12 Secrets That Make Introverts Sexy As Fuck!

Are you an introvert? Do you know any introverts? If you answered yes to either one of these questions then you may already have an idea of what makes introverts sexy as fuck.

For those of you that are not aware of what I am talking about, I say buckle up. I am about to blow your mind with some fun, sexy, secrets that make introverts sexy as fuck. You will never look at an introvert the same after reading this.

What is an Introvert?

Before I jump into the 12 sexy ass secrets let me say a few things about introverts. I love introverted people. Introverts are not always shy. They are just reserved and very selective about the people they let in their inner circle. An introvert selects you. You do not select them.

For those of you who still have questions about introverts, the true definition of an introvert is – a person whose personality is characterized by introversiona typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone.

Nowhere in this definition do you find the word shy. Please stop referring to all introverts as shy and stop asking them if they are shy.

Now that you know what an introvert actually is let’s discuss the 12 secrets that make introverts sexy as fuck.

12 Secrets That Make Introverts SEXY AS FUCK!

1. They are mysterious

Believe it or not, introverts are mysterious.  Most people do not want to admit this or simply fail to realize it.

Perhaps it’s Robert’s reserved nature or Maria’s slight geekiness that is has attracted you.  The problem is you cannot pinpoint exactly what it is, and this drives you crazy.  You see it’s their mysterious nature that makes them so attractive to you. You start noticing little things about the loner. Things that make them appear extremely sexy to you.

The funny thing is introverts are not trying to be mysterious.  This is just their nature.  Rodrigo is not trying to get your attention when he stays in his cubicle with his head in a book during lunch.  You might be wondering why he glances and gives you a nervous smile as you pass by.  This is most likely because you are coming too close to his personal space.

The quiet girl, Donna isn’t really trying to get your attention when she comes to work dressed in a sexy low-cut black dress that happens to fit her perfectly.  This is really just her preference.

Trust me this is not about you.  Sorry to say that introvert is probably not even thinking about you.   Another reason you find them so mysteriously sexy.

Sexy as Fuck
Mysterious never shy

2. They are intelligent and self-sufficient

Intelligence is an attribute that many people find to be very sexy and attractive but often keep it secret. Guess what, introverts are very intelligent.  Introverts love to learn. They are known for spending a lot of time in their own heads analyzing things.  In case you haven’t noticed, introverts do lots of thinking before they speak. They take the time to analyze what they are going to say to you before they say.  You will seldom find an introvert that speaks without thinking.

Their intelligence and ability to analyze make them very self-sufficient.  Introverts enjoy being alone, another reason they must be self-sufficient as they have learned to depend on themselves.  Introverts have taken the time to get to know themselves very well.  Therefore, they are very good at providing themselves with whatever it is they need at any given moment.

Most introverts enjoy being alone which also adds to their mysterious nature. Loners can be sexy as fuck, take Batman or Dracula for instance.

Don’t let this scare you as I am sure they are more than willing to make time for you.

3. They are passionate

Passion is definitely one of the introverts’ sexy secret traits. You may not see how introverts can be passionate. Remember they are constantly in their own head getting to know themselves and what they enjoy. When an introvert is interested in something, anything, they usually fall in love with it passionately. 

Introverts will completely delve into their passion. Therefore, if you are their passion they will wrap themselves in everything about you. Getting to know everything about you will become their priority.

One of the best ways to get an introvert to come out of their shell is to mention something they are passionate about.  Do this and you will see the introvert’s face light up and they will be able to talk for hours.   You might even begin to wonder when will they shut up?

4. They are reflective and in tune with their emotions

As I already discussed Introverts are in their head most of the time.  This allows them the opportunity to be reflective and in touch with their emotions. 

Introverts spend lots of time reflecting on anything and everything.  You may catch them in deep thought and think David must be trying to solve the cure for cancer.  Nope, he’s probably reflecting on how he gets lint between his toes when he’s barefoot all day.  

All jokes aside, being reflective allows introverts to be in touch with their emotions.  How could they not be when they are reflecting on how they felt about every situation they have come across.

