How To Get What You Want From Him

Do you enjoy getting what you want from your partner? Does hearing the word NO from them make you cringe? You are in luck because today I am going to share with you a few simple methods you can use to get what you want from him. Although I am referring to him in this post, these methods will work on anyone. All you have to do is put them into practice and you will get what you want in no time.

Do not stop reading if you want to see how easy it is to get what you want from him.

7 Easy methods you can use to get what you want

1. Be a Damsel in distress

Every man wants to be your knight in shining armor. It’s in his DNA. So, who are we to not allow him to shine? The best way to satisfy his need to be our knight is by being his damsel in distress. This will allow you to get what you want from him. It’s a win-win situation.

Don’t be afraid to let him know that you depend on him for many things. Remind him from time to time that jar lids are difficult for you to open. Show him how scared you can get when he is not around. Allow him to be your daddy, by being his baby girl. Bat your eyelashes at him, even pout a little. Just remember to not overdo it or he will be on to you.

However, let him be your protector, your superhero.

2. Be a Siren

No, I am not talking about being loud and noisy or nagging. Any of those are definitely a no-no in this situation because it will not work. I am referring to a Siren as a woman who sings with enchanting sweetness, a temptress, as defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Men say yes to a Siren because she allows them to be relaxed around her and let go of the strongholds that society has on them. A Siren is good at determining what her man desires and needs and gives it to him. According to the book, The Art of Seduction author Robert Greene states “The Siren plays on society’s oppression of your inner desire for personal pleasure and play, most notably through your senses.”

Just scratch his back and he will scratch yours. Give him what he needs and desires and he will give you the world. This is how easy it is to get what you want from him like a Siren.

3. Do not let him know that you are smarter than him

Men rule the world, right? If you want to get what you want from him, he does. How do we show him that he rules the world, you may be asking? You allow him to believe he is smarter than you are. The keyword here is “allow“. By allowing him to think he is smarter than you, giving you what you want is his idea.

This is not for the faint at heart. You will have to hold your tongue at times. Sit patiently while he finds his way without asking for direction or when he is assembling something without reading instructions. The more you do it the better you will get at this., Sometimes you may just have to walk away. Remember to keep your eyes on the prize which is to get what you want in the long run.

4. Be fun

This may sound very simple yet many of us forget this. Men are kids at heart and love having fun. So, be fun. Remember when you first met him and the word ‘no’ was not in his vocabulary? He said yes all the time because you were that fun girl that catered to the boy within him. During that time what you asked for was fun.

At some point in your relationship, you may have stopped having fun. You may have gone from being his girl to being his mother. It happens to most of us. Often we begin to say no to each other. This brings me to the next method you can use to get what you want from him.

5. Give him what he wants

Yes, I said that. Although realize this is about you getting what you want from him. Keep in mind, that there is such a thing as reciprocity. Think of it this way, if you have been saying no to him a lot lately why do you expect him to say yes to you?

The great thing about this is that with men this isn’t too difficult. Men are simple and desire simple things. So give him that blow job he’s been asking about. How about letting him hang with his friends one weekend? I am sure he deserves it. What is great about this method is that he will have no idea that you are doing this to fill up that reciprocity bank. Keep him feeling happy emotionally and good physically and you will always get what you want from him.

6. Compliment him

Here is another method that is very simple yet we fail to use it on a regular. Life is hectic for all of us which often leads to us forgetting the simple things that make life much more pleasurable. Everyone loves a compliment and your man is no different. He may constantly say he doesn’t need them but he loves them.

Take some time and think back at all the reasons why you picked this person. There are many things you love about this man. Tell him. Share those reasons with him again and I guarantee you will start to get what you want from him again.

Remind him why you fell in love with him. For example, tell him how sexy he looks in a certain outfit and how much you desire him. The trick to making this work is to do it all the time and be natural with it. Also, do not start to compliment him simply to get what you want. Even though we established that you are smarter than he is, he will figure it out and ruin your plans of getting what you want. So it is important to dig deep into your memory reservoir for all the reasons you love him.

7. Seduce him

I do not want to go without mentioning that men love sex. This can make it easy for you to get what you want from him by using the art of seduction when complimenting him will not work.

Get what you want
Image by Juergen_G from Pixabay

All you have to do for this method is go in your lingerie drawer and pull out that outfit that you know he loves. However, if you do not have such an outfit then go out and get one, now! Put the outfit on and proceed to seduce him. Keep in mind, that this will work best when you have the house completely to yourself and can turn on the charm. For instance, if you have small children, send them to a babysitter or get a hotel room.

Only you know what your man prefers. I am here to remind you to pull out all the tricks and go to work on him. My suggestion for this is to get into some role-playing with him. Men love that, even when they say they don’t. Remember to let yourself go and wrap yourself around him which will, in turn, have him wrapped around your finger.

Let’s get intimate

Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed this post and found it informative and useful in your everyday life. I would love to hear from you so please leave your thoughts, comments, and desires for me in the comment section. Please add your email address so that I may stay in touch with you. Feel free to let me know of any topics you would like to see addressed in this blog.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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