I have completely ruined your morning miss, he signals with his hand suggesting she place her name here. Lola, responds, Ms. Lola, my name is Lola. Oh, exotic name. I’ve been trying to apologize for spilling your coffee and now making you late, Ms. Lola. No apology necessary Mr., now Lola signals for his name. It’s Mr. Blake, but you can just call me Blake. No worries, Blake. Lola likes the way his name rolls off her tongue.

Blake invites Lola to lunch

Ms. Lola, I feel as though I must do something to make it up to you. I am not usually this clumsy, but I had a lot on my mind this morning as I headed in to get some coffee. Since you are not accepting another cup of coffee may I treat you to lunch this afternoon, Blake says to her as he follows her to her car. I can eat she responds as she begins to get in her car.

Blake holds her car door open as he smiles and hands Lola his card. Lola takes the card, looks at it, and says, how come, I’ve never seen you here before? I’m here a couple of days on business. I just got in this morning that’s why I am a bit disoriented. Excuses, Lola responds with a sarcastic laugh.

I really would enjoy the company of such a lovely woman as yourself while I’m here. Do you think that may be possible? When do you leave? Lola asks. I go back home Thursday morning, Blake responds. Ok, I will call you before then, maybe, she says as she laughs out loud. Now let go of my door, she says as she tugs on the door. I’m running late remember.

Lola jumps in her car and pulls off watching Blake through the rearview mirror. Blake remains on the sidewalk with his hands up looking at the back of her car as she drives off. That is one handsome man, she thinks to herself. I wonder what he would look like in my bed? she laughs as she heads into work.

All this transpires because Lola bumps into Blake.

Lola calls Blake

Lola cannot get Blake off her mind while she sits in her office. What the hell is it about that guy? she asks herself. He looks like he’s some kind of playboy, looking all tall and handsome and shit. Don’t forget those baby blues, I swear he must’ve known I love blue eyes. The way he flaunted them at me like saying, look at my gorgeous eyes. Ugh, she thought to herself. Of course, he’s gotta be some out-of-towner. Why are all the good ones temporary? Oh well, doesn’t matter I will call him later and take him up on his offer anyhow.

Taking a break to look at the time Lola realizes it’s 2 pm. Blake pops in her head and she thinks, I wonder if it’s too late to call him. He’s probably busy with whatever business he’s in town for. Fuck it, she says to herself, I’m just gonna call.

Blake’s phone rings a few times and then goes to voicemail.

Never mind, Lola whispers into the phone right before she hangs up. About 30 seconds later her phone rings. Hello, she responds. Hey there Ms. Lola, why didn’t you leave a message, Blake responds on the other end. You didn’t answer, so I figured you were busy. How are ya? she responds.

A whole lot better now that I know you didn’t throw my number away. How are you, Lola? I’m doing just dandy. Just thought I’d call and take you up on that offer. I realize it’s after lunch, perhaps we can do lunch manana. Manana? Blake responds. I thought you were my favorite kind of woman he says with a chuckle. What kind of woman is that? A sexy ass, feisty Latina. He replied. That be me, Lola said as she laughed into the phone.

They exchange a few more pleasantries when Tim suddenly blurts out, how about tonight? Forget lunch tomorrow and just have dinner with me tonight. What? Tonight? She replies, acting confused while grinning slyly in her office. Yes tonight, Lola. You can meet me at the hotel lounge around 7. I will text you the hotel information. See you then, Blake says. Ok see you then, she responds as she thinks, I just love when a man just takes charge.

Lola is excited about meeting up with Blake

Lola spends the rest of the afternoon thinking about Blake.  Feeling excited about meeting him this evening.  Oh my God, she whispers out loud to herself. What am I going to wear? She looks at the clock on her computer, it’s now 4:30 and she realizes if she wants to look sexy for her date at 7 she better leave work now.  It will take her about an hour to get ready.

She gets up out of her chair and with a big grin on her face does a happy dance as she walks out of her office.

Lola is home by 5 pm and starts calculating when she should leave.  Blake’s hotel is about 15 minutes away but with traffic, it may take her half-hour to get there and find parking.  I better look for an outfit now and hop in the shower she says to herself.

Her phone rings while she is looking through her lingerie drawer.  

Drawer full of panties
Should Lola go with the bejeweled G-String?

Hey, girl what’s up? Lola hears over the phone.  It’s her best friend, Lisa.  Nothing much girl, you know me, out here, killing them. What are you talking about? Inquires Lisa.  Girl, I just bumped into the man of my dreams at the coffee shop this morning and I’m gonna meet him for dinner later.  

