How To Make Mondays Much More Fun

Do you dread Mondays? If you said yes, then you are not alone. I dread Mondays too. I’ve actually been known to go as far as to say I hate Mondays. Since I’m trying to use the word hate less in my life, let’s pretend I didn’t say it.

Let’s Make Mondays Much MORE FUN!

As you are reading this you may be asking yourself, how is it possible to make Mondays fun? Everything about Mondays sucks. Even though it’s not the first day of the week, it’s usually the beginning of the workweek. That always feels like the beginning of my slow weekly death. Ok, I must admit that is a bit overdramatic. Mondays are not that bad however, it may be a little tough getting back into the swing of things after the weekend.

Anyway, let’s not spend too much energy dwelling on how much we despise Mondays and just jump right into discussing how to make Mondays much more fun for each of us.

9 Suggestions to make Mondays much more fun

Take The Day Off

This is almost a no-brainer and I am sure that many of you are in this practice. However, I thought it is worth mentioning for those that do not like to take days off work, this includes me. This is one of those times when I should learn to practice more of what I preach.

Taking Monday off and extending your weekend will help you by giving you an extra day to enjoy whatever it is that you have been doing over the weekend. Adding Monday to your weekend will also allow you to recover from the weekend if it was a wild one.

Breakfast in bed
Start the day with breakfast in bed

Sleep In

For those of you that do not want to extend your weekend, or do not have the ability to take an extra day off work, you may want to just extend your morning by sleeping in. If you are due at work by 8 A. M., call in and let your boss know you will be a little late. Two hours or so late. Unless you have a scheduled meeting or appointment coming into work a little late on Monday should not hurt the business.

Getting that extra sleep may provide you with the energy required to face Monday head-on to make Mondays much more fun.

Work From Home

Working from home is usually much more fun than going into the office. If this is an option for you, I strongly suggest that you opt to work from home on Mondays. When worked out correctly working from home on Mondays can feel like an extension of your weekend. This can essentially make Mondays much more fun in the long run.

Morning Sex

In case you have not considered this one, it’s a pretty good way to start those Monday mornings off right. I am quite sure your partner will not object to this. If you think they would have an objection, do not give them a choice. Just set your alarm to make sure that you get up a few minutes before them. Get under the covers, and use your lips and tongue to explore your partner. This is a sure way to wake them up in the mood.

If you live alone you can still make Mondays more fun with morning sex by simply enjoying yourself. Early morning masturbation will surely assist you in starting your day on a happy note. Just set your alarm for whatever amount of time you need, you know yourself better than me, and explore your body while in the tub or shower.

Lunch Date

When you cannot do anything to make Mondays more fun in the morning, there is always break time. It does not matter what time your break is or how long it is, you can always make time to squeeze in a little rendezvous with a significant other or a friend. Whoever you choose is up to you however, the decision of who you spend this time with is up to you.

What’s more important is what you spend that time doing. Since the goal is to make Mondays much more fun, I will limit my suggestion to my favorite fun thing to do. SEX! Do you see where I am going with this?

Planning a lunch date or nooner, as many refer to it, will help you look forward to Monday instead of dreading it. Imagine you wake up Monday morning all jazzed up about seeing that special someone in the middle of the day and having sex. It doesn’t have to be a long-drawn-out sexual session; a quickie should do just fine. This is more about preparation and anticipation. Those butterflies you feel when you know something delicious is waiting for you in just a few hours. That is what will help you to make Mondays much more fun for yourself.

So, you are unable to take the day off, go in late, or even have a lunch date? Do not fret because there are other things you can still do to make your Mondays much more fun without infringing too much on work time.


Most of us have a cell phone, Ipad, or some other smart device that we use to communicate with others. This toy that we keep in our hands continuously can help us make Mondays more fun by using it to text or sext our significant other. I realize there are other fun things you can do on your phone but remember, I am limiting my suggestion to my favorite fun thing to do. SEX!

Go ahead grab that phone, find the desired contact, and send him/her a raunchy message. I’m having fun just writing about this. Just imagine how this conversation over that smart device will turn that Monday frown upside down.

Be as creative as you want to be with your messages, remember the goal is to enjoy yourself. Do not be shy or afraid of being rejected. No one in their right mind will reject your sexy messages.

Make A Sexy Call

If you are a bit more old-fashioned, prefer to hear a sexy voice, or are just not a fan of texting, then pick up the phone and call that special someone up during work. Plan to take your lunch or break at the same time as your significant other and talk sexy to them.

You can always make it a bit more exciting by taking it to the next level and engaging in phone sex with them. This option works best if you have privacy at work. For example your own office or private bathrooms. If not you can always go sit in your car in a private location and enjoy the call.

Looking forward to having a sexy call is a way to guarantee to make Mondays much more fun.

Sexy Video Call/Facetime

For those of you who are much more visual and prefer to see the person you are engaging with over the phone, you can plan a video call with that special someone.

A video call will allow you to not only hear the passion but to see the passion as well. Keep in mind, that you will need lots of privacy for a video call as well.

Knowing that you will be having a sexy video call with that special someone will have you smiling prior to the call and keep you smiling after the call.

Meet That Special Someone After Work

This is the option when you are truly unable to execute any of my prior suggestions because work does not allow you. Although this suggests that you go the entire Monday plugging away at work with no fun break, the anticipation will help make Mondays much more fun.

Plan a secret meeting with that special someone right after work. Have them meet you somewhere private where you can enjoy each other’s company in a very sensual and sexy manner. Make sure to wear something sexy and provocative. Entice yourself by going commando for the day. This will serve as a sexy reminder throughout the day, of what is to come.

Let’s Get Intimate

Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed this post and found it informative and useful in your everyday life. I would love to hear from you so please leave your thoughts, comments, and desires for me in the comment section. Please add your email address so that I may stay in touch with you. Feel free to let me know of any topics you would like to see addressed in this blog.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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