Secrets You Should Know About Men Who Wear Thongs

What kind of men wear thongs? Have you ever asked yourself this question? If you have been wondering about men who wear thongs, I am here to tell you it’s not just male strippers, male prostitutes, or rock stars. I believe that a man taking off his pants to reveal a thong must feel like Clark Kent taking off his suit to reveal he is Superman. It’s liberating. He is finally revealing who he truly is. It’s unfortunate that many people still cannot accept that men enjoy wearing thong underwear.

The time has come to dispel any negative thoughts you may have about men who wear thongs. There is so much more to these gentlemen than just sexy underwear. Although, I must admit I totally enjoy the idea of men in sexy underwear.

What I am providing you in this post today is a list of secrets that you may not know about men who wear thongs.

I am sharing this because everyone is entitled to wear whatever they chose to wear under their clothes.

8 Secrets You Should Know About Men Who Wear Thongs

They are sexy

It’s true! You cannot deny it. There is definitely something sexy about men who wear thongs. Perhaps it’s the coyness, the daring attitude, or simply the confidence they exude knowing they have a secret.

Just like women, men who wear thongs love feeling sexy. Simply knowing while at that business meeting, or construction site that they have a secret underneath makes them feel good about themselves. What we see from the outside is pure sexiness.

I cannot leave out the fact that many men who wear thongs are in sexy professions such as male strippers, rock stars, and bodybuilders.

They are confident

Wearing a thong takes confidence no matter what gender you are. So whenever I hear of a man who wears thong underwear I know he is surely confident of who he is. Many may think or imply that men who wear thongs are effeminate. Although some may be effeminate, I am here to say that is far from the truth for many.

A man does not lose any of his masculinity because he wears thong underwear. On the contrary, confidence and daring sexiness just ooze out masculinity. Therefore wearing thongs often raises their confidence.

They are masculine

There are all kinds of men who wear thongs. This means rock stars, alphas, jocks, and strippers. What a man decides to wear under his clothing does not take away from his masculinity.

Newsflash, a man has to be in tune with his masculinity in order to be comfortable enough to wear a thong. Some of the strongest most masculine men wear thongs, like bodybuilders and athletes for example. Many find thongs to be much more comfortable and breathable than boxers or briefs.

They are open-minded

Never know what you’re going to get

Men who wear thongs are very open-minded. Just imagine he is willing to delve into the unknown world of men’s lingerie. This is a man that is open to new adventures. He craves excitement and loves to explore with or without you.

The question is, is he too open-minded for you? I certainly hope not because you will certainly miss out on lots of excitement if he is.

Stop and think about all the fun you can have with this open-minded gent. He is there to say yes to all your out-of-this-world ideas.

They know how to have fun

Yes, men who wear thongs are down to have loads of fun in and out of the bedroom. Please do not be fooled by that stuffy exterior that you may be looking at. Just take a peek in his pants, if you see a thong, you are guaranteed a hell of a good time. Remember he is open-minded and that usually equates to fun.

You must believe me when I say, men who wear thongs are out somewhere seeking fun. Therefore, do not judge a book by its cover, or in this case, by his choice of underwear. I guarantee, men who wear thongs are firecrackers just waiting to blow something up.

They know what they like

Wearing thong underwear is usually not the norm for anyone at first. They are not what we grow up wearing as children. Therefore, it is definitely a choice to start wearing thong underwear. Men who wear thongs have made this choice because they tried them and liked them.

Knowing what you like is an attractive trait. Therefore, knowing what they like makes these men just a little more attractive, once they share this secret with you.

Also, if he has good taste in underwear, I am certain he has good taste when it comes to picking a partner and he picked you.

They care about their appearance

Thong underwear is special, in my opinion. Perhaps I’m biased. With that said, people who wear thong underwear care about their appearance. They enjoy feeling sexy. Feeling comfortable is important to them. They don’t want underwear lines that will disrupt their outfit. Men who wear thongs are no exception.

These men are interested in feeling good as well as looking good. Their appearance is important to them. Men who wear thongs took time out to shop for specific underwear. Their thong usually matches their clothing or their attitude for the day.

If you know any of these men, you will notice that he takes care of his overall appearance. Men who wear thongs are always well-groomed, well-dressed, and smell good.

Bodybuilders, jocks, alphas

They like to please

Often times wearing thong underwear is not only about him. Many men wear thongs to please someone else. It may be a significant other, they have been with for a while, or someone new. Either way, they want to please by looking sexy underneath. This is a great trait to have.

Sometimes a man may wear a thong at first as a request from his significant other. He later realizes that not only is it good for the relationship it’s a good fit for him since he likes the way wearing thongs makes him feel. This way he is not only pleasing you, but he is also pleasing himself.

Men who wear thongs are masculine, sexy, confident beasts.

Let’s Get Intimate

Let me reiterate that men, as well as women, are free to enjoy any type of underwear or lingerie of their choosing. I wrote this piece because I am interested in open topics that may seem taboo to some. Since I created this blog for the grown and sexy, I will ensure that I continue to bring forth topics that are grown and sexy.

My desire is that you find my topics interesting as well as enlightening. These topics allow you to think and provide some laughter and joy to your day.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I would love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts, opinions, and/or concerns in the comment section. Also, add any topics that you would like me to discuss or any secrets that you may want to share. You can comment anonymously if you prefer or subscribe and provide your email. I would love to hear from you.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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