As a matter of fact, I’m picking out my panties now, what do you think I should wear? Asks Lola. Just wear something freaky, you know you’re a freak, chimes Lisa.  Girl bye.  I gotta hop in the shower, I will call you when I get home.  Oh, and don’t forget our code, if I text you, mangoes, that means call me and get me out of this date. Lola says while laughing.

Lola gets ready to meet Blake

Lola hangs up and goes back to her panty drawer. Now where was I she says to herself Oh yeah looking for my panties What would this tall glass of milk like to see me in she thinks to herself as she looks through her thongs I got it he looks a little bit younger than me so I think I will go with the leopard print because I’m on the prowl. She laughs to herself as she gestures with her fingers as though she was scratching him.

The thought of Blake arouses her while in the shower.  It’s been too long since I was on an actual date with a sexy man.  Six months too long, Lola thinks to herself as she caresses her smooth body with a sudsy loofah.  The hot water feels so good flowing down her skin right now, so Lola closes her eyes and imagines it’s Blake’s fingers caressing her.  She looks up and can see his beautiful blue eyes and can hear his charming sexy voice calling her lovely, and beautiful, and all the sweet adjectives in the dictionary.

She imagines the passion in his eyes as she drops her loofah and touches her warm, wet pussy with her fingertips.  Lola feels a bulge in her tingling clitoris.  Her pussy has gotten so used to being pleased by her that it begs to be rubbed, penetrated by her fingers right there in the shower. No, Lola says out loud to herself, tonight I am going to meet the man of my dreams ol’ Blue Eyes himself.  I will give him the chance to please me. So she picks up her loofah and finishes her shower.

What happened when Lola meets up with Blake?

It’s exactly 7 pm and Blake is watching the hotel doors like a hawk.  He’s been sitting at the hotel bar since 6:30 pm as he didn’t want to miss his opportunity of meeting up with Lola.  She’s been on his mind all damned day.  He could barely concentrate on his presentation today. All he heard was her infectious laugh throughout his presentation.  How he yearned to hold her in his arms. Stop daydreaming, he thought to himself, she probably isn’t into you like that so don’t get your hopes up.

Blake checks his watch, it’s now 7:15, where is she, he thinks as he glances at the door again. As he glances one more time he can’t believe his eyes as he sees her walk thru the door.  He can’t help but smile and feel a bit embarrassed as he feels a bulge in his pants.  Damn, she’s even more beautiful than I remember, he says to the bartender as he looks her up and down.  He loves what he sees.

Lola struts in wearing a little black dress that shows off every curve on her petite figure.

Strut that stuff
Strut that stuff girl

He can see her silky cinnamon legs leading down to a sexy pair of silver stilettos.  Her manicured fingers, match her pedicured toes.  I can see myself sucking those toes, Blake thought to himself.  She has a silver clutch in her left hand that perfectly matched her stilettos.

She sees him and gives him a big smile and waves with her right hand.  Blake can hear her strong confident steps as she hurries her pace to get to the bar a bit faster. Meanwhile, Blake tries to adjust his cock that is now standing at attention in his trousers.  

When Lola reaches Blake he moves in closer and gives her a kiss on the cheek. It’s so wonderful to see a familiar face, Blakes says with a big smile. Yeah, it’s a pleasure to see you too, she responds. By the way, you look stunning Lola. Thank you, you are looking rather dapper yourself there Blake, she responds with a giggle.

Blake flirts with Lola while enjoying dinner.

Has anyone told you that you have a beautiful smile? Blake asks. Lola smiles even harder as she responds, not to sound conceded but, I hear that a lot. You’re cute Blake says as he reaches and grabs her hand. I think, I really like you, Lola. You are not so bad yourself she responds shyly, feeling a little tingle between her legs as a result of his touch. His hands felt strong yet soft. She can tell that he does some work with his hands even though he’s a business executive. It has been so long since a man felt her smooth skin. Lola almost forgot what a man’s touch feels like.

Blake notices Lola’s body wiggle around in her seat so he proceeds to caress her arm as he whispers, your skin is so amazingly soft. What’s your secret? There is no secret, Lola replies. I am just silky smooth. Are you like that all over? he asks, leaning over the table to get closer to her face. Lola feels almost hypnotized by his eyes as she leans closer and responds, yes Mr. Blue Eyes. Blake feels his dick stiffen against his leg since he isn’t wearing any underwear. Lola notices that he is reaching under the table to adjust himself. Is everything ok, Mr. Blue Eyes, she asks as she takes her foot out of her shoe and reaches in between his legs.