Being in touch with their emotions helps them be much more sensitive towards the emotions of others.  So, don’t be surprised when Lisa, the office loner, sees you in the restroom and asks is everything ok?  You see while everyone else only sees what you want them to see, introverts can see beyond your façade.   

Being in tune with their emotions makes introverts sexy as fuck!

5. They are comfortable being alone

Me, Myself, & I

Introverts enjoy alone time. No matter where they are they will find time to be alone. What is sexier than someone who enjoys their own company? However, this sexy attribute confuses many.  Why would someone go out to a party and then sit alone?

They can do this because they are comfortable with themselves.  Whether it’s alone in their room or in the presence of many.  Introverts do not have the need or desire to be the center of attention. 

The fact that introverts are comfortable being alone makes them seem like a challenge.  Being a challenge is another attractive trait that makes introverts sexy as fuck!  This sexy loner vibe the geeky gamer gives out offers up a challenge.

It’s the challenge that draws others to him.  

6. They are thoughtful

Introverts are very thoughtful.  How could they not be when they are always thinking? These strange and sexy critters will learn you almost as well as they learn themselves.  This allows them to be thoughtful in their interactions with you.

This thoughtfulness makes introverts sexy as fuck!

When an introvert gives you a gift, know that they planned for it.  You may think back and realize it was one of the most thoughtful gifts you have ever received. Introverts will rarely give you a gift card or money.  Most introverts find that to be very impersonal. They will study you in order to figure out exactly what your desire for a gift is.  You will be amazed when you open that gift realizing they got you exactly what you wanted without ever asking.

7. They are loyal and can be trusted

Once you develop a relationship with an introvert you better believe that this is a relationship that will last a very long time.  Introverts don’t make friends easily and they don’t take people for granted.  An introverted friend is a loyal friend and can be trusted.

They can be loyal to a fault sometimes. If anyone crosses a friend or romantic partner the introvert will come to the rescue, even when it’s not deserved.  There is no way an introvert will allow anyone to change their mind about the relationship they have with you.

Introverts are also great at keeping secrets.  Which means you can trust them with your deepest secrets.  

Secrets are important to introverts. Not because they have anything to hide but because they value privacy. Keeping your secrets comes with their loyalty. When you have gained their loyalty you have gained their ability to guard secrets and they will guard your secrets as if they were their own.

Just tell an introvert not to share this information and mums the word.  They will take it to their grave. Admit it a lover that can guard your secrets is sexy as fuck!

8. They try their best not to hurt you

Introverts know what it’s like to feel hurt.  They often get hurt because they are misunderstood.   Therefore, because they don’t want you to feel the way they have felt in the past, one of their goals is not to hurt you.  Sometimes this means retrieving back into the heads and analyzing the situation alone rather than going toe to toe with you in an argument.

You may think that the introvert is just being cold and distant which is far from the truth. Often times the introvert is avoiding causing you pain.

Introverts are true friends not superficial friends at all.  Since they value relationships they study you and learn what makes you happy as well as what may cause you pain. They chose to be part of your happiness even if that means participating from a distance.

Since introverts value relationships a great deal they don’t want to damage the relationship by hurting you.

9. They are easygoing

Many people believe introverts to be stuck up or even arrogant. This cannot be further from the truth. Introverts are truly easy-going people. This easy-going nature adds to the reasons introverts are sexy as fuck! Introverts are very easy to love if take the time to understand them.

Introverts are not for being fake or dishonest. Their goal is to live life as comfortably as possible. They do not enjoy being the center of attention or having people make a big deal over them.

Spend some time with an introvert and you will be mesmerized by their nonjudgemental, easy-going nature. Introverts are gentle and just so easy to be around. Whenever you are with an introvert you are allowed to be yourself. Introverts work at making you feel comfortable when you are around them.

10. They are real and down to earth

If you are seeking a friend or partner that is real and down to earth, get yourself an introvert. Another very sexy attribute that many overlook when it comes to introverts is their realness.  As I previously stated introverts do not like fakeness.  Therefore, they are never fake.  Since introverts are always in their heads, they know exactly who they are and will behave as so.

They expect the same realness from others.  However, this can prove to be difficult to accomplish as not many people are as real as introverts. This is yet another reason that drives introverts to retreat into their heads.   When you cannot be real with an introvert they will retreat. 

