How To Live Your Fantasies Without Life Changes

Are you living your fantasy? Do you feel like you want an escape from the same daily routine? If the answer is yes then you are in the right place. Continue reading to learn more about how to experience your fantasies without changing your life.

What is a fantasy?

A fantasy is anything that you imagine that may seem impossible or improbable in your real life. It may involve other people, other places, or even mythical creatures. Fantasy may also be as simple as you imagining yourself as a different person. Often, when you may desire to leave your current reality you envision yourself in your fantasy.

What is your fantasy?

You may be thinking fantasies are fairy tales and fairy tales are for children. In my opinion, we all have a fantasy. Many may refer to it as daydreaming.

Fantasies, like people, come in all shapes and sizes. Some fantasies are tiny and endearing while other fantasies are huge and extravagant. It all depends on who you are and how big your imagination is.

There are also different types of fantasies. Some people have erotic fantasies while others have general life fantasies. Just like the world is your oyster, so should be your fantasy. It’s your fantasy, why not make it as big and as open as your heart desires?

Some examples of fantasies

Experience your fantasies!.
Billionaire Boys Club

You are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company

You are an entertainer or athlete

Having a threesome

Having sex on the beach

You are single or married

You are a unicorn

Your favorite anime character


When it comes to fantasies the sky is the limit. You should not limit yourself to what you allow your imagination to explore. I’m going to dare you to think outside the box and consider exploring one of the ways listed in order to live your fantasies without changing your life. Let’s get to the nitty-gritty of this blog, the reason why you are here.

How to live your fantasies without life changes

Try Cosplay

If you are around my age you may be wondering what is cosplay, and how will help me experience my fantasies without changing my life. However, we have all done it at one time or another in our lives. 

So what is cosplay? Cosplay is when you dress up as your favorite character from a movie, book, or video game.  We have all played dress-up at least once in our lives, right?  I’d say it’s just like Halloween but on any day of the year.

Be a rock star!
Party like a rock star!!!!!

Now getting to how cosplay will help you live your fantasies without life changes, simply take a day and dress up as whoever you want to and experience that day as that person.  If you have always wanted to be an entertainer, then dress up like the entertainer you want to be.  Even make a video of yourself being that person.  Live that day out as if it is eternal.  Do everything that you can do that day to live your fantasy.

If your fantasy is more of an erotic nature then you may want to dress up as the sexy person you know you are inside.  If you have a partner include them in the cosplay also known as role-playing.  Ask them to dress up as whoever they fantasize about being and enjoy the day together. Go out to dinner, a movie, or even a club dressed up like the characters you want to be.  End the day by making love to your partner while you are both still in character.

Take a vacation (alone or with a partner)

If experiencing your fantasies is something you cannot do where you live because you may feel ashamed or afraid of being found out, then take a vacation.  An important thing to consider is that it may be best to take this vacation alone in order to keep it from everyone you know. Being alone somewhere distant where no one knows you will allow you to open up and experience that fantasy.  For instance, if your fantasy is to be a nudist, you can vacation on a nudist beach where everyone is accepting of this lifestyle.

Take a trip.

The point of going on vacation, whether alone or with a partner, is to go somewhere you can be free. Free to live your fantasies without changing your life. This is why going without friends and family is so important. You want to be certain that no one there knows you or knows any of your acquaintances.

Have alternative friends

You may be wondering what are alternative friends and how would they help you live your fantasies.

In my opinion, alternative friends are people you engage with outside your normal circle. For instance, if you are a married accountant with children, your normal circle will include married men with children that have regular 9 to 5 jobs. in this case, an alternative friend would be someone that is the polar opposite. Like a musician for example.

Alternative friends would allow you to indulge in your fantasy without your normal circle knowing about it. You would seek out alternative friends according to what your fantasy is. Therefore, if your fantasy is being a basketball player, your alternative friends should be athletes of some sort. This way when you spend time with them you can be the basketball player you are in your fantasy.

Be discreet

You may be wondering how will being discreet help you experience your fantasies without changing your life. It does so by keeping your secret desires from everyone.  It allows you to find a happy median between who you are and who you fantasize about being.  If you have never shared your fantasy of being a cat with anyone there is no reason to start sharing now. Being discreet about your fantasy allows you to keep it this way.

Why is it important to be discreet?  Because everyone doesn’t have to know everything you are doing.  As a child, I was given this great piece of advice by my mother, she said, I am paraphrasing if you don’t want your secrets getting out, indulge in your secrets by yourself.  That way there is no one who could spill your secret.  I always took that to heart and to this day, I am very discreet with anything I consider to be a private matter.

Never be discouraged

I have found that you do not have to give up on your fantasy because it doesn’t fit your current lifestyle. Instead, all you need is some creativity, maybe an alternative friend, and some time to yourself.

Writing blogs has always been a fantasy of mine and now I am able to share this fantasy with all of you. Also, I have used some of the ideas in this post myself in order to enjoy my fantasies without changing my life. Now, I certainly hope that you have gotten a few ideas on how to live your fantasies without changing your life from this post.

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About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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