Lola smiles at Blake as she rubs her foot between his legs feeling the thickness of his dick. Oh, Mr. Blue Eyes she softly exclaims. What do you have going on down here? Lola teases in a flirty tone as she rubs a little harder. I think you have an idea of what is going on, Blake responds as he sinks lower in the booth to give Lola a better reach. Something tells me you know exactly what you are doing Lola.

Do I? Lola responds with a devilish laugh while thinking about how wet her panties are getting. Blake grabs her leg and starts massaging her foot as she tries to pull it out of his hands. I got you now, you little vixen, Blake teases. How do you like this? he asks as he starts to tickle her foot. Lola lets out a laugh as she squirms trying to get her foot loose. She gives him an awkward look and mumbles everyone is looking at us. I know, Blake responds. How about we go somewhere more private, he says as he gives her a wink.

Lola agrees to up to Blake’s room for a nightcap.

Blake grabs Lola in the elevator and starts making out with her. She closes her eyes and remembers how often she dreamed of this. His body against hers while his arms hold her tight. She takes in his scent, he smells so good, he looks so good. I must be dreaming she thinks to herself. Lola feels so good right now. She agrees with herself that she will not fight this feeling. Suddenly, the elevator dings and they are on his floor. We are here, Blake says as he looks into her eyes. Lola didn’t want to let go afraid that she would lose the entire feeling.

This is a lovely suite, I should’ve known, nothing but the best for Mr. Blue Eyes, Lola comments. Blakes looks at her and says, I don’t mind that you call me that however, I love the sound of your voice saying my name. Blake, Blake, Blake, Blake, Lola says repeatedly as she walks into his suite. Such a smartass, but I love it, Blake responds.

Make yourself at home, Blake says as he points at the sofa. I am going to make us some drinks. Lola takes off her shoes and sits comfortably on the sofa. She realizes her pussy is still throbbing and wonders will she be cumming tonight with company or will it be at home all alone again. She certainly hopes it’s with company this time.

Blake returns looking like a tasty treat gin and tonic in each hand.

He has taken off his suit jacket, rolled up his sleeves, and taken off his tie. Lola is impressed by how versatile Blake is. She thinks, damn he just looks good no matter what. Blake hands her a drink and says, where were we as he gently caresses her face. Lola gets flustered and responds, I don’t know, think we were getting to know each other. Don’t get shy now, he responds. I know everything I need to know. For example, I know that I like you, I know that you are intelligent, I know that you are a mysterious and extremely sexy woman. Most important Lola, I know that I want you. I do not have time to waste because I do not have much time here in this city.

Lola’s desire for Blake takes over and she responds with a deep, passionate kiss. She can feel him all through her being. Lola has not felt this way for anyone before. What is going on she thinks to herself, I shouldn’t behave like this. Blake starts to feel her apprehension and pulls her closer, grabbing the back of her head tightly with one hand while wrapping the other hand around her waist. Let Mr. Blue Eyes take care of you. You are a goddess and deserve to be treated as such. Let me show you how a real man takes care of a woman. I want to worship you.

Lola is so turned on by Blake’s words that she cannot contain the passion she is feeling. She pushes Blake back against the sofa and cradles his lap. On his lap, she can feel his hard dick bulging through his pants between her legs. How she wants him in her at this very moment. She can tell he is well hung and pretty thick too. She continues to kiss him passionately, running her hands through his hair, then down his neck, and to his chest. Lola is so excited she doesn’t know what to do. It’s as though this is her first time with a man. Her thong is now soaking wet with her sweet pussy juice. She can’t contain herself any longer and starts grinding against his dick. Lola whispers that feels so good in Blakes’s ear as she starts to unbutton his pants. No, she hears Blake say as he grabs her hands. Lola is almost paralyzed at this moment and all she can get out of her mouth is, What?

Blake grabs Lola picks her up and carries her to his bed.

He lays her down on his bed, leans over her, and whispers in her ear, do not forget what I told you. You are a goddess, you deserve the best a man has to offer. Tonight, I want you to be mine, Lola. However, I do not want just your body, that’s too easy. I can get bodies anywhere Lola. Please don’t take offense to what I am going to say. Ms. Lola, I want your mind, body, and soul. I want you bound to me. From the moment you wake up, I want you thinking of me, desiring me, and looking for me. Lola couldn’t help but look at Blake with desire in her eyes. No man has ever spoken such words to her. Where did this man come from she thought to herself.

Lola was speechless as Blake started to slowly undress her while caressing her skin. He started with her stockings. The stockings came off one at a time while he explored her from her toes all the way up her thigh. Blake did not miss one single inch of her feet or legs. Once he reached her pussy, he kissed it softly through her thong and said, I will save this for last. Blake reached behind Lola and unzipped her dress. She moaned in his ear as she felt his warm breath against her neck. That a girl Lola, Blake responded. Enjoy it, there is much more to come. Lola let out a passionate, yes.