Introverts are not only real they are down to earth as well.  If you take the time to get to know an introvert, you will notice how down-to-earth they really are.  Introverts are very humble and do not seek accolades for any of their achievements.  No matter how great their accomplishment is they do not expect or desire praise.

As a matter of fact, praise often causes embarrassment to an introvert. They do not enjoy being the center of attention.  It is because of this that most people enjoy having an introverted friend as this friend will always allow you to be the center of attention.

Think about it, being real and down-to-earth is sexy as fuck!

11. They are observant

Most people don’t realize just how observant introverts are.  It is a difficult trait to notice since introverts are so reserved.  However, it is their quiet, reserved nature that allows them to sit back and just observe.

As I briefly discussed already, introverts will study you whenever they are around you.  Although it appears as they are daydreaming or in la-la land somewhere, the truth is they are just watching and learning.  An introvert will observe and study before jumping into a group conversation.

Introverts notice everything, especially what you are trying to hide.  Creepy, right? Not at all.  They do not do this to be creepy.  In reality, this is a coping mechanism.  Before an introvert exposes himself to anyone they must be certain that it will be worth their while.  They come to this decision by observing. 

The sexy side of being observant becomes relevant whenever an introvert is trying to get your attention. You can’t help but notice when an introvert has been observing you  Their behavior will reflect how well they have gotten to know you, even without you providing them with a lot of information about yourself.  This is the point where you cannot control the attraction you are feeling towards the introvert.

All of a sudden you start to realize, introverts are sexy as fuck!

12. If they open up to you it means you are important to them

This may be the most well-kept sexy secret regarding introverts. The truth is many people don’t realize how selective introverts are when it comes to making friends or starting a romantic relationship.  It is just easier to believe that they are antisocial, stuck up, or think they are better than everyone. However, by this point, you should know how far from the truth all those things are when it comes to introverts.

We have already established that introverts are easy-going, down-to-earth, loyal, and trustworthy.  So, if they are all these wonderful things why it is so difficult to gain their interest and get them to open up?  It’s not difficult to gain their interest however, it may be difficult to keep their interest and have them open up to you.

Since introverts are not superficial or flaky it will take a lot more than good looks and high energy to keep their interest.  An introvert requires substance in their relationship.  No matter what type of relationship it is.   If you would like an introvert to open up to you, you must give them what they give you.  aLL they need is for you to be real, loyal, trustworthy, and down-to-earth. 

Loyalty and trustworthiness are very high on an introvert’s friend list.  An introvert will not open up to you unless they feel they can trust you.

The great thing is that when they do open up to you it means you are important to them, and they trust you.  You have gained their loyalty and trust.  You now have a forever friend that will be with you to the end.  This introvert will have your back no matter who else lets you down.  What is sexier than that?

Spoiler Alert! I AM AN INTROVERT!

For those that haven’t figured it out yet, the reason I know so much about introverts is that I am an introvert. As a matter of fact, I am a classic introvert.  I have a love/hate relationship with other individuals.  When I love someone, I love really hard, and I will take care of them.

Most of the outside world sees me as an extrovert as I have learned to assimilate mostly for business purposes.  However, that’s it because I am an introvert most of my relationships don’t extend past business.  So those that see me as an extrovert really don’t know me.

I struggled most of my adult life with the notion that something may have been wrong with me because of the desire I have to be alone most times.  At the same time, many are drawn to me because of my mysterious nature. 

I am an introvert and being introverted is sexy as fuck!

It feels so good to say this to the world.

A Few Famous Sexy Introverts

Each one listed below is sexy in their own way.

  • Keanu Reeves
  • Merryl Streep
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Michael Jordan
  • Lady Gaga
  • Albert Einstein
  • Rosa Parks
  • Barack Obama
  • Beyonce
  • Jay-Z
  • Prince
  • Christina Aguilera
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Julia Roberts

Let’s Get Intimate

Thank you for taking the time to read my post about introverts. I hope you learned something and enjoyed the read. I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment with your thoughts and ideas. Also, don’t forget to let me know if you are an introvert and how you feel about it.

I cannot say this enough so I will say it one more time. Introverts are Sexy As Fuck!

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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