15 Secrets A Woman Desires From Her Man

How many times has a woman been asked what do you want? This question is repeated to women by men thousands, perhaps millions of times a day. Could it be that difficult to figure out what a woman desires from her man? Many men would answer yes. I beg to differ. WE (women) are not difficult at all. Mostly, we just want to be heard.

So, is the issue that women are difficult to figure out, or is it that men do not really hear women?

Since, I am a woman, that wants to be heard, I am going to help out with this dilemma. I am going to do this by bringing forth to you a list containing 15 secrets a woman desires from her man.

While some of these secrets may appear mundane, I believe they must be shared over and over so that men will realize that women are not so complicated after all. Do not fret, I am also including some sexy secrets that should help maintain things spicy between you and the Mrs.

What a woman intimately desires

Real Intimacy

Let’s jump into the meat of this post.

15 Secrets A Woman Desires From Her Man

1. Intimacy

How can I discuss what a woman desires without including intimacy? I cannot. Most men are probably tired of hearing “women want intimacy”. However, it is a well-known secret that intimacy is very important to women. Therefore, I will not leave it out of my list of secret desires.

A lot of you may be saying, I have sex with my wife all the time. Yeah, but intimacy is so much more than sex. Intimacy is so much deeper than sex. It can be much more passionate and much more arousing than sex.

Remember when you stayed up with her all night laughing while you discussed how much you both hated the movie you just watched? Or when you were at different tables and your song came on so you glanced at her from across the room giving her a seductive smile.

This is the intimacy that women want from you most of the time. Keep in mind that it’s not always about sex. The best bouts of intimacy are experienced with your clothes on.

2. Communication

Women love to talk, this is a given. Therefore, communication is very high on our lists of secrets a woman Intimately desires. On the contrary, many men do not enjoy talking, which poses a dilemma for us women. Often times women are talking and men are not listening. Even worse, the man may have been listening yet the woman still feels like she wasn’t heard.

To all the gentlemen reading this, please listen and hear your women. When your wife or girlfriend is talking to you about something that has occurred or that she is upset about. If you do not hear her asking you for help fixing it, she does not want you to fix it. She wants you to listen and hear her. In this instance, you are her best friend whether you like it or not. She is simply confiding her innermost feelings or desires with you.

3. Honesty

No matter how incredible this sounds a woman desires honesty from her man. Even when it may not be exactly what she wants to hear. Often times it’s not the fact that you were honest that hurt her feelings, it was the delivery.

A woman wants to know that she can trust her man. She intimately desires that he be honest with her all the time. Circumstances should not matter when it comes to being honest with your wife/girlfriend. This woman chose you because she saw something in you. Every time you are not honest with her, makes her wonder did she chose the wrong fellow.

4. Respect

This is a no-brainer but I couldn’t leave it out. Everyone desires respect and women are no different. Your wife/girlfriend intimately desires respect from you just as you respect everyone else. Your woman is not a child therefore, she does not want to be treated as a child. No matter what her status is in and out of your relationship she desires you to respect her for it.

Treat your wife/girlfriend as an equal partner and not as an employee. She works as hard as you do, no matter what she does for a living. Let her know you appreciate the work she does in and outside of the home. Give her credit for all she does to assist in maintaining your household’s lifestyle.

5. Protection

Regardless of how strong and independent the woman may be, she intimately desires to feel protected by her man. Women want to feel safe in whatever situation they may find themselves in. Call me old-fashioned if you chose however, I believe it is the man’s responsibility to protect his family which includes his wife/girlfriend.

Feeling safe and protected by your man is actually a turn-on for most women. You may have seen this scenario played out in a movie or maybe even in your life, a woman is scared and feels vulnerable, but her man protects her and keeps her safe. Soon they are having mind-blowing sex all night long.

6. Chivalry

Women still enjoy being taken care of. Even an independent woman intimately desires to have the door held for by her man. We see this often in high-powered women who have a driver open her car door for her. This type of woman is usually very strong and independent however, she secretly enjoys feeling feminine and having a man take care of her.

The man should continue to cater to his woman’s femininity by behaving as he did when he was courting her. Back then the man would pull out her chair at a restaurant or give her his jacket when she was cold. It’s the small things that make a difference.

7. Lead or Take Initiative

Men are the head of the household therefore women expect them to lead. This does not mean that he should tell her what to do. As a leader, the man should be clear and reliable. He should have a vision for his family and guide them toward this vision.

A woman desires for her man to lead her and take initiative in the relationship. Generally speaking, women find leaders to be extremely sexy. It may have something to do with the authority that being a leader portrays. Whatever the reason may be, a woman gets weak in the knees when her man leads her or takes initiative in the relationship.

