Why I Didn’t Make New Year’s Resolutions For 2022

So, I was at the grocery store today and I couldn’t help but laugh when I first walked in and saw how many people were in the vegetable aisle. While there I thought to myself, is this all for their New Year’s resolutions? I will tell you one thing, it was certainly comical to see all these people hovering over all the green produce available.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a great thing.  All these people are interested in eating healthy food.  The question is how long will it last?  How long before that New Year’s resolution of being healthy fades away? Honestly, I truly don’t know; I just find it amusing to watch.

You are probably wondering what this has to do with why I didn’t make New Year’s resolutions for 2022. It’s simple.  I don’t believe in making New Year’s resolutions.

New Year’s resolutions are BULLSHIT

It’s the same thing year after year.  Once the month of December rolls all you hear is people around you talking about their New Year’s resolutions. People discuss this like it’s something they must do to ensure that the upcoming year is productive and successful.  I usually steer away from these conversations since I don’t see the purpose in making resolutions just because a new year is coming.

In my opinion, what makes New Year’s resolutions total bullshit is that we really don’t need them.  Waiting for a new year to change an aspect of my life seems pointless to me.  Changes can be made at any given moment in our lives. Therefore, why should I wait until the upcoming year to decide to do better?

The less harsh reason why I believe New Year’s resolutions are bullshit is that most people fail to keep them.  This is why I was so tickled when I saw all those people hovering over the vegetables at the grocery store this morning.

According to the article titled “A psychotherapist says there are 3 common reasons so many people’s New Year’s resolutions end in failure” found at businessinsider.com, there are the 3 reasons why most people fail to keep their resolutions.  I have paraphrased them below.

  • The resolution isn’t specific enough
  • They aren’t framed positively
  • The resolution isn’t about you

There is no real need for New Year’s resolutions

I would like this post to be a reminder that you do not need a New Year’s resolution in order to do better.  All you need is the decision to do better.  Whatever it is that you want to change about yourself or about your life, start working on it as soon as you realize you want to change.   Why wait until the turn of the new year?   Let’s say it’s June and you realize that you have been gambling too much are you going to wait until the upcoming January to make a resolution to stop gambling? By that time, you might be broke.

Making New Year’s resolutions might sound great.  Yeah, they may even be fun to discuss with your friends.  Sometimes we don’t want to feel like an outsider or like the only one that doesn’t want to do better.  So we join in and start talking about all the improvements we want to make on ourselves and call them New Year’s resolutions.

Well, not me.  I decided years ago that I am not going to make empty promises to myself that I know I will probably not keep.  

I set goals instead

New Year's Resolutions
Goals are much more specific

Now you are probably wondering what is the difference between resolutions and goals.  I must admit they are not that different from each other.  The definition of each is below.

Resolution – A firm decision to do or not to do something

Goal – The end toward which effort is directed.

As you can see both of these words are basically about the intent to accomplish something.  The difference between them is that a resolution is much more general, and a goal may be a bit more specific.

Personally, when I decide to make a change, I want it to be specific.  This is why I don’t believe in resolutions and why I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions for 2022. 

I want to make it clear to all of you that I decide to make changes and upgrade myself and my life on a regular basis.  I just do this by setting goals all year round and not New Year’s resolutions. 

Making upgrades to myself and my life is a constant for me.  Never do I want to limit pursuing these changes or upgrades to January only.  I will set goals whenever appropriate.  In case you are wondering, I do have goals that I am currently working on.   Perhaps, I will write about them in a different post.

Don’t Give Up

I will conclude by saying don’t give up.  Whether you decide to make New Year’s resolutions every January or set goals whenever you deem appropriate is up to you.  Whatever works for you is what is important.  This is just a random thought that I felt like sharing with all of you after my visit to the grocery store.  Hopefully, you have enjoyed this piece as I plan on posting my random thoughts more frequently.

This will not stop me from posting sexy material for all you grown and sexy folks out there.  One thing I can definitely say about 2022 and the years to come is that I am looking forward to getting a bit more intimate with you all.  My plan is to spill more beans this year and to get to know you as you get to know more of me, with or without New Year’s resolutions.

Have a happy, healthy, and safe 2022 everyone!!!!!

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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