He Is The One That Got Away

Do you ever sit quietly at home reminiscing about your past? I do, and what often comes to mind are memories of all the fun times I had with my girlfriends.

A huge chunk of those “fun times” include encounters or rendezvous with the opposite sex.  At this point, I end up thinking about Erik (the one that got away) and wondering to myself, whatever happened to him? Is he be married with kids now? Is he on social media? What does he even look like now? My personal favorite, Does he ever think about me too? Then I quietly remind myself that he is the one that got away and I laugh. Hahaha!

Not many of my friends or family know that I have thoughts about any man other than my husband. If you are anything like me I’m sure that you have these types of thoughts bout your past from time to time as well.

Since I always wanted to write about my tales and thoughts, I decided to start a blog category for some fun tales. This category will give you a little insight into my past as well as a short story you can follow and enjoy.

My wish is that you enjoy my stories as much as I have and that they remind you that you are not alone. That many of us share these types of thoughts. Everybody reminisces from time to time. If thinking about someone from your past puts a smile on your face, I say go for it!

Most of the tales I will share will be based on facts however, names will be changed to protect the innocent (wink, wink).

Continue reading so that you can learn why “He is the one that got away”.

Story Time

He Is The One That Got Away (Part I)

The 5th Floor, was their favorite club especially, Kristine’s.  She met one of her favorite boys there. Kristine always said he is “the one that got away”.   She remembers that night like it was yesterday. The boy was almost perfect.  If he were just 6 more inches taller, Kristine thought to herself each time she met up with him.  It didn’t matter much to her though because his beautiful personality made up for the height deficiency.

Kristine recalled the way they met as she made her way to meet him once again.  She was dancing with her best friend Lisa at the time when she spotted this pretty young thing watching them.  He must be interested in Lisa, she thought to herself that night while she waved at him to come over and dance with them.

Kristine let herself think this although, she knew she was looking fine. She was wearing her sexiest, tight, black leather low-riding pants, a sexy corset top that held everything up just right, and black stiletto boots. Oh yeah! I was dressed fiercely, she thought to herself.

Erik obliged, happily and stepped in between Lisa and Kristine.  His friend watched from afar as well so Kristine invited him to dance also.  So, the 4 of them enjoyed each other’s company until the song ended. As Kristine stepped away from the dance floor the pretty young thing followed her.  

I thought you were interested in my friend, Kristine said to him.

No, he answered.  I am interested in you. What’s your name?

Kristine, and you are?  My name is Erik, he responded. Nice to meet you, each replied as they smiled at each other pleasantly.

Can I buy you a drink, Erik asked. Sure. Water will be fine, thank you.

Are you sure you don’t want a drink? No thank you, she responded.  I don’t drink alcohol.

I thought you were drunk, Erik responded as he passed Kristine a bottle of water.

She laughed it off while shaking her head and walking over to the wall.

Sorry to ruin it for you, but you will not be getting lucky tonight she said to Erik with a devious smirk on her face.

It’s cool, he responded.  I just want to get to know you better cause I think you are beautiful and your hair smells really good.

Kristine smiled, and responded, yuck my hair is all sweaty.  It can’t smell good.

Well, it really does he responded.  What shampoo do you use?

Infusium 23, she answered.  I am sure you never heard of it, but it’s my favorite.  

It’s my favorite now too, Erik said to Kristine while staring into her eyes.

She likes him

At this point, he was leaning into her while she had her back against the wall.  She had nowhere to go and all she could do was stare into his eyes.  He had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen on anyone and a genuine boyish smile. She became mesmerized and whispered.  If you were just 6 inches taller.

What? I would have you if I were about 6 inches taller, he asked.  Kristine shook her head yes while she shrugged her shoulders to say sorry.

So how old are you anyway, Kristine asked.  Thinking to herself, he looks like a baby. I’m 23 and how old are you?

Wow, you are just a baby, she responded with a devilish smile as though she was hiding a terrible secret.  

In her mind, she was, because at this point she knows she has at least 9 years on him.  Therefore, he is just a baby…in her opinion.  