Sexy as hell
Make yourself a little more comfortable

Once Lola is out of her dress Blake begins to caress her entire body, making sure to touch every single inch of her from head to toe. He even turns her over and caresses her back and kissed her ass. Blake however still is fully dressed so Lola turns over and attempts to unbutton his shirt. No, Blake responds again. It’s not about me Lola, it’s about you. Blake then proceeds to kiss Lola passionately while holding her hands above her head with his left hand and moving his right hand down between her legs.

Blake begins to take off Lola’s thong while holding her hands above her head. I want you so bad Lola, do you desire me? Blake asks. Yes, I do, Lola responds softly. Say it louder, Blake demands. Yes! I want you, Blake, Lola screams in between the deep breaths. How bad? he asks. Extremely bad, she responds. Blake starts kissing Lola desperately beginning at her lips, then down her neck. He reaches for her breasts and caresses one while sucking the other. Fuck, you are a sexy goddess, Blake exclaims as he continues down her belly.

Lola feels her clit swollen and her pussy dripping like a fountain as she feels Blakes rock hard dick brush against her as he moves down her body. Oh my fucking God! she exclaims as she twirls her hips and arches her back, hoping to cum soon. Lola looks down to see Blake’s head in between her legs however, he is just staring at her pussy. Your pussy is so sexy, Blake says to Lola as he kisses her pussy lips softly. I want to devour it so bad Lola. Is it ok if I eat your pussy? I mean like really devour it, Lola? Yes, Blake, yes, right now I would love nothing more than for you to devour my pussy, Lola responds.

Blake goes from kissing Lola’s sweet pussy to ravaging it.

Lola can feel Blake’s tongue pressing against her clit as he begins to toy with her. She begins to moan as she can feel the pressure from his tongue go from soft to hard. Blake that feels so good, Lola moans with pleasure. I have never had anyone eat my pussy out so good like this. What are you doing to me, Blake? Right now I just want to fuck your face! she screams. You want to fuck my face, he says as he shoves his tongue inside her pussy and starts to twirl it inside her. Lola starts to pump her hips back and forth as his tongue goes in and out of her pussy. Lola can’t take it anymore and grabs Blake’s head in order to hold it against her pussy as she grinds her hips. Blake stops for a second, looks at Lola, and says I got this baby. Relax, and let daddy take care of you.

Lola takes a deep breath, lays back, and opens her legs wide. Come and get your fill, daddy, she says to Blake. That’s what I’m talking about baby, lay back and let me send you to heaven, he replies. Lola bites her lips and says yes, baby, I am ready to go to heaven. Blake, I am so close, I can cum any minute. He looks at her, responds, say no more, takes a deep breath, and puts his face back in between her legs. This time Lola lets him have control of her body. Blake starts licking her pussy from front to back. He lifts her hips up to have more leverage and control. Lola’s pussy is so wet, her pussy juice is flowing down Blake’s chin. Blake is not concerned though. This is just her body letting him know that he has conquered it. Just a few more minutes, and she will be mine, Blake thinks to himself as he sucks on her full clit.

Lola can feel that she is ready to cum as Blake is sucking on her clit. Oh, Blake, I’m so ready to cum for you, she moans. Do you want me to cum for you daddy? Yes, Lola, daddy wants his goddess to cum for him. I want you to load my mouth up with your delicious cum. Lola continues to grind her hips against Blake’s face, harder and harder. She can feel that she is ready to explode. It’s a feeling that she has not had before. Her entire body is practically convulsing and she can not control it. That’s it, baby, Blake says to her. Give it all to daddy. Lola lets out a loud moan as her cum shoots into Blake’s mouth. Her body drops onto the bed and she feels better than she ever has in her life. Ecstasy is all I can say, Lola, says to Blake.

Thank you, Blake. No, thank you Lola he responds. Thank you for the opportunity of giving oral pleasure to a goddess.

Stay tuned for more of Lola’s sexy escapades.

Live in your secrets, play in mine
Live in your secrets, play in mine.

Thank you for stopping by and reading this story. I hope you have enjoyed it. Mostly, I hope it got the juices flowing and your blood boiling. This is the first in a series of short stories surrounding Lola’s sexy adventures. Did this story intrigue you enough to come back for more? Has it at least piqued your interest? Should I continue with the series surrounding Lola’s sexy adventures? I would love to know your thoughts. Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, questions, and concerns.

Lola’s Sexy Adventures Part II

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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