I Think You Put A Spell On Me!

Have you ever said these words to someone? “I think you put a spell on me!” I know I have, a few times over. My response to this question has usually been, yes! Hell yes, you put a spell on me. Otherwise, how would I explain my weird-ass behavior? For example, that day when I said “I love you” after knowing him for 2 months or that time I emailed a three-page letter explaining how my feelings for him are real after he said it must be lust.

I decided to share this because as I grow older I have realized that falling head over heels for someone is nothing to be ashamed of. I recognize I am a person that loves deeply and loves hard. I do not have a middle ground, I either love you or I don’t. Therefore, I often find myself getting so lost in another person that there is no other way to describe it other than being under a spell. In other words, I fall in love easily.

Even when I know it’s not the most prudent situation to be in, I chose to welcome love. The best part of it all is that I love it! I love feeling like I am under a spell. I enjoy every nail-biting moment of it. Choosing to accept love feels like closing my eyes and jumping in the pool in the buff, or like a kid in the candy store that was just given a bag to fill with candy and one hundred dollars.

You put a spell on me

Let me explain what it feels like. What is it that causes me to say “you put a spell on me”? You see, it can be frightening when I think about you and how close I feel to you no matter how distant you are from me. That is when I feel like my heart and soul are bound to you. In other words, you must have put a spell on me. There is no other earthly explanation. You have used your black magic on me. No matter how much I tried to escape it, this spell of yours makes me desire you every waking moment of my life.

I have heard about your kind and never did I believe in all my years that I would fall prey to someone like you, over and over. “I am too smart for that” I would think to myself. I realize now that you are the kind that fills my heart and mind with magic. You have the type of charm that enamors my soul. Unsurprisingly, there are also cons to being under your spell. Your magic gets me so high that I feel I am walking on clouds. Just to leave me desperately floating alone in the air.

As we all know everything that goes up must come down, and it’s a long and frightening trip down from the clouds. Each time you leave, you walk away knowing that no matter how long you are gone, I will be right here waiting for you. I am here waiting because I am forever bound to you. You know you put a spell on me and I wait for you and accept you with open arms when you return.

Yours is a spell that binds

I enjoy being bound to you and for you.

This spell has me bound to you. I am bound to those eyes that sparkle like the stars in the sky while they look deep within my soul. I am bound to that charming smile that causes me to melt each and every single time you flash those pearly whites in my direction. Let me not forget to mention how I am bound to that voice that resonates from my ears straight to my heart.

The truth is that you don’t even have to say a word. Just the thought of you makes me tingle in a manner that no one has ever been able to accomplish. Ohhhhh baby, how I enjoy that sensation so! Just as much as I enjoy being bound to you. It’s a sensation that I want to experience every day for the rest of my life.

My happiness, my excitement, my desire, my fulfillment, are all bound to you. Every aspect of my being is bound to you. My soul, bound to you. My heart, bound to you. My brain, bound to you. The blood that flows through my body, bound to you. I realize that I would move mountains for you. I would hold my breath for you. I would change my world for you. I would have slit my wrists for you. I would even give you my left kidney. All you have to do is make the request. That answer will always be yes! No request is too big or too small so long as it comes from you.

I enjoy being under your spell

Being bound to you has become a way of life for me. Therefore, I have learned to accept being under your spell. I have grown to enjoy the attachment I have to you. It has given new meaning to my life. You have become a part of my existence now. I am no longer alone because your essence is with me wherever I go. Who would have known that I would feel this way about that spell you put on me?

Thank you for that spell that bound me to you.

About the Author

Mari Posa

I am a fun-loving mature woman living my best life and seeking to share like experiences with the world. My goal is to discuss all topics openly and share some secrets. No secret is too great or too small, too wild or too boring, too vanilla or too taboo to be shared here at tinydirtysecrets.com. This is an open forum for all to let loose. LET'S GET INTIMATE

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