Take the lead most times
A simple touch makes a huge difference

8. Simplicity

Be simple. Many times people have the tendency to overcomplicate things which can turn fun situations into a drag. Women often get stereotyped as high-maintenance when men believe they cannot satisfy them. However high maintenance a woman appears to be she intimately desires simplicity from her man.

Keep in mind that a woman wants her man to be himself. As I stated before, she picked you and that’s who she wants. If she wanted someone else she would’ve picked someone else.

9. Take Care of Yourself

It is important to your wife/girlfriend that you take care of yourself. I am referring to your overall health, physically, mentally, and emotionally. This is important not just because it’s the woman’s desire but because it’s good for you overall.

How you are feeling emotionally, mentally, and physically is very important to your wife/girlfriend. She wants you around for the long haul and she wants you in the best of health.

A woman desires you to look good. This means she wants you to be well-groomed, dress to impress, and smell good. Women enjoy eye candy just as much as men do. Whether you realize this or not, your wife/girlfriend secretly admires you when you are not looking. Therefore, it is important for you to always look your best.

10. Always Treat Her Like Number One

Yes, you selected this woman and you made her the one. This does say a lot in reference to what she means to you. However sometimes how much she means to you can be lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life. This is why it is important to ensure that you are treating her like number one in your life.

Your wife/girlfriend wants to feel like no one, especially another woman, comes before her in your eyes. The woman you selected to spend your life with intimately desires to be put first no matter what is going on in your life.

Work is important since it is the bread and butter and your wife/girlfriend understands this however, you should keep in mind that too many long nights at the office, while she requires your assistance at home, will have a negative impact on your relationship and life.

11. Fun

We are all kids trapped in adult bodies. At least that’s my theory for living life and having fun along the way. I say this to say that women are no exception to this. Women enjoy fun just as much as the next guy. Therefore, it is important that her man be fun.

Just have fun with it

Fun has so many definitions and a woman intimately desires all sorts of fun. Be creative! Go out dancing, most women enjoy dancing. The key is you actually dance with her.

Take her on a hidden trail for a sexy hike. It doesn’t have to be a long walk. Just secluded enough that you can have a little sexual fun. Make sure she wears a skirt.

Remember how fun all those dates were when you first courted her? She wants you to date her again.

12. Quickies

To contrary of what many people think, women do not expect a long session of love-making every time they have sex. I am here to tell you that your woman desires quickies as much as you do. She may be shy to admit it but she secretly enjoys them.

A woman desires to feel that adrenaline rush when the two of you sneak off into the bathroom while guests are in your living room. To know that you still desire her as wildly as you did when you met excites her. She yearns to feel the sensation of passion burning her skin as you pull over on the side of the road on your drive home from your date.

13. Be Sexy/Confident

This might sound a little tricky, but it’s not. The biggest ingredient to being sexy is confidence. So in essence, be confident. A woman desires a man who is confident. Again, this is one of the reasons she is with you. You were confident enough to ask her to be with you. Never lose that confidence.

Your wife/girlfriend wants to see that sexiness in your eyes. The swag, that says I am the man as you walk. She wants to be proud that you are her man. It is also important that you be proud that she is your woman.

Remember, it doesn’t matter what you look like, sexiness is a state of mind.

14. Be Open-Minded

Try something new

Too many people say they are open-minded but fail when put to the test. It is important for a man to be open-minded with his wife/girlfriend. Women have fetishes too! However many times a woman will not express what she intimately desires most to her man because she may be afraid of being rejected or judged.

As your partner, your wife/girlfriend should be able to be completely open with you without being afraid of your reaction.

Do not try to fake being open-minded, your wife/girlfriend will be able to see through it. Instead, continue to learn about her and the things she is passionate about. Learn about her desires both in and out of the bedroom. Surprise her by engaging in something she may have previously mentioned to be interested in.

15. Love

Last but not least is Love. I purposely left this one for last because it’s not so much a secret. We all desire love from a partner be it a man or woman. However, for the sake of this post, I will remind you how a woman desires love.

Love is the biggest reason why you are her man. Therefore, it is important that your wife/girlfriend is aware beyond a shadow of a doubt that you love her. Most men will think, she should know because I am still with her. Unfortunately, it’s not always this simple.

A woman desires to see your love in a much more tangible way. This is why it is important that you continue to shower her with love in various ways. Buy her flowers or gifts and take her out on dates. It is important to continue to show her how passionate you are about her.

In case you have forgotten, women enjoy being chased as much as men enjoy chasing.

Many of us get so comfortable and allow our relationships to fall into a routine. I am here to remind men that wives/girlfriends do not enjoy routine relationships. Women want to feel more passion as the years pass by. Think about it, the more time you are together, the deeper the passion should be.

If you want your wife/girlfriend to fall in love with you over and over again continue to satisfy what she most intimately desires from you.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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