Kristine proceeded to tease Erik about her age.  I am a lot older than you she went on to say, I bet you can’t guess my age she chuckled.

You look like you are no more than 25 years old he whispered in her ear.  She threw her head back as she laughed out loud.  You aren’t even close.  I will give you one more try she said.  

I give up Erik said cause you look young to me.  Ok, ok….I am actually 32 years old.  You’re gonna have to show me some id he responded.  Sure Kristine responded, as soon as you show me your driver’s license.   They both had a good laugh about this and proceeded to drink their drinks.

Kristine had a blast with Erik that night.  They danced and talked all night long.  She found out all she could about him. He was actually from Colorado and was in New York for a year due to his employment.  He was half German and Mexican, and said his last name is Morales.  

Kristine didn’t believe him because he did not look like he was Latino at all. Those beautiful blue eyes simply looked too Caucasian to her.  What she did know was that he is a very sweet young man and she wanted to get to know him even better. It was 2 am and the club was now closing so Kristine told Erik it is time for them to part.  

It was so much fun dancing and hanging with you she said to him.  Don’t forget to show me your ID remember, I wanna see your last name cause I don’t believe you are Mexican.  I want to see your too, he responded. I need to make sure that you are really 32.

They exchanged driver’s licenses and Kristine verified that he was indeed a Morales and said see told you I am actually 32 years old. They both laughed as Erik walked her to the car to meet up with her girlfriends.

“The One That Got Away”

Just like that, he got under her skin

Erick Morales, she thought to herself, as he walked her to the car. He certainly seems like such a lovely young man… I surely hope to see him again.

Once they reached the car they exchanged phone numbers. Erik hugged Kristine, she got in the car with her girlfriends, and off they went.  

Once in the car, she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

I’m gonna call him right now, Kristine said to her friends. Are you crazy? Lisa asked.  You just met him, you gotta let him call you first.  The other girls all agreed with Lisa.  I don’t care about all that Kristine responded to them.  I really like him, I think he is extremely cute and I wanna call him now so he won’t forget me.  

Kristine called him.  Erik didn’t pick up so she proceeded to leave a message.  Hi Erik, it’s Kristine we just met at the club.  I wanted to make sure I had the right phone number and that you don’t forget me.  Her friends all looked at her with that “I told you so” look in their eyes and said you’re so crazy.

Kristine was so sick of hearing this from her friends as she didn’t think she was crazy at all.  She just doesn’t live by everyday societal standards.

I do what I want, Kristine thought to herself and I am happy with myself.  She sat with her head back and smiled for the rest of the drive home thinking of Erik Morales and his beautiful eyes, lovely smile, and sweet personality.  She had to admit to herself that she was mesmerized by this boy and couldn’t quite understand why since she thought he was too short for her.   

They got to Lisa’s house where they all left their cars parked.  They all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

On her drive home, Kristine continued to have thoughts about Erik looking forward to hearing from him again.  I hope he returns my call soon she said to herself.  I really do like him and want to get to know him better.

Kristine came back to reality once she pulled into her driveway at about 4 am.   She knew that her husband and children were waiting at home for her.   She was sure they were all asleep by this time.

Things at home were not going so great between her and her husband, which is why she was out with her friends in the first place.  Kristine was tired of living such a dull life.  

Her friends were all separated or divorced at this point so they would go out every other weekend when the kids were with their dads. Kristine was the only one of them still married and living with her spouse and she needed adventure in her life and she thought Erik could definitely provide that.   

Everyone has a story. I’d love to hear yours!

Hope you enjoyed Part I of “He Is The One That Got Away”.

Thank you for reading. If you are wondering what happened between Erik and Kristine, return for Part II. I will share what happened between Erik and Kristine that has her still thinking about him almost 20 years later and referring to him as the one that got away.

Don’t forget to leave comments with your thought. I would like to know if you are enjoying Tuesday Tales so far and if you have any tales you would like to share about the one that got away or anything else in general.

Let’s get intimate.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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